White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 655 Do you believe in miracles?

Blackstone City has not been peaceful at all these days, and people are overwhelmed by the mountains above them.

Although that mountain is just one person.

I have been sitting alone on the top of the mountain for several days, but the more silent the mountain becomes, the more invisible oppression hangs over my head, making people panic, suffocating and despairing.

These days, a large number of people have fled from Black Rock City. Most of those who escaped were powerful landowners, nobles and other privileged class people. These people took all their families with them, rode in luxurious carriages, transported large amounts of gold, and escaped in embarrassment. The city was deeply afraid that it would be liquidated, so they did not hesitate to leave behind their farmland, grasslands, cattle and horses, grain, homes and shops, and other property that could not be moved away, and they also wanted to escape from this conquered capital as soon as possible. They are confident that the hundreds of tribes and hundreds of thousands of troops under the Blackstone clan will come back sooner or later, and those industries will return to their hands sooner or later.

Ordinary people who were unable to escape desperately prayed for the Buddha to reappear and the Thousand-Armed Lord to resurrect and recapture Black Rock City for them. However, as the Buddha never responded to their desperate prayers, they became even more desperate and persisted. The faith that had been built for decades was broken and collapsed bit by bit.

When the Buddha is not around.

When the Buddha was pulled down from the altar in front of them.

Knowing that Buddha is not omnipotent or immortal, their faith has lost its direction.





No hope or future can be seen.

The Walking Dead.

It's not that they abandoned their faith, but that the Buddha they had believed in all their lives was killed in front of them. This is Buddha's Day.

But not everyone is pessimistic and despairing. After the remnants of the shocking battle on the mountain have dissipated, there are only a few caravan tea merchants who are brave enough to follow the stone steps up the mountain, cross the mountain of corpses, and approach with food and water. People from Jin'an.

The Kunwu knife was placed across his legs. Jin An, who had been sitting alone, turned his head and looked at Chao Zhao Jinchuan and others: "Aren't you afraid that I am a big devil who kills without blinking an eye..."

After several days without water or sleep, Jin An's voice was rough and hoarse.

Zhao Jinchuan: "Actually, we all understand why you, Taoist Priest Jin'an, came to Blackstone City. In Tucheng, West Kunlun Mountain, we saw it when you saw the young serf who was being used as a dog by the nobles of the Blackstone clan."

Jin An nodded slightly: "Old Zhao, can you do me one last favor?"

"Taoist Master Jin'an, you said it's all fellow countrymen talking so politely about whether to help or not." Zhao Jinchuan agreed without asking what was going on.

Jin'an once saved their lives, and his life-saving grace was as important as a mountain.

Jin An's voice was hoarse: "Take them down the mountain, find their parents and reunite them, and then tell the serfs that they are free, and let them take their families and leave Black Rock City... Things are going to change here soon."

Following Jin An's gaze, Zhao Jinchuan and the others noticed that behind a pile of corpses, there were more than a dozen serf youths who had been malnourished for a long time. These serf youths silently guarded Jin An in this way.

"Okay." Zhao Jinchuan agreed readily.

However, he did not leave immediately, but hesitated for a while and asked carefully: "Taoist Master Jin'an, I heard from the Blackstone clan members in the city who were still unwilling to give up that they had sent people out of the city to ask for help from several major tribes, and soon It will be besieged by all the tribes of the Blackstone clan... You might as well leave with us, you have done a lot, I heard that the tribal warriors from all over the Blackstone clan can form an army of hundreds of thousands..."

Having witnessed Jin An kill the Thousand-Armed Venerable Danba, no one doubted Jin An's strength.

But no matter how strong a person is, he is still just one person.

You can kill a thousand or ten thousand people, but how can you kill hundreds of thousands of people by one person?

Hundreds of thousands of people could fill up all the river valleys just by standing still, and they would not be able to kill them all until the age of the monkey.

It's better to avoid the edge at this time.

In the eyes of others, he is a murderous big devil, but in the eyes of Zhao Jinchuan, Jin An is still the same young man with a warm smile. Jin An smiled at Zhao Jinchuan and thanked him for his kindness. The next moment, he looked at the city with sharp eyes. The clear desert and grassland outside Jingwei: "There is no shortage of superiors like Pando, the leader of the Blackstone clan, in this world. If you kill one Pando today, ten or twenty Pandos will appear tomorrow to control the Blackstone clan. Perhaps these Human character is more cruel and cruel than Pando, and greedy...but someone has to stand up and try to do something."

