White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 716 The Young Widow of the Zheng Family


somebody is coming?

But we didn't hear anything?

Just when everyone was wondering, there was a knock on the door and Zhang Baoshan's voice outside the old and faded gate of Yizhuang.

"Are the Taoist priests at home? I implore the Taoist priests to save our Zhang family!"

Zhang Baoshan's pleas came from outside Yizhuang.


As soon as the Yizhuang door was opened from the inside, Zhang Baoshan knelt down outside the door and forced his two sons to kneel down and kowtow together: "Please, Taoist Priest, save the Zhang family! Please Taoist Priest!"

Zhang Baoshan begged helplessly, and it took everyone a lot of effort to help the father and son up.

The old Taoist priest asked curiously: "Why did Donor Zhang come to us for help, and was he sure that we would help the Zhang family?"

"Donor Zhang is not afraid that we are the Zheng family. Not only will he not help, but he will also tell the Zheng family about this matter, causing the Zhang family to lose face even more?"

After listening to the words of the old Taoist priest, Zhang Baoshan, a big man, began to wipe away tears. He was really desperate and was forced into a desperate situation.

"In the evening at the Zheng family mourning hall, none of the Zheng family members regarded us Zhang family as human beings. Only two Taoist priests showed mercy to our Zhang family. I, Zhang Baoshan, do not say that I can see through people's hearts, but I have been doing business with him for so many years. I have dealt with various people and know that the two Taoist priests are different from the Zheng family, so I shamelessly asked the two Taoist priests to save our Zhang family! I also know that this matter will definitely put the two Taoist priests in a dilemma. , but we really can’t find any other Taoist priests in Fenghuang Town, we are really desperate!”

Zhang Baoshan had a sad look on his face, and once again forced his two sons to kneel and kowtow to Jin An and the old Taoist priest. Jin An stopped him. Zhang Baoshan's two sons had already married and started a business, and were older than Jin An.

It was not in line with the host's etiquette to stand outside the door and talk. Mr. Liang invited Zhang Baoshan and his son into the Yizhuang and asked Zhang Baoshan to explain in detail how he could help them.

Ordinary people are afraid to stay away when they see coffins. There are so many coffins in the Yi Zhuang. The expression on Zhang Baoshan's father's face is a little unnatural, but when he thinks of business, he still talks about the purpose of their trip intermittently.

At first, the Zhang family did not know that the body of the Zheng family widow was not simple. The Zhang family sent people to carry the body and planned to take the body of the Zheng family widow to the Zheng family to seek justice. As a result, the person who went to carry the body died inexplicably in the grave.

At first, no one knew that the person was dead in the tomb, and there was no response after calling several times. So they sent people to search, and then they found out that the person was dead.

And he died in a very strange way. He died face down in the coffin. He and the widow of the Zheng family hugged each other tightly. Rigor mortis had already occurred just after death, and they could not be separated no matter what. The Zhang family spent a lot of effort and they were separated. Boishui Tang dug hard again before taking the body out.

After such a period of trouble, the Zhang family was so frightened that no one was willing to go to the grave to carry the body. However, the coffin of the ancestors had been occupied by people and there was no solution. The body of the Zheng family widow had to be removed and then recovered. The remains of their ancestors, so the Zhang family is thinking of carrying them out together with the coffin?

As a result, the Zheng family's widow's coffin seemed to have roots and could not be moved. On the contrary, someone lost her balance and fell into the coffin. She was frightened to death on the spot.

Two young men of the same tribe died in a row. No one said anything and refused to go to the grave again. They all knew that the widow of the Zheng family died in a strange way, so they were taking advantage of the living people.

This is how the Zhang family later became known as the Zheng family.

The Zheng family did not agree to remove the body. Zhang Baoshan and the others looked sad after they returned. The bones of their ancestors were missing, and the widow of the Zheng family kept occupying their mother's grave. The other brothers of the Zhang family began to complain about Zhang Baoshan and said that the Zheng family This disaster was caused by Zhang Baoshan's daughter. If no one goes to the grave to carry the body, then let Zhang Baoshan's two sons go to the grave to carry the body.

Zhang Baoshan, who had just experienced a white-haired man sending a black-haired man away and had not yet recovered from his grief, was desperate and helpless when he heard that his two sons had to carry the corpse, so he shamelessly approached Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

Zhang Baoshan was sad: "My daughter was just killed by the Zheng family, and the body has not been found. Now, the last two sons are sent to the Zheng family's tiger's den. It's all because of me, a useless father, and I can't save even a single child."

