White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 647: The Buddha of the Free Sect shows his sage: You kill too much, put down the butcher kni


The flying Jin An landed on the open ground in front of the palace, and the Kunwu knife in his hand hit the ground heavily.

With this heavy blow, Kunwu's sword struck out with a horrifying wave of Tao sound and a majestic red flame circle, and even the air showed terrifying ripples to the naked eye.

It's as if there is a Taoist law that wants to break the rules of this space.

The thousand-year-old wooden piles, floor tiles, steps, eaves, and stone beasts in front of the temple were all pushed up layer by layer by the flame circle, lifted off, then collided with each other in mid-air, exploded, and were finally torn into pieces by the flame hurricane. The fragments swallowed up those senior members of the Blackstone clan who tried to escape.

These people felt as if their backs were being struck by a giant hammer in the hands of the giant spirit god. Their bones, flesh, and internal organs were shaken and squeezed. Hot blood was boiling in their bodies. They screamed and vomited blood. They were like fallen leaves in the autumn wind. Slap hard and fly out.

"Head of the clan, please help me!"

"It must be the Third Realm Taoist from Kangding Kingdom's Yujing Golden Tower who has come to kill us. Clan leader, let's go up the mountain and ask for help from the Zizai Sect. Only the Buddha from the Zizai Sect can save our entire Blackstone clan!"

Several seriously injured Blackstone executives happened to be knocked away by the Kunwu sword and flew to Pando. They screamed loudly and cried to Pando for help. These people regarded Jin'an as the third realm from Kangding Kingdom's Yujing Golden Tower. Strong.

Because only that kind of land god can bring such a desperate sense of oppression, be able to stop thousands of troops by one person, and be able to destroy a city or a country with just one person.

It makes people so desperate that they lose any courage to resist.

Unexpectedly, Pan Duo stabbed all the senior officials of the Blackstone clan who cried out to him with a few backhands, killing them in a pool of blood. The faces of several corpses still had expressions of disbelief and shock.

This scene naturally frightened the other senior executives of the Blackstone Clan.

"After today's battle, our Blackstone Clan has been eliminated in name only. No matter whether we die in the hands of you, a master from Yujing Golden Tower, or we become puppets in the hands of the Zizai Sect, our Blackstone Clan is doomed to destruction!"

"But! We, the warriors of the Blackstone Sect, can only die standing up, not kneel down to survive! Look at what kind of waste you have been corroded by the poisonous wine, gold and the Medicine Buddha of the Zizai Sect. Each one of you is greedy for life and afraid of death. , If you don’t fight, you will be soft-footed. How can I still have the courage of my ancestors of the Blackstone clan to carve out such a large area of ​​​​population territory for my clan in the desert Gobi? Rather than letting you become puppets in the hands of the Zizai Sect, it is better to die in my hands today. In the hands of this clan leader, I will reserve the last bit of dignity for my Blackstone clan!"

Pando said it coldly and ruthlessly.

His daughter Dawa, who coughed up blood and fell at his feet, turned pale and begged: "No, don't kill me, father, I am your daughter Dawa. Have you forgotten? When you were a child, you liked me riding on your neck the most. Show me the rise and fall of the eyes of the gods. You like to take me to every corner of Black Rock City. Every time my brother and the others cry and follow behind you and want to ride on your neck, they always get your harshest words. criticize……"

Dawa's eyes were desperate and she begged, begging her father not to kill her. She was still so young and she didn't want to die. People are always so weak and insignificant before death.

"Yes, the years go by so fast. In the blink of an eye, Dawa, you have grown up so much. You have grown from the little princess of the Blackstone clan to an adult. You can take responsibility for the life and death of the Blackstone clan...Daughter, my pearl, you really love me. Have you passed the Blackstone Clan?" Pan Duo looked at Dawa's pale face with kind eyes, and his face showed his father's love.

There were still wet tears on Dawa's face, and she nodded repeatedly: "Dawa was born in the Blackstone clan, and the blood of the Blackstone clan flows in Dawa's body..."

Before Dawa's pleading could be uttered, his father Pando had already ruthlessly pinched his daughter's neck.

It is said that tiger poison cannot eat its seeds.

