White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 698 Three Coffins

When the Song family heard that someone was coming to deliver their daughter's coffin, their faces were livid with anger.

"What did you say!

"Someone is here to deliver the coffin!"

Song Haichuan was furious: "Knowing that my daughter is mourning today, these people still dare to make fun of my daughter. They are simply bastards!"

"Nonsense!" Even the elder of the Song family was so angry that he hit his cane hard.

Then he glared at the servant who was trembling with fear, and shouted sternly: "Why are you still standing there stupidly? You should bring a few people and drive them away immediately! Our Song family has enough things to do today, and we have no time to go any further. Deal with these charlatans!”

How could the entire Song family not be angry when something like this happened? Everyone respects the deceased, and no one, no matter how badass, would make fun of the deceased. This has touched the bottom line of human nature, especially since it is related to the honor of Song Zhizhi.

"Yes, yes, yes...I will immediately lead people to drive away those troublesome Taoist priests." The servant, who was sweating profusely from being scolded, hurriedly called a few guards to go down the mountain to drive away the people.

At this time, the old housekeeper of the Song family suddenly came out and called to the servant: "Ah Fu, which Taoist temple did you just say those two Taoist priests came from?"

The old housekeeper of the Song family wanted to confirm again.

Servant: "Go back to the housekeeper, they claim to be from the Five Zang Taoist Temple."

Old housekeeper: "One of their surnames is Jin and the other is Chen?"

The servant lowered his head: "Well... I was in a hurry and forgot to ask just now."

The old housekeeper asked again: "Those two Taoist priests are one old and one young. The old one is about fifty years old and the young one is in his early twenties?"

Hearing this, the servant looked at the old housekeeper in surprise, and said, yes, it is them: "Butler, do you know the Five Zang Taoist Temple? Do you know these two Taoist priests?"

"Afu, please stay here for now. I'll go and have a few words with the master." After the old housekeeper finished speaking, he walked over to Song Haichuan and whispered a few words.

Song Haichuan looked puzzled: "Is this really true?"

The old housekeeper nodded.

The old housekeeper has served three generations of the Song family and has won the trust of Song Haichuan. Song Haichuan frowned and thought for a moment, and then ordered the servant named Ah Fu: "Invite the two Taoist priests."

Watching the servants leave in a hurry, the funeral procession gathered in front of Miss Song's grave began to buzz with discussion. They all speculated what the old butler had said to make the head of the Song family change his mind so quickly.

"Wuzang Taoist Temple...why does this name sound so familiar? Have you vaguely heard of it somewhere?"

"Huh? When you mentioned it like that, I also felt a sense of familiarity, but I just can't remember where I heard it..."

As they waited, the buzz in the funeral procession grew louder and louder.

"Today is the day when Zhizhi is buried. Someone is delivering the coffin to Zhizhi. I don't know if they are looking for trouble. They just point at our Song family and say they are here to pay their last respects. I really don't understand why the uncle tolerates this kind of thing." People, and they plan to take the initiative to see each other." A junior from the Song family muttered.

"Don't say you can't figure it out. Even all of us have figured it out. We don't know what the chief steward just said to our uncle, which made him change his mind so quickly... Third steward, how close are you to the work contact with the chief steward?" At most, have you ever heard the butler mention the Five Zang Taoist Temple?"

Several junior members of the Song family looked at the person known as the third housekeeper.

The third steward's real name is Shi Baocheng. Although he is a steward, he is also a servant and has not yet been given a surname by his master.

The chief steward was given a surname by his master and was a servant of the Song family. The servant was mainly responsible for all affairs of the family and the inner court. If you win the trust of the master, you can also manage the business with the master and manage the gold and silver money. This is the main difference between internal servants and external servants.

The third butler has a beard, likes to bend down when talking, and always has a flattering smile on his face. This kind of person is good at flattery and smoothness in dealing with people. He is commonly known as a market person and has too much of a philistine vibe. When asked, the third butler bends down to please. He said: "Mr. Jin, what you are saying is a bit embarrassing for me. Although I am the housekeeper of the Song family, I am just a man who leads the young master and young lady's horses. He also manages two servants and maids who can be counted on the palm of my hand." An external servant who can't even get close to the master is nothing compared to an internal servant like the butler. How can the butler interact with low-status people like us?"

Just as these young ladies were holding Shi Baocheng, the third housekeeper, and continuing to ask questions, the servants who had gone down the mountain had already brought two Taoist priests, one old and one young, up the mountain. The older Taoist priest was still holding the head sheep in his hand, and the sheep was pulling him. A large cart with things stacked on it but it was tightly covered with cloth at the moment.

This pair of old Taoist priests and one young Taoist priest went to the Song family to deliver the coffin early in the morning, but ended up missing the old Taoist priest and Jin An.

