White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 700 He just wants to save people

Just when Boss Song was asking about Jin An, several special guests came to visit the Song family. It was the head catcher Wang Donglin who came to the Song family with several government servants.

Boss Song frowned and asked his servants to bring someone over.

"I've met Boss Song and Mrs. Song. Please give me my condolences about Miss Song." Wang Baotou, who was tall and strong, said hello and then looked at Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

He cupped his fists and said politely: "I guess these two are the Taoist priests Chen and Jin'an of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple mentioned in the market, right? Sure enough, the folk rumors are true, Taoist Chen is an immortal, and Taoist Jin'an is heroic and full of energy. At first glance, he is a martial artist. Master, Mr. Wang has admired the names of these two Taoists for a long time."

This last sentence is not a polite comment. For a catcher who lives in the yamen in the south of the city, any major or minor case in the south of the city will have to be reviewed and signed by several catchers before being reported to the county government for review and then reported to the government yamen. Master Yin's review, if it involves a life case or a major case, it will be reported to the Capital Criminal Investigation Department for review.

It is precisely because of these procedures that Mr. Wang has known about the Tian family case for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has been a famous person for a long time.

The old Taoist priest had a soft ear. When he heard someone praising his immortal spirit to his face, he immediately straightened his Taoist robes, coughed dryly, and greeted the king with a serious fist and his head.

The old Taoist priest has a good appearance, but usually he looks very wretched when he is not serious. But once he becomes serious, he does have the spirit of immortality and the aura of an ethereal fairy.

At this time, the chief steward of the Song family brought the third steward Shi Zhiping.

The third housekeeper was brought here by Wu Hua Da, and he struggled all the way.

"Master, the third housekeeper has been found. When we found him, he looked panicked, as if he was planning to escape from the Song family." The chief housekeeper of the Song family reported the entire arrest process to Song Haichuan truthfully.

Before everyone could interrogate Shi Zhiping, the third housekeeper of the Song family raked his hands when he saw Song Haichuan and cried out: "Master, you must make the decision for me. I accidentally slipped and fell when I was on the mountain. My robes were dirty, I just wanted to go back to my room and change into clean clothes, but the housekeeper broke in and tied me up for no reason!"

"Okay, don't yell for now. I will take care of the housekeeper's affairs myself. Let me ask you, did you go to the ice cellar to get a large amount of ice stones on March 1st? You can think about it carefully before you answer. I have Mr. Warehouse here. The account book." Song Haichuan raised the account book in his hand, his eyes flashing with a dangerous cold light, and he had no intention of letting anyone loosen his grip.

The third butler Shi Zhiping first glared at the first butler unconvinced, and then nodded to Song Haichuan: "If I tell you, sir, this is indeed the case."

Song Haichuan: "Do you know that it is not easy to store these ice stones? What is the purpose of taking away dozens of kilograms of ice stones at a time? Where exactly did they go? Answer truthfully!"

The third housekeeper Shi Zhiping suddenly knelt down, lowered his head and apologized: "Master, I made the decision on my own. If you want to punish me, just punish me. Don't punish Ding Huyuan and the others!"

"I passed by the martial arts field during the day and saw that Ding Huyuan and the others were bruised and in unbearable pain while practicing martial arts. They had to continue patrolling at night to protect the tranquility of the Song family, so I felt soft-hearted and went to the ice cellar to get some blackened and discarded ice stones. Send it to Dinghuyuan to reduce swelling and blood stasis."

At this time, a sturdy nurse stood up and testified for Shi Zhiping, the third housekeeper, that during the day of March 1st, he indeed brought a lot of ice stones to these warriors to reduce swelling and blood stasis. The brothers were very moved that day, and were worried that the third housekeeper would be scolded by the master. The third housekeeper said that these ice stones were contaminated and dirty, and were no longer suitable for refrigerating fruits, raw meat, and would have to be discarded sooner or later. Hearing this, they were very worried. It was the discarded ice stones that they dared to use to apply ice to the bruised area.

Regardless of what the third housekeeper and Ding Huyuan said, it was recorded in the warehouse account books that the ice stones taken by the third housekeeper that day were indeed contaminated and discarded ice.

Song Haichuan did not blame the third housekeeper and Ding Huyuan for this matter, but turned to look at Jin An: "Taoist Master Jin An, do you have anything to ask?"