But at this moment, the Blackstone clan leader showed the ruthlessness of those in power.

Just after he buried his daughter's life with his own hands, his eyes instantly turned cold. It was a cold-blooded ruthlessness that no longer had any care or bond. He pulled a Gabala bone bead from his wrist, and when he crushed the bone bead, After swallowing a drop of blood dripping from the bone bead, the energy in his body began to surge wildly.

It was as vast as a sea of ​​blood and sun fire, an astonishing amount of Qi and blood. This Qi and blood was a drop of blood essence from a strong person in the third realm.

Jin An's expression condensed.

With just one drop of blood essence, the Blackstone clan leader temporarily reached the early stage of the third realm.

However, this is not the real visit of a strong person in the third realm. Although the energy and blood are vast, it is not solid. It is different from the realm that is gained through hardship and practice bit by bit. Although it is tangible, it has no spirit. It seems The energy and blood are as majestic as the sea but scattered and bloated, like a big fat man made from one bite, bloated, clumsy, and not even as condensed as when he was in Little Kunlun Xu.

"Do you know why there are only six major tribes on the plateau, and there are no seven or eight major tribes? Because each tribe has a third realm person in charge. Once a foreign tribe invades the snowy mountains, the masters of the six major tribes will join forces. Let’s fight against outsiders together.”

"If my father is still alive and has not been killed by the Zizai Sect's conspiracy... If my father is still alive... Han Taoist priest, do you think that you alone can really break through our Black Stone City today and be safe and sound? Are you standing here killing my people?"

Pan Duo, the leader of the Blackstone clan, uses his inner energy to transmit sounds. Only Jin An can hear these secrets that have been buried deep in his heart for many years.

"Although the Zizai Sect has been helping the Blackstone clan to find the last patriarch who has been missing for twenty years, they never expected that I have known the truth for a long time. My father trusted the Zizai Sect too much and was killed by the Zizai Sect twenty years ago. Killing, Zi Zong helps to find my father on weekdays, it is just a pretence, just to temporarily stabilize me, the Blackstone clan... And I, Pando, like a snow wolf with hatred in the snow mountain, have been dormant in loneliness and cold, no matter what I dared to tell people the secret in my heart, and I have been waiting for the opportunity for revenge... But I still underestimated the ability of the Zizai Sect to confuse the people. Zizai Zongxu and I thought we were snakes, and worked hard to manage the Blackstone clan, hoping to win for the Blackstone clan. More time to develop and grow, and finally be able to compete with the Zi Zi Sect... But the medicine Buddha sold by the Zi Zi Zong to the tribe is like the king of poisons that can swallow the soul, and can slowly corrode the body of the tribe. and souls, control people's hearts, and plundered the wealth that I, the Blackstone clan, had worked so hard to accumulate over the years, only to make the Zizai sect stronger. Even the nobles of my clan, my son and daughter, knew that the disaster was coming. , seek help from the Zizai Sect instead of picking up a stone knife and fighting to save oneself... Han Taoist priests, can you understand my sadness as if my heart is dead and no hope of revival can be seen in the Blackstone clan?"

Pan Duo, the leader of the Blackstone clan, was like a nagging old man, revealing to Jin An the secrets and hatred he had held back for so many years.

"Taoist priest of the Han people, let me tell you a bigger secret, that is... you are still too young! You shouldn't have given me so much time to digest the blood essence left by my grandfather before he died out of curiosity! You Remember one thing after you go to hell, some secrets you shouldn’t hear will kill you!”

Pan Duo, the leader of the Blackstone clan, was so angry that a huge sea of ​​blood rose up behind him. He raised his sword and struck at Jin'an coldly and ferociously. Wherever his body passed, large gaps opened in the rocks and the palaces collapsed. It was like a hurricane in the sea of ​​blood sweeping across the border. , this is the power of a strong man in the third realm to destroy the world.

"I am Pan Duo, the leader of the Blackstone Clan, a Han Taoist priest. Do you dare to fight with Pan Duo openly and openly?" Pan Duo shouted angrily and came to kill. At the same time, many secret treasures and divine lights lit up on his body, all of which were powerful in the third realm. During his lifetime, the magical weapon carried the aura of the third realm.


