White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 642: Zi Zi Zong medicine rubs the Buddha, hateful people must have pity

When I approached the kidnapper Gesang, I found that he was kneeling on the ground, facing the sun and worshiping a small Buddha statue devoutly, muttering something in his mouth.

The kidnapper Kelsang prayed to the Buddha statue very devoutly, and he did not even know that outsiders were approaching, and he continued to worship and pray.

That Buddha statue is like the Plateau Tsa Tsa Buddha. It is carved from the Tantric Medicine Buddha. It is a solemn elephant, blue in color, wearing Buddhist robes, holding a medicine pot in its left hand, and the fearless seal in its right hand. There is a halo, auspicious clouds, and distant mountains behind it.

Speaking of Tsa Tsa Buddha, Jin An is no stranger.


"Why is the size of this Tsa Tsa Buddha different from the orthodox Tsa Tsa Buddha of Tantric Buddhism? It seems to be smaller than normal?"

Suddenly, Jin'an's expression changed. When he saw the obscure Buddhist scriptures surrounding the Medicine Buddha on the Tsa Tsa Buddha, he recognized that this Tsa Tsa Buddha did not belong to the orthodox Tantric Buddhism of Tubo, but came from the Buddhist country of the Western Regions!

It has many similar details to those Tsa Tsa Buddhas he had seen in the Buddhist kingdoms of the Western Regions!

He will never mistake the Tsa Tsa Buddha from the Buddhist kingdom. After all, there are many Tsa Tsa Buddhas that have been destroyed by his hands, such as the Tsa Tsa Buddha who seeks a child, the Tsa Tsa Buddha with red eyes, and the Tsa Tsa Buddha that is happy!

He didn't expect to meet a member of the Free Sect here. What surprised him even more was that this kidnapper Gesang also believed in the Free Sect.

This kidnapper Gesang has many secrets.

Jin An's eyes gradually became colder: "Just in time, I don't know where the Zizai Sect's lair is, and now we even have a guide!"

When the kidnapper Gesang woke up from the prayer ceremony, he did something that surprised Jin An. He actually hugged the Tsa Tsa Buddha and stuck out his tongue to lick it a few times and take a few deep breaths, with a look on his face. She looks very happy and enjoying herself, and even looks much better.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a while, then reluctantly opened his eyes. Ah, a panicked cry sounded, causing the cows and horses not far away who were drinking water to look up.

The kidnapper Gesang was startled by the sudden appearance of a Han Taoist priest next to him. When he saw Jin An's appearance clearly, the expression on his face became even more surprised and startled: "It's you!"

The kidnapper Gesang had a very good memory and could immediately recognize that he had seen Jin An near the Kunlun Snow Mountain. This was also the reason why young Han Taoist priests like Jin An were rare on the plateau.

Jin'an had already seen the face of the kidnapper Gesang, and knew that this man was a ruthless and cunning person, so he said in a cold and unceremonious voice: "I know that you can understand Han people when you are a guide. I asked You, did you get this Tsa Tsa Buddha from the Zizai Sect?"

The kidnapper Gesang originally wanted to pretend to be confused, but when he saw Jin An rubbing the Buddha with his finger unceremoniously and making contemptuous insults to the Buddha, he turned pale with fright and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, saying something He apologized to the blue Medicine Buddha Tsa Tsa Buddha, hoping that the Buddha would not blame him, with a pious expression on his face.

But all this fell into Jin An's ears, just speaking in Tubo language that he couldn't understand.

Jin'an's eyes darkened and he asked twice. Seeing that the kidnapper Gesang never answered his questions and kept kowtowing to Tsa Tsa Buddha to apologize, he took a big step forward and bang!

The scabbard of the Kunwu knife was wiped on the ground and the Buddha was cut into two halves, revealing the inside made of grass, roots, stems and wood ash.

Avenue induction!

A thousand virtues!

"Sure enough, the remnants of heretics who worship the Buddha are using the name of the Medicine Buddha to pretend to be gods! Huh, a little Tsa Tsa Buddha who is not popular, dares to pretend to be gods in front of me! Look at me today, I will crush you to ashes!" Jin An stood up to the kidnappers. Sang's face is trampled to pieces and rubs the Buddha.

This not only crushed the Tsa Tsa Buddha, but also crushed the supreme belief of the Freedom Sect in the heart of the kidnapper Gesang.


"You bastard Han Chinese, this is the Medicine Buddha that has been ordained by His Holiness himself. The Medicine Buddha and His Holiness live in it! I'm going to kill you, bastard! Kill you! Kill you!"