Song Haichuan frowned slightly.

Jin An nodded to Song Haichuan, picked up the account book again, and walked to Ding Huyuan: "According to the registration in the warehouse account book, the ice cubes that the third housekeeper took from the ice cellar that day totaled about thirty kilograms. Ding Does the nursing home know how big the volume of thirty kilograms of ice is? Are you sure that the ice cubes that the third housekeeper gave you to ice your wounds that day weighed about thirty kilograms?"

"This..." Ding Huyuan replied that the ice cubes given to them by the third housekeeper that day had been crushed, and there were many people applying ice that day, so the specific amount could not be confirmed.

"However, if I think about it now, the ice stone that day should not have weighed thirty kilograms..."

Jin An nodded, thanked Ding Huyuan for his answer, and then looked at the third steward Shi Zhiping: "Third steward, can you explain where the remaining ice stones went?"

The third housekeeper of the Song family cried out his injustice on the spot: "Ding Huyuan, you have to speak with your conscience. When I saw my brothers were injured, I kindly brought ice stones for you to apply ice on, but you said that I was greedy for those ice stones!"

The third housekeeper looked at Song Haichuan: "Master, I really didn't covet any of the Song family's property. I really gave all the ice stones that day to Ding Huyuan and the others! Besides, those are dirty ice stones. I brought them There is no point in hiding it privately, and it is not easy to store ice stone. It will disappear in a day and a half. You have to dig several feet deep into the ground and seal it with good cotton to keep it warm. None of my servants have the conditions to dig and store ice. ah!"

Jin An: "When did I tell Third Butler that you were greedy for ink and stone?"

The expression on Shi Zhiping's face, the third butler's, froze and he stopped defending himself. He lowered his head and kept kowtowing, shouting that he was wronged and hiding the expression on his face.

"Ordinary people really don't have the conditions to store ice stones. Even if they are sold to restaurants, no one is willing to accept these contaminated ice stones for fear that the meat and vegetables will be stinky from the freezing, but..."

Jin An stared at the third housekeeper who kept lowering his head to hide the expression on his face: "But you can use it to blame others, secretly hide Miss Song and maid Caixia to the pig butcher Tieshuan's house, and then use those ice stones to block them Let the door latch fall by itself, and spread hay on the ice stone to cover up the first point of fire to create a perfect secret room murder!"

As soon as this statement came out, the guests at the funeral banquet were all in an uproar. Is there really something hidden behind Song Zhizhi's death?

Jin An looked at the third housekeeper who kept his head down, and continued: "Actually, this case is not complicated. What is complicated is that most southerners have never seen snow and ice stones, and their thinking is limited. It is difficult to kill people on ice stones." Think about it!"

Jin An explained several doubtful points he found at the pig butcher's house one by one, which shocked everyone. Everyone showed expressions of surprise and astonishment. They did not expect that a secret room murder could be carried out in this way.

As Jin An said, this case is not complicated. If the ice melts, it will lose its support. If the hay is wet and then burned, a large amount of thick smoke will rise and make people suffocating. These are common sense, but due to the restricted geographical environment, People's thinking is limited. Without Jin An's awakening, no one would take the initiative to think of these things.

"It turns out that using these common sense of life can create a perfect secret room murder."

"It was Taoist Jin An who observed carefully first, and then he later thought of the murder in the Bingshi secret room. Taoist Jin An is not only well-informed, but also has a delicate mind and a flexible mind."

"Yes, Taoist Master Jin An is really a god. With so many details and clues in front of me, even if I scratch my head, I will never associate them with the murderer."

The guests present discussed among themselves and praised Jin'an.

But among so many people, there are also some dissatisfied voices: "You have mythologized that little Taoist priest too much. It is too early to draw conclusions now. So far, it is all Taoist Jin'an's guess, and the third housekeeper hasn't spoken yet." ."

The catcher Wang Donglin closed his eyes and recalled the scene of the fire. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Jin An with admiration: "Taoist Master Jin'an did not lie. There are indeed these suspicious details in the pig butcher's house that was reduced to ashes by the fire."

Just thinking about it again, Capt. Wang remembered many details of the scene. Being able to sit in the position of Capt. is not only good at martial arts, but also has rich experience in handling cases, excellent memory, carefulness and patience, all of which are indispensable.