The city is as deep as an abyss.

That’s the kind of person you’re talking about.

These superiors have been in power for a long time, and the various capitals are like abyss. They think they are superior, so they play with people's hearts wantonly.

Facing Pan Duo's terrifying attack, Jin An just raised a finger indifferently.

The divine light of Luobao shot out.

Knocked down a divine magic weapon, which was a string of black stone beads worn on Pando's wrist. In the center of the black stone beads was a mummified fetal head that was not yet ten months old.

"I already said it when I killed Black Vajra Dorje in the West Kunlun Mountains. If you only cultivate the physical body without cultivating the mind and soul, you are like an uncivilized beast. Even ants dare to look at the elephant!" The angry shout was like a thunderbolt hitting Pando's ears, making his head buzz, top-heavy, and unstable.

Who would have thought that Pan Duo, the leader of the Blackstone clan, who had swallowed the heart essence and blood of the third realm, and his energy and blood were as strong as the terrifying ocean, and temporarily ascended to the third realm, would be directly dispersed by the soul-destroying bell of the Shangshenjie, and the three souls and seven The soul left the body and fled in shock, just like that, the soul was scattered and died.

In the eyes of outsiders, this scene turned into a life-and-death battle that was about to break out that attracted worldwide attention, but in the end, the leader of the Blackstone clan was scared to death by Jin An's shout.

This scene, not to mention frightening the Blackstone clan leader to death, the other surviving senior Blackstone clan leaders were also frightened to death, and even more desperately fled in the direction of the Zizai Zongfo Temple.

But what they were waiting for was a few rapid sounds piercing the air behind them, and they were all pierced by stones and killed in a pool of blood.


Jin An chopped into pieces the mummified fetus that had been knocked to the ground by Luobao Money.

Avenue induction!

Nine thousand virtues!

The Yin De exceeds nine thousand, indicating that the ability of this divine soul evil weapon is equivalent to the late stage of the second realm. If there is no treasure money, it will never be so simple for him to kill the Blackstone clan leader today.

However, there is also the reason that it is daytime and the strength of the evil weapon is suppressed.

Next, Jin An walked to the fallen Blackstone clan leader. At this time, the body functions of the Blackstone clan leader were still alive, and his heartbeat, body temperature, and pulse were still there. However, his soul could not return to his body within seven days, and his body lacked food and water. , it will also die within seven days.

Jin'an did not have a bad habit of killing. After giving the opponent a good blow, he took away the magical weapons with the most dazzling divine light. As the six major tribes that have unified the plateau for thousands of years, their own heritage is rich enough. The president of the clan for so many years Several strong men in the third realm will be born, and these are the foundation for their long-term rule of the plateau.

Jin An took off the Gabala bone beads worn by the leader of the Blackstone clan on his other wrist. There were still two bone beads in this string of bone beads intact and they were very heavy. He gently shook the bone beads, and there was a sound coming from the bone beads. A dull sloshing sound of liquid.

His eyes were filled with joy. These were the last two drops of blood that the powerful third-level Blackstone clan member left to future generations before his death!

Unexpectedly, the leader of the Blackstone clan still has two drops left!

As for why he didn't swallow it all at once to gain stronger blood energy, he thought about it and figured out the reason.

Even for him to forcibly improve his realm and temporarily reach the third realm, he had to pay a lot of price. This old patriarch, who was old and frail, and whose life functions were beginning to decline, would definitely not be able to refine so much blood essence at once.

On the contrary, it gave him an advantage in the end.

Jin An put away the bone beads and walked to the other side of the palace, where several young serfs with chains around their necks were tied to a row of stone pillars like dog chains.

These are "mounts" for the top brass of the Blackstone Clan to ride.

Jin An broke the iron chain and let these poor people go.

Looking at Jin An who was killed from the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountain of corpses, these "human horse" youths did not have the expressions of fear and fear on their faces like the other Blackstone clan members. Instead, one of the older youths looked a little stumbling. Take the initiative to talk to Jin An.

Jin An couldn't understand the Tibetan language, but fortunately he came to Black Rock City with a guide. He picked up the frightened kidnapper Gesang from the pile of corpses on the stone steps up the mountain. After translating, he finally understood those young people. if.