The kidnapper Gesang rushed forward like crazy and tried to fight for Jin An. Well, the strong suffocation made his furious voice stop suddenly. His neck was tightly strangled by Jin An's palm, and his hands and feet were flying in the air, kicking and struggling. He was so depressed that his face turned red.

"Answer my question! Does this Yaocha Buddha come from the Zizai Sect?"

"answer me!"

Jin'an raised the thin kidnapper Gesang with one arm, his eyes were cold and dangerous, making people's scalps go cold with fear and they dared not look at him.

The kidnapper Gesang was still struggling fiercely, but with the little strength he had, in front of Jin An, he was like a cricket shaking a tree or an ant shaking an elephant. Jin An's arms raised in the air remained motionless.

It wasn't until the kidnapper Gesang's eyes turned white, his face turned blue, and he was about to suffocate, his body became cold under the threat of death, and his struggle became smaller, that Jin An threw him to the ground with a bang.

If it hadn't been for the thick grassy lakeside, the kidnapper Gesang would have suffered a bloody head injury from such a heavy fall.

The kidnapper Gesang, who was able to breathe freely again, knelt on his knees, unbuttoned his clothes with his hands, and greedily breathed in every breath of air: "Ahem, cough, cough... This medicine-rubbing Buddha is one that I have wholeheartedly and sincerely served for ten years. I finally met him in person. Venerable Lord, I asked for the Yaocha Buddha from the Venerable and was consecrated by the Venerable. If you destroy the Venerable Yaocha Buddha today, you will definitely not be able to escape the almighty and wise Venerable. The Venerable will definitely not let you go...cough Ahem, it’s useless even if you kill me today, I died for the Zi Zai Sect, and I will definitely be reunited with my wife and daughter in the next life, and together we will become the protector Buddha beside the Venerable, and continue to serve the Zi Zai Sect and the Venerable!"

Looking at the crazy kidnapper Gesang, Jin An frowned and snorted: "I think you took some medicine and rubbed it on the Buddha's head. You haven't woken up yet, so let me send you into the holy lake to wash your quilt." The body and soul are polluted by Buddhist heretics.”


Jin An was not polite and directly lifted the kidnapper Gesang and threw him into the cold lake.

Although it is already summer, this is the melting water of snow-capped mountains, and the climate here is already high and cold. When Gesang the kidnapper struggled to climb ashore, he immediately took off all his clothes. His lips were blue from the cold, and his eyes were dazed. , his pupils were a little dilated, and at this time he finally calmed down for a while.

"What did you say just now that you would reunite with your wife and daughter in the next life and become the protector of the venerable Dharma together? Look at my eyes! Answer me!" Jin An saw that the kidnapper Gesang had calmed down, and he used the "Heavenly Demon Sacred Art" to The demonic calamity awakened the inner demons in the kidnapper Gesang and made him reveal all the truth.

Then he finally figured out all the reasons.

Ten years ago, this kidnapper Kelsang was still an ordinary herdsman. Like ordinary herdsmen like Uncle Dorje Tso, he lived a hard but comfortable life on horseback.

But all of this, his life changed drastically after he met the monks of the Free Sect and became a follower of the Free Sect.

He bought a medicine-rubbed Buddha from the Zizai Sect and worshiped it devoutly every day. No matter whether the cow or horse was sick or a family member was sick, whether it was a serious illness or a minor illness, he only needed to lick a medicine-rubbed Buddha and take a few mouthfuls of medicine-rubbed Buddha to create the "Holy Spirit Buddha" on his body. "Qi", the medicine will cure the disease.

Although this Medicine Buddha has miraculous healing properties, it is also very depleted. Under constant ingestion by humans and animals day and night, the Medicine Buddha gradually shrinks in size and quickly consumes all its "Buddha Qi".

Since discontinuing the "Medicine Buddha", Kaizi Gesang and his family have been feeling uncomfortable. They have no energy to work during the day and cannot sleep at night. Whenever they close their eyes, the figure of the Medicine Buddha appears in their minds. sleep soundly.

He went to the monks of the Free Sect and asked about the reason.

The Zizai Sect congratulates their family for having a predestined relationship with the Buddha, having roots of wisdom, being inspired by the Buddha, and planting karma with the Buddha. It's a pity that the past few decades were unclear, and the wisdom was deceived, and the precious practice time of several decades was wasted in vain. Fortunately, the Buddha in the World did not give up on their family and allowed them to meet the Zizai Sect. Therefore, the Medicine Buddha cannot stop. We must use the Medicine Buddha that has been consecrated by higher Dharma to catch up with the wasted decades and continue to persevere. Practicing will surely lead to positive results and become a Dharma protector beside the Buddha.