"I feel ashamed to say that even though I discovered these details that day, I didn't think too deeply about it. Today, I got a reminder from Taoist Master Jin'an, and it was like an enlightenment. The idea of ​​​​the case suddenly became clear."

"The method mentioned by Taoist Master Jin'an can indeed create a perfect secret room murder. It seems that Wang, I, has indeed solved a huge injustice case and let innocent people take the blame for the real murderer." Afterwards, Mr. Wang said Face ashamed.

In terms of handling cases, Wang Captou has a higher prestige than Jin An. With Wang Captou's approval, Shi Zhiping's accusation was confirmed. Shi Zhi, the third housekeeper of the Song family who had always lowered his head so that no one could see the expression on his face, began to shout out the injustice and resist: " You devil, stop spitting blood here, the Song family treats me well, what reason do I have to harm Miss Song!"

"For the three thousand taels of ransom!" Jin An's eyes were cold.

"Thieves have their own ways. People in the green forest only seek wealth, not life. They do not rob scholars, women, children and the elderly. Not only did you break the rules of the green forest, you were also so ruthless and dishonest. After receiving the ransom, you chose to kill brutally in order not to reveal your identity. Kill Miss Song and put the blame on innocent people."

Shi Zhiping, the third housekeeper, looked at Shang Jin An's cold eyes, his heart trembled, and he was afraid. He subconsciously avoided and did not dare to look directly.

Although he didn't dare to look directly at Jin An, he still resisted: "You keep saying that I kidnapped the young lady, and then framed the girl and set her on fire to kill someone. Do you, do you have any evidence? Don't stand here and spray blood without evidence!" Moreover, Wu Zuo has also examined the body and found that the pig butcher had neither external injuries nor was he beaten unconscious or restrained. How could he just sit back and let outsiders break into his house and set up so many traps!"

"Master, you must make the decision for me! The butcher Tieshuan often delivers meat to the Song family. He is greedy for the beauty of the young lady and has long planned to kidnap the young lady. Moreover, many people saw the butcher carrying pigs that day. The house brought pork and knocked the young lady down. It must have been that time that made this guy take notice of our young lady! This kind of rough country man comes from a humble background and can't do anything. If he kills too many pigs, he will become more murderous. Change it to Killing people is normal for people like them!" Shi Zhiping, the third housekeeper, squeezed out a few cracks in his eyes and cried to Song Haichuan for being wronged.

"Shut up! A person like you deserves to call Tieshuan by his first name!" Seeing that the other party was still slandering the pig butcher at this time, Jin An's head became angry and interrupted the third housekeeper's ugly performance with a cold shout.

"You keep saying you want evidence, okay, I will convince you today!"

"Boss Song, you must have suspected that there is a mole in the Song family, right? Otherwise, Boss Song would not have ordered all entrances and exits to be blocked as soon as he returned to the mansion, and no one was allowed to go out."

Jin An did not immediately produce evidence, but first asked Song Haichuan.

Song Haichuan angrily glared at the third housekeeper Shi Zhiping, who was kneeling on the ground crying and complaining. Thinking of his daughter's tragic death, being burned alive by the fire, his heart ached and he could not speak, so he asked the first housekeeper to answer on his behalf.

The head butler of the Song family looked coldly at Shi Zhiping, who killed the young lady, and replied: "The day after the young lady disappeared, we saw that we received a blackmail letter thrown into the Song family by the kidnappers. While reporting it to the official, the master launched an attack on the Song family in Jiangzhou Mansion. All the connections and power of all the people. The master said that the young lady had just disappeared for a day, and the target was huge. The kidnapper could not take people out of the city so quickly. The kidnapper and the young lady must still be in the city. The old man strongly suspected that the person who kidnapped the young lady was probably someone from the Song family. A ghost committed the crime, because the Song family is the fastest and most accurate person to know the miss's daily whereabouts, so the master asked me not to alert the snake first, but to secretly investigate everyone in the house, including the third housekeeper."

Shi Zhiping, the third housekeeper who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to Song Haichuan repeatedly, heard this. His shoulders shook violently and his kowtow movement paused slightly. Although he quickly covered it up and continued to kowtow and cry out, many people present noticed this. detail.