"We have heard about your various epic legends in the West Kunlun Mountains. You are Jin'an Bodhisattva. Only you and Master Yongcuo are willing to speak for us in the Snow Mountains!" These young serfs looked at Jin'an with something in their eyes. The light was lit, and the eyes looking at Jin An became brighter and more energetic.

They have been willing to accept the oppression of several mountains above their heads since they were born. When they look at Jin An, their eyes are no longer numb, but begin to have more human emotions.

Jin An originally wanted to ask a few words to these young serfs, but just after he killed all the high-ranking members of the Blackstone Sect, and built on a dangerous cliff at the highest peak of Blackstone City, there was finally movement in the Zizai Sect, which had been silent.

The door of the tall and solemn temple was opened, and rows of monks in monk robes walked out of the splendid Zizaizong. Wherever these monks passed, there were golden lotuses growing on their feet, just like Buddhas and Bodhisattvas walking in the world, exercising divine authority on their behalf.

Walking in the front were several strange monks with golden wheels on their backs and several arms, just like the appearance of the Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva described in Buddhist scriptures.

In the center of the monks, a large sedan was carried. Seeing that the sedan was bent, it seemed that there was some heavy and important person sitting inside.

With the emergence of this group of free-spirited sects, the heaven and earth are filled with Buddha energy and Buddha light, making people feel auspicious, peaceful, and holy spirit. It is as if they have landed in the Buddhist kingdom at this moment, and people have a strong desire to take refuge in our Buddha.

"You leave first." Jin An said this to the young serfs.

As for the kidnapper Gesang, he had already knelt down with a fervent expression and kept worshiping. He kept chanting enthusiastically, after so many years, I, Gesang, finally saw the Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva appear again!

"Han Taoist priest, you don't take the Buddha seriously, you are so arrogant and arrogant. This time, even the Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva can't bear to look at it. He appeared in the world to uphold justice and suppressed you, a murderous demon who never blinks an eye! If the Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva takes action, you will be dead!"

The kidnapper Gesang kowtowed fervently and cursed Jin'an.

Jin An looked down at him indifferently.

The kidnapper Gesang was so frightened that he stopped cursing Jin'an and only cursed Jin'an in his heart. He became even more fervent and pious and kowtowed to the monks of the Zizai Sect.

Jin An turned his head to look at the monks of the Free Sect and the remnants of the Baizu people who were pretending to be gods and ghosts, and his eyes became even colder.

He didn't kill enough this time!

The faith in kidnapper Gesang’s heart has not been broken yet!

As long as the faith in Gesang's heart does not fall, the mountain that weighs on the hearts of other people in this land will never fall!

Only by completely destroying everyone's faith in their hearts, and only by exposing the true face of these centipede people and Buddhist heretics, can he awaken the already numb hearts!

At this moment, the earth shook! Thousands of golden lights burst into the sky! It is the resurrection of the golden Buddha statue carved on the top of the mountain! When the golden Buddha, who is more than ten feet tall, turns around, the sky and the earth change color, and the mountain peaks tremble, just like the vast Buddha's light shining on the earth. Wherever the Buddha's light shines, the golden light is brilliant, as if you are in the golden Buddha's kingdom, shocking the world!

At this moment, the dead stone statue came to life, and the Buddha came to the world! Buddha's light shines everywhere!

The Buddha has thirty-two faces, thirty-two arms, and thirty-two legs, symbolizing the thirty-two heavens of freedom that the Zi Zai Sect preaches to the world.

"You are killing too much. Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!" The stone statue of Zizi Buddha with thousands of golden lights opened its mouth and read out the mantra. The sound was like a temple bell buzzing to heaven and earth, affecting the hearts of people for miles around.

The vast Buddha Dharma, like a golden ocean, was weighed down by boundless heaviness. The people in the city were stunned. Gesang, the kidnapper who was closest to the Buddha, was already shaking with excitement. His eyes were so fanatical that he was completely crazy and lost all reason. His mouth was crazy. Said to himself: "It's the Buddha who appears! I finally see the Buddha who is at ease in the world!"

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