"Fu Sheng Boundless Heavenly Lord, we finally caught up. Fortunately, Miss Song and Miss Caixia haven't been buried yet, otherwise the case would have been finalized and lost in the sea." Before he even got close, the old Taoist priest saw the front of the cemetery. The white coffin said happily.

When the Song family heard this, they immediately aroused dissatisfaction and scolding, and did not look good on the old Taoist priest. The old Taoist priest also knew that he had made a mistake because he was too excited, so he immediately shut up.

"Old housekeeper, we meet again."

"These are Mr. Song and Mrs. Song. Please express my condolences about Miss Song."

Jin An first clasped his fists at the old housekeeper, and then turned to clasp his fists at the graceful Mrs. Song Haichuan.

Song Haichuan still had some grudges about delivering the coffin, and was very wary of Jin An and the old Taoist priest. He did not respond to Jin An's initiative to greet him. Instead, the chief steward of the Song family was responsible for passing on the message: "Sure enough, it is Jin An." Taoist priests An and Chen Dao, I have met these two Taoist priests."

The chief butler of the Song family quickly returned the favor with fists in his hands. People still respect Taoist priests very much.

After each other saluted, the chief steward asked doubtfully: "I heard that the two Taoist priests are coming to deliver the coffin to our young lady. Is this possible?"

Jin An nodded: "It is indeed true. To be precise, I delivered three coffins today."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar everywhere.

"Isn't my cousin Zhizhi going to be buried today? Why are there three coffins? Did the Taoist priest say something wrong?"

"Could this Taoist priest predict in advance that two more people from our Song family will die today?"

As soon as this man finished speaking, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people who said angrily: "Bah, bah, bah, good luck. Don't say such unlucky words in the graveyard!"

"If we really want to kill someone, I will kill you first, you, a guy who talks nonsense like a woman!"

At this time, another weak voice sounded in the crowd. As soon as this person said it, everyone was so frightened that the muscles in the corners of their eyes twitched. They all closed their mouths and did not dare to answer the words. He said: "Cousin Zhizhi is a person, but Including the uncle and aunt, there are exactly three coffins. Maybe the Wu Zang Taoist Temple is really here to give the uncle and his family their last moments..."

This man just started chatting to death. Everyone stopped paying attention to him, and everyone craned their necks to look at Jin An curiously.

"Presumptuous!" Song Haichuan was furious. He didn't call the servants to drive them away on the spot. He had already restrained himself.

"You said you sent three coffins, but I want to ask who you are sending them to!"

Jin An replied neither humble nor arrogantly: "We were entrusted by others to send two newly nailed coffins to Miss Song and Miss Caixia who were killed."

This was the reason why Jin An wasted his time and arrived late. There were not that many white coffins in the coffin shop. He had to find someone to customize two more white coffins, but when he arrived at the Song family's house, he found that Miss Song had already gone to the funeral. And because the servants of the Song family refused to reveal the location of Miss Song's grave to outsiders, they asked someone to find out along the way and finally caught up.

Song Haichuan snorted coldly: "There is already a coffin. If you don't bother, who is the other coffin for?"

Jin An: "It's for the pig butcher Tie Shuan from the sixth household in Alley 5, Jiutan Street, Shengpingfang, south of the city."

As he spoke, he lifted up the cloth on the cart mountain, revealing three coffins, one yellow and two white.

At this moment, the gunpowder barrel was ignited, and all the Song family members present exploded. They all came in anger and waved hoes and hatchets to kill Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

"No wonder something happened to our Song family today. It turns out it was you, a monster, who was deceiving the public with your lies and even carried the murderer's coffin to my cousin's grave. How could my cousin die in peace!"

If it weren't for the old housekeeper of the Song family blocking Jin An and the old Taoist priest, these excited people would have already greeted the two with hoes, hatchets, and poles in their hands.

Even though the old housekeeper had a good impression of Jin An and the old Taoist priest, he frowned at this time: "Taoist Master Jin An, although you burned incense and paper money for our lady yesterday, today is the day of our lady's funeral and burial. Isn't it too much to say this? Your behavior today not only made our young lady die in silence, but also dug out the hearts of the old man and his wife who gave the white-haired man to the black-haired man, and once again put them on the fire to be roasted. You are like this …Hey, it really shouldn’t be!”

"Why bother talking to them? People who make fun of and insult the dead like this should be beaten to death!" The crowd in the Song family was excited, and their eyes were as angry as spitting fire.

Jin An was fighting with hundreds of people, and his momentum was not weak: "You keep saying that you want to seek justice for Miss Song and let her rest in peace, but have you ever asked Miss Song what she thinks?"

It was okay that Jin An didn't explain, but this explanation ignited the barrel of explosives. The Song family became angry and cursed Jin An for being immoral. How could he talk even if he was dead?

At this time, the old Taoist priest stood up and engaged Jin An in a verbal battle with hundreds of people: "The rope broke and the coffin fell to the ground. What do you think this means?"