Everyone in the plateau believes in Buddhism. When Gesang the Kidnapper heard that his whole family had a predestined relationship with the Buddha, and that he had truly experienced the miracle of the medicine-rubbed Buddha's ability to cure all diseases, he believed it and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It's just that the master used higher Dharma medicine to rub the Buddha's consecration, which consumes a lot of money on the body. But it is rare to meet people who are destined to the Buddha. The Zizai Sect is willing to consume a huge amount of Dharma to help their family achieve enlightenment. However, it requires extra money. .

In this way, the kidnapper Gesang, who firmly believed that he was destined to the Buddha, sold cattle and horses, and led his family to believe in the Zizai Sect. From then on, he could no longer do without the Medicine Buddha, and had to take it and inhale the "Buddha's energy" every day. In order to achieve enlightenment as soon as possible, he began to sell more cattle and horses, and even later sold out all his family property to add money to buy a medicine Buddha that had been consecrated by higher Dharma, in the hope of becoming a Buddha as soon as possible.

The result was that the family was impoverished and had no fixed place to live. They tried to save every penny of their rations just to go to the Zizai Sect to get another Medicine Buddha and continue to dream of becoming a Buddha.

During this period, the kidnapper Gesang's family could not bear the suffering, and their faith was shaken. The monks of the Zizhai Sect said that the suffering a person suffers in this life is closely related to the blessings he will enjoy in the next life. The greater the suffering you suffer in this life, the more likely you will be. The more you suffer from illness, coldness and hunger, the more devoted you are to the Buddha. You are not dedicating your land wealth to the Buddha, but using the short suffering in this life to obtain greater blessings in the next life. The more suffering you suffer in this life, the more sesame oil money you donate to the Buddha, the more freedom you will get in the next life. There are thirty-two freedoms, including freedom of life, freedom of farm and house, freedom of mind, freedom of wishes, and freedom of gold.

The kidnapper Kelsang's family became devout believers in the Free Sect. They saved more rations to buy medicine and pray for the Buddha. Later, due to poverty and starvation, his wife and daughter ate unclean meat and contracted the terrible plague without money for treatment. .

The kidnapper Gesang, who was already possessed by demons, not only did not take his wife and daughter to seek medical treatment, but instead took his wife and daughter to the Zizai Sect to pray for the Zizai Sect to save people. The monks of the Zizai Sect said that the two were not sick but were haunted by demons. They needed to be dedicated to the Bodhisattva and be infused with the Bodhisattva's Dharma in order to save their lives and drive away the demons. The kidnapper Gesang not only did not grieve, but instead took the initiative to dedicate his wife and daughter to the Bodhisattva. He felt that this was a blessing for his wife and daughter, who had achieved enlightenment before him and became a Buddha.

This was seven years ago. He still thinks about being able to reunite with his family in the next life and become the protector of the Buddha.

Jin'an became silent after learning what happened to the kidnapper Gesang.

He didn't know whether to pity the kidnapper Kelsang for his ignorance and belief in Zizai Zong so crazy that he was willing to abandon his wife and daughter, or whether he should cold-bloodedly believe that the kidnapper Kelsang brought the blame on himself and deserved to continue to suffer for the rest of his life.

He finally understood why the kidnapper Gesang's face looked so strange and contradictory when he first saw him.

Lack of money but not greedy for money.

I am short of money every day and my desire is like a bottomless pit, but there is no sign of being greedy for money.

Only then did he realize that the ignorant and stubborn kidnapper Gesang gave all the money he earned in his life to the Zizhai Sect to buy medicine to rub the Buddha, and he dreamed of becoming a Buddha for ten years without waking up. Later, he killed his wife and daughter, and his family was ruined. .

It is said that pitiable people must be hateful, but hateful people also have pitiable qualities. This is the kidnapper Gesang.

After a moment of silence, Jin An glanced at the kidnapper Gesang who looked like he was malnourished for a long time. His body was so thin that he seemed to be blown down by the strong wind on the plateau at any time. He looked like a man of poverty and was shivering in the cold wind. "You know what's going on with you? My eyes were opened by the eminent monk of the Zizai Sect, and the medicine that can cure all kinds of diseases is rubbed on the Buddha. Is it made of some yin material?"

"Do you know why your wife and daughter died in the end?"

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