White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 709 The days are short and the nights are long

Summer came earlier this year than in previous years.

There are still ten days left in July, and people sitting under a big tree enjoying the cool can already hear the cicada monkey’s cicada cry.

In the past few months, the Wu Zang Taoist Temple has become increasingly popular and has established a firm foothold in Jiangzhou Prefecture. From time to time, it will cooperate with the Chengnan Yamen several times to settle some strange folk incidents.

On the contrary, the business of the coffin shop is mediocre. Except for ordinary people who come to buy some incense, paper money and coffins, there are no "ghost funerals" coming to the door. This also reasonably explains that these "ghost funerals" are all attracted by the dead person in the coffin. Come.

On the other hand, after a hundred days of foundation building, Jin'an's cultivation improved a step further this morning.

Following the heart of the monarch's official body and the spleen, the foundation of acquired nature, he built the third Taoist platform——

The lung metal of the prime minister.

The lungs are directed towards the hundred meridians, which greatly speeds up the speed of breathing and breathing, and has the effect of accelerating spiritual practice.

At this level, he can already give away four magic weapons at once to defend against enemies.

Without the nourishment of essence and blood from the heart of a strong man in the Third Realm, at his speed, it would take at least half a year to build five Taoist platforms.

But this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

All we can do is continue to accumulate.

After mastering the new realm of breakthrough, Jin An went to have breakfast with the old Taoist priest. The old Taoist priest had already bought him steamed buns stuffed with soy milk, fried dough sticks and pickles.

When he found the old Taoist priest, he saw the old Taoist priest sitting at the table with his back to him, lowering his head and tinkering with something seriously. He didn't even notice that he was approaching.

Jin An sat down, picked up the pickle stuffed buns and ate them: "Old Taoist priest, what are you messing with today?"

The old Taoist priest suddenly handed two copper coins to Jin An mysteriously and asked without answering: "Little brother, first look at the difference between these coins."

Although Jin An was confused about what the old Taoist priest was doing so early in the morning, he still placed two copper coins on the table while chewing on the pickled buns and observed them carefully.

At first, Jin An did not see any difference between the two coins. It was just that one was newer and the other was older. It was not until he picked up the coins and weighed them that he noticed something strange: "Hey, one is lighter and the other is heavier? "

Copper coins are of light weight, and it is difficult for ordinary people to notice such a difference. However, Jin An is a careful person, and an old Taoist priest warned him in advance, so he still discovered such tiny details.

The copper coin that looks older and has been handled by the most people is heavy and is a good coin.

The newer copper coin is a relatively lighter and inferior coin.

Then, the old Taoist priest took out his money bag, poured out dozens of loose copper coins, and divided them into two piles: "What the common people handle most every day is not silver but loose copper coins. Common people are not fools. They handle so many copper coins every day. Who knows what kind of coins?" Copper coins are better than copper coins. These coins have little circulation among the people. The newer coins are the only few left by the old Taoist priest when I traveled around the world. This pile of heavier old coins are touched by the common people. It is bright, and when you put it in front of your nose and smell it, there is no smell of smelting fire, only the rancid smell of sweat, which shows that this kind of copper coin is recognized by the common people, and the common people prefer to use this kind of copper coin to do business. These are the things I have received in the past few months in Jiangnan. copper coins, and southern folk prefer to use this kind of southern coins for transactions."

Jin An frowned. He took out his wallet and found that the copper coins in his wallet were all Nan coins that were heavier and had a better metal texture.

If the old Taoist priest hadn't mentioned it today, he wouldn't have discovered the difference between northern money and southern money.

Only people like old Taoist priests who have traveled around the world, have extensive experience, and have handled copper coins from various places can tell the difference between northern coins and southern coins.

"Don't tell anyone this in the future." Jin An warned the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest nodded and put away the copper coins.

"Old Taoist, let me exchange you for a northern coin." Jin An exchanged southern coins for a northern coin with the old Taoist priest.