The first housekeeper continued: "Just when I found out about the third housekeeper and got some clues, I found out that the day when the young lady went out to buy rouge and disappeared, someone saw the third housekeeper near the rouge shop. I just got some clues in the investigation. I just came back. The government reported this matter to the master, and as a result... something happened to the young lady that day, and she was burned to death in a fire."

Speaking of Miss Song's murder, the butler's eyes turned red and his face looked sentimental.

"It seems that the real murderer is very cunning. He found out that he had been suspected, so he rushed to kill people and put the blame on others." Jin An looked grim.

"Captain Wang, I'm trying to deduce what happened that day. If I make any mistakes, please let me know..."

Jin An walked a few steps and told the story: "There was a murderer who was wanted by the government. He committed a crime in the north. After being wanted by the court, he fled all the way to Jiangnan. But after he fled to Jiangnan, he did not restrain himself, but became very angry. Quickly set your sights on a new target, use a false name to infiltrate the Song family, and after gaining the trust of the Song family, plan to kidnap the Song family and demand a huge ransom."

"That day, the kidnappers successfully kidnapped Miss Song and the accompanying maid Caixia according to their original plan. But what he didn't expect was that Boss Song had been in the business world for many years. He was calm when faced with problems. Instead of panicking, he mobilized his connections in Jiangzhou Prefecture and searched for them all over the city. Miss Song's whereabouts, and direct suspicion that there was a mole in the Song family, this wanted criminal who had sneaked into the Song family was confused when faced with an old gangster like Boss Song. He was afraid that his identity would be exposed if he delayed any longer, so he took the risk and thought of framing her. Whether it’s the life experience of the pig butcher or the scene where the pig butcher once knocked down Miss Song, many people know that such a person is the best scapegoat.”

"That day, he took advantage of the butcher's stall during the day and was not at home. He secretly moved Miss Song and his maid Caixia to the butcher's house, and secretly hid them in the butcher's house waiting for the butcher to come home."

"The pig-killer didn't know that a well-planned conspiracy had targeted him. He pushed the door open and entered the house unprepared. He was stabbed into the brain with an ice needle from behind and passed out. This is why Wu Zuo was in The cause of the wound on the butcher's body could not be found, because the wound was under the scalp and was only the size of a pinhole. If one were not convinced that the butcher was innocent and carefully searched the skin inch by inch, it would be easy for people to overlook the needlehole wound after the ice needle melted. ."

"It's just that the murderer didn't expect that the pig butcher had a strong constitution and was not choked to death by the thick smoke he had arranged in advance. When the ice needles melted, his body felt the pain of the fire. The pig butcher woke up from coma and found that the house was on fire. The thick smoke in the house choked his nose, and he could not see the direction and the position of the doors and windows. At this moment, he heard the cry for help. He walked in the direction of the sound in the thick smoke and found Miss Song and the maid Caixia, whose hands and feet were tied. "

"He wanted to save people and untie the ropes for the two of them, but the thick smoke in the house suffocated the three of them and made them move slowly. They missed the best opportunity to escape. The beams of the house that had been in disrepair were burned by the fire and were heavily damaged. The butcher was hit in the back of the head and bleeding continued. Three people were buried in the beams and collapsed roof. The three were burned to death in the fire. But because of the shadow of his childhood, the butcher, who had always wanted to save people, died before he died. He did not give up and continued to save people, and kept Miss Song and maid Caixia in his arms... In fact, the fire that killed his parents in his childhood has always been a psychological shadow on him. He has been living in self-blame, blaming himself for being greedy for life and afraid of death. , why was he the only one to survive the fire, so he did not choose to escape this time. Even before he died, he still wanted to save people and tightly protected Miss Song and the maid Caixia. His clothes were stuck together, and every inch of his scalp was burnt and peeled off by the fire. He never thought about escaping alone. He just wanted to save people! He wanted to save his parents from the fire! He was not a murderer! He was not a harm. The evil lone star that killed your parents!"

The house was full and quiet.

Silence fell.

Everyone was moved by the tragic life experience of the slaughtered pigmaker.

At this time, everyone turned to look at the yellow coffin containing the butcher's body. When they thought that this man had a tragic fate and died because of saving others, not only was he not appreciated by the world, but he was also scolded as a murderer. Even the corpses were not collected in the capital, and they were hastily thrown into mass graves and became lonely ghosts... Everyone looked at them with unbearable eyes, and some female relatives quietly wiped away tears.

