White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 7 Prison

Chang County.


There was a very complex stench mixed in the air.

The stench of sewage, excrement, rancid food...

All kinds of smells mixed together into an indescribable and pungent stench in this damp, dark prison with turbid air.

There is even a rancid smell.

I don’t know if the body of the rat that died in the prison rotted after death.


Magistrate Zhang, who had birds embroidered on his civilian robes, had an angry expression on his face. Under the leadership of the government servants and jailers, he hurried to the deepest part of the prison where the prisoners on death row were held, regardless of the stench in the prison.

"My lord, my lord, save us, save us, there is something evil in this cell!"

"There's something dirty in the prison! Help me!"

"County Magistrate Zhang, please give me a different cell. I'll recruit, I'll recruit. I'm willing to confess to anything. I just want you to give me a different cell! Please Magistrate Zhang, please give me a different cell!"

At both ends of the long corridor with burning torches, pairs of arms stretched out from behind the wooden fence. Prisoners with unkempt hair and stinky bodies were crying and shouting at Magistrate Zhang.

It seemed as if there really was something in this prison.

These prisoners were frightened out of their wits.

"What's going on with these people?"

"Sir, since, ever since Li Dashan died in a strange way, the prisoners in the prison have been crying and shouting to change cells."

The prison head looked flustered and pale and hurriedly explained, desperately trying to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Magistrate Zhang had no time to argue with these people now. He glared at the prison boss and continued walking deeper into the prison.


Led by the jailer, a group of ten or twenty people came to the cell where Li Dashan was imprisoned.

At this time, the cell door had been opened by the jailer.

Li Dashan's death was very strange. Not long after his death, black spots and body spots appeared all over his body. There was a large pool of water stains under his body. However, his clothes were dry and he curled up. He died in pain at the door of the cell.

Li Dashan raised his head high, like a turtle coming out of the water to breathe on a rainy day. His neck was stretched out, and his veins were bulging.

The features on his face were distorted and ferocious, as if he had experienced a lot of pain before his death and struggled for help, but none of the jailers heard what was going on here.

Magistrate Zhang, the county magistrate, several arrestees and government officials were all shocked when they saw someone die in such a strange way for the first time.

Looking at Li Dashan's strange death, it was like the absurd feeling of an old turtle looking at the moon.

The head of the prison, named Sun Fu, has a pair of rat whiskers on his lips.

He is considered a veteran in this prison, and he often plunders money from the inmates in the cell. This is a very lucrative job. On weekdays, Sun Fu was the local emperor in the prison. He was used to being domineering, and no one dared to disobey him.

But now he was in front of Magistrate Zhang, his face was pale and ugly, and he didn't even dare to fart, so he quietly held it back and left. Now he is no longer worried about whether he can keep this lucrative job, but whether he will bear all the responsibility for Li Dashan's death and whether he will survive.

Prison leader Sun Fu was watching Magistrate Zhang with sweat on his forehead. Seeing Magistrate Zhang's expression darken after seeing the strange death of Li Dashan, he hurriedly tried his best to behave in front of Magistrate Zhang, just to avoid this disaster.

I promise to visit ancestral graves during every new year and festival, and no longer stay at the widow’s house at night, so as to leave some good deeds for myself.

"Your Majesty the County Magistrate, we brothers know very well that Li Dashan is important and involved in the major case of private gunpowder hiding among the people, so we have never dared to slack off and refused to allow anyone to visit Li Dashan in prison."

"Lao Qian, Lao Xu and the others never dared to lynch Li Dashan."

"We all understand the priorities involved, so we have been closely guarding Li Dashan."

"Bai, during the day... Li Dashan was fine. Today's prison meal was given by Lao Qian. I can testify to this. At that time, everything was normal for Li Dashan. He could eat, drink, sleep and defecate."

"Moreover, during the two days he was detained in prison, no one was allowed to visit Li Dashan. During these two days, Li Dashan has been detained alone. Except for a few of us jailers, he has not come into contact with any outsiders."

"Yes, but this is where the blame lies..."

"When we delivered meals to the prisoner in You (yǒu) time, everyone was fine and there was nothing abnormal... There was only half an hour in between. In Xu (xū) time, Lao Qian followed the usual practice of inspecting the cells at regular intervals, and then we I heard Lao Qian's screams... When Lao Xu and I ran to Li Dashan's cell door, we saw Lao Qian sitting on the ground in shock, and Li Dashan had died mysteriously in the cell."

"The door of the cell where Li Dashan was imprisoned was locked. There were no other signs of damage to the cell. No one could enter the cell. But the strange thing is that here... Li Dashan died in such a strange way."

The prison boss nervously talked about the whole story.

"Master Zhang, could it be food poisoning?"

"Li Dashan has a lot of involvement behind him. There may be other accomplices who slipped through the net. They were afraid that Li Dashan would confess to them... so they came to kill him and silence him?"

The speaker is the county magistrate.

Upon hearing this, the cell leader hurriedly explained to himself and others: "The food cannot be poisoned in advance. The prisoners in this prison all eat from the same pot."

"If someone really poisoned the food, Li Dashan should not have died alone, but all the prisoners in the prison would have died together. It is impossible for all of these prisoners to survive."

"Moreover, the prison meals are randomly delivered to each prison cell. It is impossible for anyone to know in advance which bowl of food is for Li Dashan and then poison him."

After listening to the words of cell leader Sun Fu, these jailers were indeed fulfilling their duties.

Magistrate Zhang's face was very ugly. He turned to look at the middle-aged head catcher with a sword beside him.

"Captain Feng, did you find any clues while you were in this prison?"

Feng Captou: "For the county magistrate, I have brought him here. How did this man die? Was he poisoned in his food and died of poison? After his autopsy, I believe everything will come to light. I beg the county magistrate. Agreed to allow an autopsy to be conducted."

At this time everyone was standing outside the cell.

No one dared to enter the cell without Magistrate Zhang's personal consent.

"Then let's do the autopsy! No matter what, we must get to the bottom of this matter before the superior comes to pick up the person from Fucheng, so that I can give an explanation to the superior!"

As Magistrate Zhang agreed to conduct an autopsy, among a group of people crowded in the corridor outside the cell, a hunched old man carrying a medicine box became the first person to step into the cell.

The ancients did not have the concept of gloves.

Perhaps because of long-term contact with corpses and the infection of various bacteria on the corpses, the hands of the operator have a lot of scars and thick sores. These are healed and infected, and infected and healed again. The hands are scarred repeatedly. .

The air in the prison was stagnant and smelly. With so many people crowded together, it was difficult for everyone to breathe.

But no one dared to complain at this time.

Even if my legs and feet were numb after standing for a long time, I could only quietly lift my buttocks and continue gritting my teeth.

After this excruciating wait, the autopsy finally yielded results.

"According to the county magistrate and Chief Feng, Li Dashan's death was not caused by poisoning, but by drowning. What's strange is that although there are spots on his skin, his internal organs appear to have been dead for less than an hour. "

"Died by falling into the water and drowning?" Everyone was stunned.


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