Afterwards, the two of them had a tacit understanding and stopped mentioning the matter, and began to eat breakfast. The Taoist temple was full of cicadas, and the old Taoist priest was sweating profusely while eating hot soy milk and hot buns.

"Phew, it's so hot!"

After the old Taoist had finished his breakfast, the sleeves of his Taoist robe, which he kept wiping sweat from, were already very wet: "Old Taoist, I remember that Zongren brought the little Hanba to the south of the Yangtze River to look for the Water Goddess. I was wondering, could it be my little brother, your little Hanba's nephew? In Jiangzhou Prefecture? How about, little brother, you tell him in a dream that he will come out when summer turns to winter. This will also benefit the people of the area, which is a great merit."

The old Taoist priest complained to Jin'an.

Jin An rolled his eyes at the old Taoist priest: "Jiangnan is a vast area, and there is more than one Jiangzhou Prefecture. If Zongren and Xiao Hanba are really in Jiangzhou Prefecture, they will definitely take the initiative to come to Wu Zang Taoist Temple to find us. The fact that they haven't shown up yet shows that this pair Father and son are not in Jiangzhou Prefecture."

"That's right." The old Taoist priest looked downcast.

"Slight Heat has entered half a month early. The twenty-four solar terms are in chaos. Everything is in chaos. The weather is about to change!"

Why don't you always say that the old Taoist priest's thirteenth zodiac sign is crow? The old Taoist priest just said that the sky will change. In the next few days, Jin An discovered that not only did early summer enter early, but the nights became longer and the days became shorter. The night is long.

Later, when I inquired about it, I found that this phenomenon was not limited to Jiangzhou Prefecture. Even those merchants who were sailing and doing business said that other small countries also experienced short days and long nights. The storms on the sea were rough, and the waves were getting bigger and bigger, causing the sea voyages to suffer. Business is difficult to do, and some small chambers of commerce are too scared to go to the open sea. Recently, they only dare to do business in offshore areas.

Although this results in a huge profit compression, lives are still more important.

On this day, the old Taoist priest looked up at the sky with a frown: "It seems that the twenty-four solar terms are really going to be in chaos, and the weather is really going to change this summer!"

"Old Taoist, I think of a folk legend. It is said that in ancient times, Fuxi made a mistake in the Eight Diagrams, which caused it to get dark for a long time. People waited for dawn for a long time, but it was still dark, so people could only farm and herd cattle in the dark. , working, the happiest thing for the ancient ancestors every day was to see the dawn. Later, King Wen of Zhou reorganized the Bagua and divided the day and night into the current twelve hours. This is the origin of the Innate Bagua and the Acquired Bagua."

The old Taoist priest's words were not an exaggeration. The short days and long nights these past few days were indeed changing the people's living habits. People were panicked for a while. Various rumors began to spread among the people, and panic grew in people's hearts.

At the critical juncture when the government was busy trying to stabilize people's hearts, a major event occurred in Jiangzhou Prefecture. Abnormal weather caused a violent storm at sea, and another HNA caravan was killed.

But this time the shipwreck was more serious than last year. A whole sea voyage fleet was killed. The corpses of the shipwreck floated on the sea for several days before being encountered by other passing ships. It is said that the horrific scene at that time was so frightening. The small crew had nightmares for days.

It was a fleet that was completely destroyed by the storm. The number of people who were shipwrecked was countless. The corpses floating on the sea were only scattered parts. More corpses of the shipwrecks were washed ashore by the waves. The piles of corpses were piled up like mountains. The stench of corpses was soaring into the sky. Corpses were scattered far away from the shore. The stench is so bad that ordinary people can't get close to it.

The passing ship was so frightened that it hurriedly came to Jiangzhou Mansion to report to the official.

As these crew members came ashore, the news could not be concealed, causing great commotion among the people. People were worried about whether a plague would break out. The government urgently sent people to deal with the matter.

It was during this special period that Wang Captou and his government officials approached Wuzang Taoist Temple and wanted to ask Jin An to take action.

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