Zhao Jinchuan was stunned.

A crazy idea came to his mind.

Could it be that... Taoist Priest Jin'an really wanted to stop the ensuing siege of hundreds of thousands of troops by himself?

"Taoist Master Jin'an, there will never be enough people like this in the world to be killed. Manpower... will never be able to withstand the torrent of heaven and earth. In fact, you have done enough."

Huh, let out a breath of turbid air.

Jin An did not continue to explain, leaving only one sentence -

The sea is vast, and no one can fight for the flow. Only by not rejecting the flow can the sea be vast.

Later, Jin An asked Zhao Jinchuan and the others to rescue the serfs and leave Black Rock City as soon as possible. Soon things would change again in Black Rock City, and by then it would be too late to leave.

It was not difficult for Zhao Jinchuan and the others to take the young serfs and find them to reunite with their families. Then they not only released all the serfs, but also searched the houses of serf owners and nobles and burned them, and then loudly announced to the serfs that they were free! The big landowners and nobles who had oppressed people for generations all abandoned them and fled, asking them to leave Black Rock City quickly. A large army was about to come to Black Rock City! Seeing that the bond of sale that had squeezed their ancestors for generations was burned like this, the serfs gathered together in a dark crowd and crowded the streets and alleys. Their eyes were a little dazed and confused, as if they were in a dream, and they couldn't tell the difference for a while. Know which side is reality and which side is fantasy.

They had only dreamed of such things in their sleep, but every time they believed it to be true, they were awakened by the whips in the hands of the serf owners and continued their numb life day after day.

Looking at the serfs standing there blankly with numb expressions on their faces, Zhao Jinchuan jumped to a high place, pointed at the lone figure on the top of the mountain, waved his arms, and roared at the top of his lungs: "Remember! Remember that person deeply. Look like this! It was he who saved you today. It was he who killed Pan Duo and the Master Thousand Hands of the Freedom Sect, burned the deed of betrayal, and let you regain your freedom! When you go out, you must tell everyone on the plateau that Jin Taoist An is not some fucking big devil who kills without batting an eyelid, he is the only one who is willing to kill for the serfs in Black Rock City!"

"His name is Jin An!"

"You must remember his name! Tell your children and grandchildren that there was once a man who fought for your freedom!"

Zhao Jinchuan's roar made these serfs who had been numb for most of their lives, who had forgotten to think because of hunger and cold, turned their numb and unfocused pupils and stared at the only figure on the top of the mountain.


Light slowly appeared in the pupils of some of them, gathering more and more under the sun, and regained some of their humanity.

"It turns out it's really Jin'an Bodhisattva! I'm not dreaming!" Someone cried and knelt on the ground. This person had received favors from Jin'an and the old Taoist priests in the snowy mountains of West Kunlun Mountains.

"Jin'an Bodhisattva!"

"It's really Jin'an Bodhisattva who came from heaven to help us again!"

More numb souls were awakened by Zhao Jinchuan's hoarse voice, and the memories deep in their souls were awakened. They knelt down toward the top of the mountain, cried and kowtowed in gratitude.

It turned out that that person was Jin An Bodhisattva... The other serfs gradually came out of their numbness, and their eyes gradually became brighter when looking at Jin An.

Their relatives and friends who had returned from the West Kunlun Mountains had heard about the deeds of Jin An and his party, which made them see the light again in the darkness, knowing that there were really people in this world who would selflessly help them, serfs who were worse than cattle and horses.

As the light in their eyes became brighter and brighter, the hard-working serfs all over the mountain kowtowed to the figure on the top of the mountain to give thanks. They had nothing, so they could only think of this way to repay the most pious gratitude in their hearts.

Thousands of serfs knelt down in gratitude to one man. What a shocking sight it was.

The soul is shocked.

Those who had previously questioned whether Jin An really came for the serfs now had serious expressions on their faces. They were grateful to be able to be so many serfs. Maybe... he really single-handedly entered Black Rock City and killed these serfs. On the Zizaizong.

At this time, Jin An's voice came from the mountain:

"From today on, you are as free as the white clouds and goshawks on the snow-capped mountains."

"Those caravan brothers will take you out of Black Rock City."

However, these serfs did not choose to leave, not only because their ancestors had been rooted here for generations and had nowhere to go, but also because they wanted to repay their kindness. They already knew that a large army would besiege Black Rock City, and they wanted to stay. I will defend the city with Jin An.

"Jin'an Bodhisattva, this is our home. We are not going anywhere. We want to stay with you and guard Black Stone City."