Zhang Baoshan blamed himself for slapping himself. His two sons stopped their father from committing self-mutilation and scolded the Zheng family: "My sister was killed so miserably just after she married into the Zheng family. Anyway, the left and right are also dead. I think I am with my eldest brother." Killing the Zheng family in the dark and killing a few more people can be regarded as revenge for my sister!"

After hearing the cause and effect, the old Taoist priest did not take it upon himself to agree to help, but looked at Jin An first.

However, Jin An did not speak immediately, but turned to look at Mr. Liang.

Mr. Liang nodded with a smile: "Taoist Master Jin'an does not need to take care of me. My relationship with the Zheng family is shallow, and it is just a simple employment relationship."

After receiving Mr. Liang's answer, Jin An finally put aside all worries and promised Zhang Baoshan to help him solve the problem of his ancestors' graves and retrieve their ancestors' bones for him.

Zhang Baoshan was moved to tears and knelt down to kowtow again. Regardless of whether Jin An could help or not, Jin An was Zhang Baoshan's great benefactor.

Now that the decision had been made, everyone no longer delayed. Jin An took the old Taoist priest and followed Zhang Baoshan straight to the ancestral land of the Zhang family.

Everyone else was left in Yizhuang.

There is no need to have too many people like in the past, but it will distract him from taking care of more people. This Phoenix Town itself is full of doubts and is not a safe place. It is better to guard Yizhuang and have a place to retreat.

The ancestral land of the Zhang family.

The night was dark, the mountain trees rustled like ghosts waving, and the air in the mountains was cold.

Ever since the bones of their ancestors were stolen, the Zhang family brothers took turns patrolling the ancestral land and placed many torches for lighting.

When Zhang Baoshan brought Jin An and the old Taoist priest to the Zhang family's ancestral land, they were strongly opposed by the other brothers of the Zhang family. However, Zhang Baoshan was still somewhat dignified among the brothers. After he used his life as a guarantee, the brothers agreed to let Jin An go. Entering the ancestral land with the old Taoist priest.

The most important thing is that Zhang Baoshan's words "If you don't let others carry the body, then you will carry the body" played a great role.

The Zhang family was a large merchant family in the area, and their ancestors' cemetery was built in a very grand manner, with a large number of stone sculptures and double caves, where their parents were buried together.

The door of the double-cavity tomb should have been sealed with bricks and stones. At this time, one of the tombs was violently destroyed, revealing a dark and narrow tomb passage. The tomb was not deep. When people stood outside, with the peripheral vision of a torch, they could vaguely see a red coffin in the tomb passage. .

"Taoist Master Jin An, this is my mother's tomb... Lying in the coffin is the young widow of the Zheng family..." Zhang Baoshan handed Jin An a torch.

Jin An nodded, took the torch, and entered the tomb passage without saying a word, followed closely by the old Taoist priest.

Jin An looked back at the old Taoist priest who was following with a torch in his hand. Without saying anything, he bent down and entered the tomb passage.

The tomb passage is designed to be a bit narrow, making it difficult for a person to walk completely independently.

The old Taoist priest bent down and walked into the tomb passage, and explained to Jin An who was walking in front: "There is a jargon in the Feng Shui industry, 'If a large house does not gather energy, it is best not to live in a house with few adults.' Whether it is a yin house or a yang house, it is important to hide the wind and accept it." Qi, the bedroom must be small to gather Qi. A large, empty house needs more people to gather Qi, and a house with few people can easily become a haunted house."

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says, 'There are five emptinesses in a house, which makes one poor and exhausted; there are five solid things in a house, which make one rich.' The emptiness here means that there are few people in the house, which can easily make people feel empty, lost, and in a trance. Living people are like this , the same is true for the dead. Being able to sleep peacefully in a place where wind and energy are stored can help future generations avoid disasters and be stable and stable. If the ancestors are buried in a Feng Shui cave that gathers energy faster, it can also ensure the wealth of future generations. , and his career will be high."

Although he had visited many large tombs before, this was the first time for Jin An to understand this knowledge, which was not mentioned in the "Yin Yang Qing Sang Sutra".

The coffin lid in the tomb passage was open. When they walked to the coffin, they saw the widow of the Zheng family at a glance.

This widow of the Zheng family is quite young, with delicate skin and delicate facial features. She has the charming and charming temperament of a Jiangnan woman. She looks to be the same age as Jin An.

"Huh?" Jin An noticed at first glance that the little widow of the Zheng family had bright red lips.

After death, the blood settles and the lips should be jet black.

The expression of the old Taoist priest who came close to the coffin changed slightly: "This is someone who has touched the evil spirit. He used the blood of a living person to touch his lips, so that neither the dead nor the living can rest in peace!"

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