"Fellow Taoists, ordinary people may not know what this means, but you should know it, right?"

The old Taoist priest looked at the middle-aged Taoist priests.

As early as on the way up the mountain, Jin An and the old Taoist priest had heard the servants of the Song family talk about the strange things that happened along the way.


Several Taoist priests looked hesitant for a moment, but still answered truthfully: "When the coffin fell to the ground, the grievances were difficult to calm down. Either someone was killed, the grievances were too heavy, or there were unfulfilled wishes, unfinished business, and did not want to be buried."

The old Taoist priest was aggressive: "What will be the consequences if the burial is forced?"

The other party did not hide anything and replied solemnly: "In less than a month, the corpse will definitely transform! At least it will affect the feng shui of the ancestral land, such as tree roots rotting, and no matter how big the family fortune will be, it will quickly wither. At worst...kill all immediate relatives, that is Because they are connected by blood and because they retain the most memories of their loved ones, zombies will look for their relatives first or the murderer first and then their relatives."

These words frightened the Song family members who were present. Everyone stepped back and made a large area of ​​​​open space. They stopped shouting and killing Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

Seeing that people were panicking, the Taoist priests explained: "We just asked Mr. Song and Mrs. Song if Miss Song had any unfulfilled wishes during her lifetime. Mr. Song and Mrs. Song both said no, so we senior brothers discussed it. Excuse me, today is not the right time to bury Miss Song, so I am going to take Miss Song back to the mourning hall first."

The old Taoist priest said: "Fortunately, several fellow Taoists were sensible and did not rush to bury Miss Song, otherwise this huge injustice would really have been finalized!"

The Taoist priests frowned: "What do you mean by this, fellow Taoist?"

At this time, Jin An pushed aside the crowd blocking the way and walked to Miss Song's coffin that fell on the ground. He placed his palms on the coffin lid and expressed regret: "I know the pain in your hearts, and I also know that you are complaining about the butcher. I also know that the pig butcher has been wronged by the world, and the truth of the case has never been revealed. There is nothing sadder than the loss of heart..."

"So, today I brought the pig butcher to see Miss Song and Miss Caixia. I just want to redress the injustice of the pig butcher, and I also want to catch the real culprit for Miss Song and Miss Caixia. Evil will be rewarded, isn't it? The time has not come yet if you don’t report!”

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Everyone present was stunned by Jin An's words, and their scalps were numb.

Isn’t the pig butcher the real murderer?

Is there someone else who is the real murderer?

Was the pig butcher wrongly framed?

Thinking of this, an electric current rushed from the tailbone to the forehead, and someone in the crowd exclaimed: "I remember the Five Zang Taoist Temple! Not long ago, in the case of a poisonous woman who had three lives in one case, two Taoist priests came to the door with a coffin and captured her. To the real culprit!"

Being said this, the Song family crowd caused even greater commotion, and more people remembered this incident, which had caused quite a stir a few days ago.

What happened next made everyone even more convinced. Jin An lit three incense sticks and inserted them into the gap in the coffin lid of Miss Song's coffin. Green smoke curled up and burned evenly. Jin An talked to the dead person and got Miss Song responded.


The crowd roared louder and stared in disbelief.

Even the Taoist priests showed solemn expressions: "It seems that Miss Song does have a grievance to complain about."

"Taoist Master, you are saying that the real murderer of my daughter is still at large!" Song Haichuan was shocked and angry. At this time, his attitude towards Jin An had greatly changed. This time he changed his name to Taoist Priest.

"I hope the Taoist Master will tell me who is the real culprit who killed my daughter, so that both of us can give her an explanation!" Song Haichuan's attitude towards Jin An had greatly changed at this time. He bent down and clasped his fists, facing Jin An An and the old Taoist priest made a grand ceremony.


"Miss Song, you are also a kind-hearted person. You remember that the pig butcher refused to be buried in peace. It's a pity that the beauty is so unlucky. Don't worry, I will be with you in everything." Jin An gently patted the coffin lid again, as if comfort.

Then he turned around and looked around at everyone present, and finally looked at Song Haichuan: "Boss Song, there should be an ice cellar for storing fruits in the Song family, right?"

Although it was unclear what the Song Family Ice Cellar had to do with catching the real murderer, after years of ups and downs in the business world, Song Haichuan quickly put away his grief and calmly answered: "Yes, in order to prevent the fruits from being stained with the smell of meat, we ensure that the fruits are safe With a sweet taste, our Song family has a total of three ice cellars."

Jin An asked again: "Can everyone enter the Song family ice cellar?"

Song Haichuan shook his head: "No."

Jin An: "If someone goes in and out of the ice cellar and takes away ice cubes, is there an account book to record it?"

Song Haichuan nodded firmly this time: "That's natural. It's not easy to make ice in an ice cellar and it costs a lot of money. However, there is an account book to record every entry and exit of my Song family ice cellar at all times."

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