White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 660 Buddha and the Terrifying White Shadow

Hearing the rushing footsteps behind me,

Jin An stood up and looked behind him,

I saw a few old monks and a few novice novices running over in a hurry.

They all held brooms and rags in their hands,

The red monk's robe was untied and tied around his waist.

Covered in dust,

It looked like he was cleaning up the messy Renzeng Temple elsewhere. Then he heard the old Taoist priest's cry and hurried over to check the situation.

Before Jin An and the old Taoist priests could ask about the situation, the old monks spoke first. They looked at Jin An with confusion and surprise: "You...are the Taoist Jin An who told us that Master Luo Sang will come to Renzeng Temple to visit him." long?"

"Who is this?"

The last sentence was asked to the old Taoist priest Xiang.

These red-robed monks with typical plateau red faces spoke Tubo. Although Jin An had tried hard to learn Tubo, in the end he had to rely on the translation of the old Taoist priest to understand what the other party was saying.

Jin'an greeted several old monks from Renzeng Temple with clasped fists and bowed: "I am Jin'an, and this is Taoist Master Chen who is accompanying me."


"Master Lobsang also recognizes the white goat accompanying us."

Several old monks and young novice monks from Renzeng Temple were shocked to see the "Snow Mountain Sacred Cow" making a sheep cry. What a strong sheep!

The old monk was stunned and surprised: "Master Luo Sang did tell Taoist Jin'an that he had a snow-capped sacred cow as his mount, but he didn't say it was a... sheep?"

Jin An led him casually, then looked around Renzeng Temple, frowned and asked: "What happened to Renzeng Temple? Why are there only a few people left in the entire temple?"

After listening to the old Taoist priest's translation, the old monks didn't answer yet, but the expressions of the young novice monks who were following the old monk changed first. They all subconsciously looked nervously at the fragments of bricks and tiles at Jin'an's feet and the beach. Pitch black stains.

Paying attention to the changes in the expressions on the faces of the young novice monks, Jin An and the old Taoist priest lowered their eyes thoughtfully at the ruins of bricks and tiles at their feet.

Several old monks saluted: "Taoist Jin'an, Taoist Chen, can you go outside the Buddhist temple to speak? Khenpo and several monks had specially told them not to touch any brick or tile in the Buddhist temple before leaving in a hurry. , don’t mend the holes in the roof, let the sun shine for a few days, and wait until they come back to deal with the affairs in the temple.”

Naturally, the two of them had no objections. After leaving the Buddhist temple, several old monks spoke bitterly about what happened half a month ago.

On that day, several masters and khenpos of Renzeng Temple, who were profound in Buddhism, presented long sutra cloths and golden bodies of Bodhisattvas, and chanted sutras together to suppress the evil corpse.

There are also Buddha statues in the Buddhist temple and lotus lanterns in front of the Buddha's throne to suppress evil corpses.

They originally thought that demons and ghosts would be saved by the Buddha's teachings if they entered the quiet place of Buddhism. Even if they were in trouble, they would be temporarily calm and would not really turn into bones in front of the Buddha.

Just when they thought everything was safe, the next accident caught all the monks of Renzin Temple off guard. At the critical moment of salvation, the horse that had been carrying the evil corpse broke free of the reins like crazy. Losing his mind, he ran into the Buddhist temple and knocked over the golden body of the Bodhisattva and the long sutra cloth, leaving the Buddhist temple in a mess.

Seeing the horse going crazy and breaking into the Buddhist temple, the expressions of several eminent monks of Renzeng Temple changed drastically. Only then did they remember that they had forgotten to deal with the horse that was carrying the evil corpse all the way!

Because the evil corpse turned into bones too quickly and the accident happened too suddenly, several eminent monks hurriedly rescued the evil corpse before asking for the specific situation. However, due to a moment of negligence, the horse broke into the Buddhist temple and destroyed the salvation ceremony.

But the scariest thing is not this. Seeing the ritual being interrupted, a master looked up and looked outside and shouted, "It's bad. It turns out that the sky outside has turned completely dark!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crazy horse had knocked down the evil corpse that was tightly wrapped in the cassock. The evil corpse overturned and the cassock fell. The horse that was still alive just now suddenly exploded like a giant temple, and blood exploded in all directions. The flesh foam polluted the Buddha statues, golden bodies of Bodhisattvas, sutra tubes, sutra cloths, and lotus lanterns... Even several Dharma monks who were responsible for saving evil corpses and ordinary monks standing outside the Buddhist hall were all blown up. Face bloody! The huge explosion also blew a big hole in the roof above the head. In an instant, the heavy downpour outside quickly poured into the Buddhist temple. The evil corpse that was knocked to the ground by the horse was instantly washed away by the heavy rain, revealing the terrifying body. White vagina!

There was chaos at that time. All the lights and candles in the Buddhist temple were extinguished by the wind and rain that leaked in from the roof. In the dark environment, the monks standing outside the Buddhist temple could not see anything. They could only hear the continuous sounds of Khenpo and Khenpo from inside the Buddhist temple. Several masters shouted angrily, and there were also sounds of fighting.

The scene was too chaotic at that time. Everyone was running around like headless flies in the darkness. It was not until another explosion was heard from the roof of the Buddhist temple that the chaos gradually subsided. Several masters came back from outside with their bodies soaked by the heavy rain.

Only then did the monks who stayed in the temple learn that the evil demon that came this time was so powerful that even their khenpo was possessed by a terrifying white shadowy body. They broke through the hole in the roof and escaped from the Rigzen Temple. Several masters chased them out in the rain. , not only failed to rescue Khenpo, but also lost the terrifying white body.

When talking about this, several old monks shed tears sadly: "Kenpo passed away to save us."

"Khenpo didn't want the terrifying white shadow body to escape from Rigzen Temple and cause more evil. Khenpo, who had seen through life and death, sacrificed his body to feed the demons, and took the initiative to let the white shadow body possess him. He wanted to seal the terrifying white shadow body in his body, and then pass away. Eliminate all evil, bring the evil demons with you to see the Buddha, and exchange one life for another. Who knows that the terrifying white shadow body is more cunning than the demon of praise, and uses the dirt peeled off from the body to spread the Dharma, and then takes advantage of the chaos Khenpo escaped from Rigzen Monastery... Several masters chased him out immediately, but in the end they lost Khenpo and the terrifying white shadow."

Several old monks looked sad, and they continued to talk intermittently: "Several masters rushed to rescue Khenpo, and at dawn they brought all the monks in the temple and the man who was rescued by us. The Han people hurriedly left Rigzen Monastery to find the Khenpo and the terrifying white shadowy figure that had escaped."

The dirty body and the terrifying white yin body mentioned by the monks of Renzeng Temple refer to the physical body after death and the human bones that have turned into white bones.

After hearing the whole story, the old Taoist priest's face changed: "Bones are the backbone of heaven and earth, and white bones are possessed. It's like substituting a pillar for a pillar. Little brother, the situation here is probably more serious than we imagined! If Khenpo of Renzin Temple is really being shadowed by white By changing the pillars of your body, you can walk freely during the day, and at night, you can freely break away from your body and replace it with a new body like taking off your clothes!"

He asked several monks of Renzeng Temple with an urgent expression: "Didn't the Han Chinese who were rescued by you tell them their identity and origin? How did they provoke such a thing?"

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