"I know!" Mrs. Song cried out in sorrow when she heard about her daughter's tragic death. She couldn't breathe and fainted. The Song family had to scramble to save Ms. Song, who cried loudly.

Song Haichuan thought that Mrs. Song could not withstand the blow and fainted again. He called the servants to help Ms. Song go back to her room to rest.


Jin An raised his head and let out a breath that was stuck in his chest. When he lowered his head again, his face returned to a stern look.

Jin An: "Don't you want evidence? Old Taoist, please tell me."

The sentimental old Taoist priest sighed at this time, regretting the unfortunate life of the pig butcher. After hearing Jin'an's words, he said to the king: "Everyone's face is just like the palm prints, they are unique, and there is no such thing as a disguise." Being able to hide from the eyes of a physiognomist, I have been able to tell at the first glance that the face of the third housekeeper of the Song family is not his original face, and Mr. Wang will know it as soon as he takes a look."

"For someone who is skilled in murderous techniques and can come up with such meticulous details of a crime, my little brother and I both guessed that the third housekeeper must not have committed a crime for the first time. He must be burdened with several murder cases. This person must be on the court's wanted list. Portrait. Chief Wang took him into custody and brought him back to the Yamen. By comparing it with the portrait of the wanted criminal, the true identity of the third housekeeper can be revealed."

As soon as the old Taoist priest finished speaking, suddenly, the crowd screamed. The third housekeeper broke the hemp rope, grabbed the guard's sword with a fierce look on his face, and tried to escape.

Mr. Wang was about to chase him out, phew!

A stone flew out of the air and hit the third steward's back one step ahead of him. There was a crunching sound as the bones were broken. The third steward's spine was broken by the stone. He lost his balance and fell to his knees heavily.


The third housekeeper was impartial and knelt in front of the three coffins in the car with his knees on the ground, his hands on the ground and his forehead on the ground, as if he was kowtowing to the deceased to admit his mistake.

The third housekeeper Shi Zhiping screamed in pain. He found that he could not stand up, his lower body was paralyzed, and he completely lost consciousness.

The government officials brought by Mr. Wang immediately surrounded the third housekeeper and controlled him.

"Sure enough, I, Mr. Wang, read it right. Taoist Priest Jin An is also a martial arts person who hides his secrets!" Seeing that the third housekeeper was controlled, Wang Captou bowed his hands in admiration to Jin An.

Jin An said a few polite words, then looked at Song Haichuan: "Boss Song, there is still one unresolved matter."

Song Haichuan had great respect for Jin An at this time. He stood up and said solemnly: "Taoist Master Jin An, please tell me."

"Ms. Song's coffin must have been bought by the third housekeeper, too. Miss Song said she didn't like it." Song Haichuan was stunned for a moment, then changed to a serious expression the next moment.

"Come here, change the coffins for Miss and Caixia, and then smash the coffins bought by that bastard named Shi, and then take them outside the city and burn them. It looks bad!"

At this time, the Taoist priests invited by the Song family also stood up and made suggestions: "Boss Song, it is just a good time to continue burying Miss Song today. Miss Song's case has come to light, and now a new coffin has been replaced. This is called good things coming in pairs. Today It is most appropriate to bury Miss Song."

Song Haichuan agreed to this matter.

"Taoist Master Jin An, you are a master of Taoism and can talk to the dead. I want to ask you something." Song Haichuan saluted Jin An respectfully.

Jin An stretched out his hand to help Song Haichuan up: "Boss Song, this gift is too heavy, but it doesn't matter."

Only when this veteran businessman faced his daughter did he show a trace of tenderness on his face. Song Haichuan sighed: "The butcher Tie Shuan died to save my daughter, and he was also implicated because of my Song family. I am Song Haichuan." My family feels sorry for him. Tieshuan is not married, and my daughter is also unmarried. I want to arrange a marriage for my daughter, so that I can give that poor child a home..."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

Including Jin'an.

Boss Song was touched by the life experience of the butcher, and he sincerely regarded the butcher as a benefactor of the Song family, and was willing to betroth his daughter to the butcher who came from a poor background.

The people who were still waiting outside the Song family were shocked to see the Song family holding funerals and happy events today...

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