The serfs' voices were sonorous and firm. At this moment, their eyes were no longer numb and resigned to accept the unfair fate. Instead, they had someone they wanted to protect with all their lives. They looked at Jin'an with firm eyes. Although the shouts were messy, they were still silent. The roar of the tsunami changed the color of the world and moved everyone's face.

Even if this is another dream that is destined to be disappointing after waking up, for the sake of Jin'an Bodhisattva, they are willing to believe that this dream is true again!

When everyone in the city saw this scene, they were all shocked and shook their heads.

"Did I hear you correctly? These cowardly serfs want to resist the ensuing siege by the armies of the Blackstone clan? How can they resist? Do they rely on the hoes, poles and baskets in their hands?"

"Madman! Madman! I finally discovered that the people who stay with that Han Taoist priest are all madmen!"

"Let's ignore this group of lunatics and escape Blackstone City as soon as possible. Such a small number of people will definitely not be able to defend the city with a large army. Even if hundreds of thousands of people stand still and let these people kill them for several years, they will not be able to kill them all. Once the army breaks through The city must be massacred! I don’t want to be buried with these lunatics!”

Those businessmen from other places did not take sides or offend anyone. They were ready to pack up their things and leave the city in a hurry.

But some people refused to leave. They looked at the serfs who had learned to resist fate with complicated eyes: "Do you believe in miracles?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but there was such a person who entered Blackstone City alone and destroyed the Blackstone Clan and the Zizai Sect. Even the Thousand-Hand Venerable of the Three Extremes died in his hands. He is now Stand before me alive.”

"At first, I didn't believe that there could be someone who was not interested in fame or fortune, but who sincerely helped those serfs who had no money to wear. But there was such a person, and now he is standing in front of me alive."

"At first I thought these serfs were just a bunch of ants who didn't know how to resist their fate. They could step on anyone and spit out disgust after they stepped on them. But now they are standing in front of me alive and telling me, They also know how to resist fate.”

"And all this is only because of one person!"

"...So I want to stay and see, and believe in miracles again!"

At this time, the figure on the mountain top once again became the focus of the city.

"I think even you are crazy, just like those crazy merchants in the ancient Persian Empire. They are all crazy and believe in a mortal as a god!" Hearing that his companion wanted to stay, the fellow traveler had no choice but to leave after persuading him to no avail. The companions fled Blackstone City on their own.

And similar scenes were staged one after another in various places in Black Rock City.

People want to witness another miracle.

Witness how that man managed to turn things around in the coming even crazier storm and bring them another miracle!

Among them were caravan tea merchants such as Zhao Jinchuan, who were also moved by the serfs' final burst of courage.

Logically speaking, businessmen should be profit-oriented, and they should do nothing without profit. They only believe in the God of Wealth and interests. And if you mind your own business, you can have a long-term business on the Tea Horse Road. But today, they were greatly touched. Their hearts, which had been silent for most of their lives, seemed to have found a new meaning in life. They violated the rules set by their ancestors and had to take care of this business today.

Zhao Jinchuan raised his head and looked at Jin An's figure, with a carefree smile on his face: "I never thought that our old Zhao family has been scolded as businessmen all our lives. If we pass on the family line to my generation, there will be a hero. This is also a glorious ancestor!"

As soon as Zhao Jinchuan finished sighing, he felt a little headache looking at the enthusiastic merchants from the ancient Persian Empire who stayed to help clean up the corpses.

"Why do I feel that these people have more fighting spirit than those serfs? They are eager to do any job. They even fight to move a corpse or clean up the blood on the ground. It seems that it is an incomparable honor to work for Taoist Jin'an."

Zhao Jinchuan muttered, then stopped one of the people to ask the reason.

The other party looked at Jin An feverishly, and was so excited that he could not speak coherently: "God! Shepherd!"

Zhao Jinchuan had a headache and held his forehead.

At this time, the hearts of the people in the city were divided into three waves. One wave was made up of the landowners and nobles who kept fleeing with their property. Seeing that no one stopped them along the way, more landowners and nobles fled the city; the other wave was made up of those whose faith collapsed. Ordinary people who were unable to escape from the city took to the streets every day to pray that the Buddha could appear again and find their faith again. Another wave of people came with new vitality and firmly supported the serfs, caravan tea merchants, and ancient people of Jin'an. Persian Empire merchants and others.

Everyone is doing their best to prepare for the next bigger storm! Get ready for the dark clouds that will overwhelm your city!

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