White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 739 Roadside wild temple, coco-eating hungry ghosts

On the quiet Huangquan River.

Master Qingyun was at the helm, and the wooden boat moved forward smoothly.

A green candlelight soul-inducing lantern hung on the bow to guide them forward.

Master Qingyun and the old Taoist priest discussed the way to return to the underworld, that is, find a way to find a mountain temple or cemetery where incense can be used to worship, find the way to the underworld, and return to the underworld.

This is like living people worshiping their ancestors. The ancestors in the underworld can accurately eat the incense.

However, it is a bit difficult to find a mountain temple or cemetery where incense is used for worship in the underworld, because the underworld is so big, even bigger than the world on earth. Moreover, these mountain temples or cemeteries are all on the shore. They take the water route and have to go to the shore to search from time to time. If the search is fruitless, they have to get on the boat again and continue searching in another place because they cannot be too far away from the canoe. To prevent Master Qingyun from being unable to go back.

The further away from the Huangquan River and deeper into the interior of the underworld, the probability of encountering those ancient obsessions that have persisted for thousands of years increases gradually.

The three of them spent a lot of time going back and forth like this. After experiencing many empty temples or mass graves on the hills where no descendants had worshiped, they found another temple.

"This is already the third temple we are looking for. Is it another abandoned temple with an empty temple of a dead god?" As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. We are even more disappointed. The old Taoist priest has disappeared. I was excited at the beginning, but my face was filled with sadness instead of joy.

"As an old saying goes, when I walk around the world, the less I want to encounter folk wild gods, the easier it is for me to encounter various man-eating wild temples. Sometimes I have no place to hide. Now I want to find a wild god who still lives in it. The temple suddenly became more difficult than climbing to the sky. I don’t know whether it’s good luck or bad luck.”

Looking at the wild temple on the roadside in the distance, Jin An said in surprise: "The situation may be different this time. I smell incense!"

Jin'an knew the art of looking at qi. Under his qi-watching technique, the roadside wild temple was covered with dark clouds and billowing with black air, inhabited by evil wild gods. In the black air, there was a looming green smoke, which was the light of incense. cigarette!

As I got closer, I saw that the roadside temple was very simple. It was a drafty temple built with bamboo sheds and hay. Because of the wind, I had never smelled it before. It was only after I got closer that I could smell the stench within a few dozen feet. It makes people feel sick.

The old Taoist priest immediately covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves, rolling his eyes at the smoke: "My mother, why is this place so smelly! Which wild god is enshrined in the temple on the roadside? It's too smelly, right?" !"

Because the stench was too bad, it solidified into a dark, ink-like turbid air that settled and refused to disperse.

The one who suffered the most was Master Qingyun. He had left his body as his soul and had no physical body to protect him. He was always subject to filthy air and soul. Even the soul-inducing lamp in his hand was greatly suppressed in such a filthy place.

As a result, the three of them had just walked into this roadside temple and immediately escaped in embarrassment. The expressions on their faces were even more nervous than when they faced a strong person from the upper three realms. Especially the old Taoist priest, who was the weakest among the three, hated his parents for having two children. legs.

"You are eating shit!" the old Taoist priest yelled in vernacular as he ran.


A roadside temple was destroyed by an ugly humanoid monster wearing rotten ancient armor, with a small head and a big body, a neck as thin as a needle point, and many hands under its armpits. It held in a dozen arms a weapon that could harm people's souls and destroy the spirituality of magic weapons. The dirty earth and black light roared and chased the three people.

A person who practices greed and jealousy, always harbors frugality, fails to give alms, and eats unclean food. Due to these bad karma, this person will end up with a broken body, fall into the evil realm, and be born among the hungry ghosts who eat excrement. Burning with hunger and thirst, I seek for excrement, but cannot get it. His body is broken, he is unclean and smelly, he is despised by others, his breath is fishy, ​​and his teeth are blackened.

It turned out that Jin An and the others had encountered a coprophagic hungry ghost. No wonder they escaped in such a mess. Even the daring Jin An could only flee through the door in embarrassment, not daring to fight.

If it were you, would you be willing to fight with someone in a cesspool?

A stingy villain who is jealous, greedy, lies and deceives. Because he was not satisfied with his desires during his lifetime, he was lazy and did not want others to do well. He often lied and slandered others behind their backs. After death, he will become a coprophagic hungry ghost, but his breath smells fishy and his body smells filthy. It is unbearable that relatives and friends stay away from each other during life, and they are also kept away by ghosts after death. Coprophagic ghosts are like starving ghosts. Their hands and feet are tiny and their necks are like needles. They are unable to eat normally and suffer from hunger and poverty. The hungrier they are, the bigger their stomachs become.

The coprophagous hungry ghost chased the three men for a long distance, and finally stood on the edge of the filthy air. Unwilling to watch the three men run further and further away, they roared again and again.

The three of them fled all the way back to the canoe and hurriedly paddled away from the shore. The old Taoist priest finally had time to complain: "What a bad luck! What happened to me? I finally found a wild temple but I met a hungry ghost eating cocoa! I don't know." Are the three of us just too lucky or too unlucky!"

"Is it true that some people worship coprophagous hungry ghosts?" Jin An also took a while to calm down. He really couldn't figure out what kind of people would worship such evil gods.

The old Taoist priest said: "The Night Incense woman or the Night Incense husband. The business of pouring Night Incense is considered unlucky, so you can only work after the night curfew. After dark, everyone will put the excrement bucket and spittoon at the door in advance to wait for the Night Incense woman. Or the night scented women will come to the door and throw it away, and then take it home until early the next morning. It is said that if you walk too much at night, it is easy to bump into unclean things, so some night scented women and night scented husbands will offer it to the hungry ghosts at home. To ward off evil spirits and prevent disasters, both parties can get what they need and live in peace. Some people believe that if they worship coprophagous ghosts at home, they can eat the special smell on their bodies and avoid being abandoned by others. "

Master Qingyun couldn't help but look at the old Taoist priest a few more times. Even he couldn't help but admire the old Taoist priest for his extensive knowledge along the way.

These insights that seem to be of little use to practice often require a very rich life experience, accumulated bit by bit.

Encountering a coprophagic hungry ghost can only be regarded as a small episode, but it will not affect the three of them from continuing to search for the wild temple and return to the earth.

But the wild temple in the underworld was not found. They found a green fire suddenly appeared in front of them on the Huangquan River. It was suspected to be a will-o'-the-wisp floating in the air. When the wooden boat approached, they realized that it was not a will-o'-the-wisp, but a lantern?

"Could it really be a soul-guiding lamp that met someone who was wandering the other way?"

In the end, they guessed it right. It was a beautifully painted boat, with exquisite and carved beams and painted pillars. It rode the wind and waves steadily forward on the river. The wooden boat was incomparable to this exquisite painted boat, which was small and shabby.

The painted boat was as quiet as a dead ghost building. There were no zithers, flutes or flutes. The laughter of Rouge Beauty could be heard. The three of them were not surprised at all. It would be really strange if the painted boat was bustling with gongs and drums.

Just as the three of them were looking at the boat, on the gray mist-shrouded river, another green candlelight soul-inducing lantern came from far and near. It was a huge boat with a majestic appearance like a mountain, coming from another waterway.

"It's really strange in the underworld today. Why has it suddenly become so lively! And it seems that these people are all from well-known families. Could it be that something big happened in the underworld?" The old Taoist priest just finished speaking in a low voice. A third soul-attracting lamp appeared on the river, and a fourth soul-attracting lamp... the current surged forward, all heading in the same direction.

The old Taoist priest really was right, something big is going to happen in the underworld.

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