White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 75 Goulan House

Goulan is an entertainment place where ancient people performed opera, singing and dancing.

There are actors, singers, dancers, sword girls...

History lectures, puppet shows, shadow plays, acrobatics...

In layman's terms, it is a large-scale song and dance performance site

But I only sell my art and not my body!

Don’t sell yourself!

Don’t sell yourself!

Say important things three times.

The name of the official who hit him was Li Yanchu.

"Daozhang Chen, do you... really believe what I just said?" Li Yanchu said with hesitation and palpitations.

The old Taoist priest said: "When the donor walked into the courtyard just now, the old Taoist noticed that the black marks on the whites of the donor's eyes were longer than yesterday."

"So, before you even opened your mouth, the old man already knew that the consequences of hitting him were already apparent."

"The old Taoist naturally believes everything you just said, donor."

The old Taoist priest had an ethereal temperament, like a master of Taoism who was as light as a cloud. After finishing speaking, the old Taoist priest straightened his waist and said seriously: "Almsgiver Li, please tell me carefully about the details about the hook-and-rail tiles building." Tao Lai, I will analyze the twists and turns in detail for you as the donor."

"Why did you suspect Shanggoulanwashe so quickly?"

Next, Li Yanchu began to tell all the inside story hesitantly.

About a month ago, several yamen servants who were friends with each other in the yamen took Li Yanchu to go see the young lady at Goulan Wat Si.

"Daozhang Chen, Mr. Jin An, you must believe me, I am really a serious person."

"I wanted to say no at first."

"I was afraid that my brothers and sisters-in-law would be worried about me if I never returned home after leaving office. I really wanted to refuse the invitations of several colleagues at first."

"But the officialdom is too cold. If you don't build good relationships with your colleagues and get to know more people in the circle, you will only be ostracized and said that you are not gregarious. When the time comes, you can say a few words to the boss. Right or wrong, this official meal has come to an end. The water is really too cold."

Li Yanchu defended himself for a few words, and then continued.

That day, after Li Yanchu and several colleagues went to Goulan House together, he met a girl named Caihe. He fell in love with Caihe at first sight and began to go to Goulan to see Caihe every now and then. The two gradually became familiar with each other. When they fell in love with each other, Li Yanchu had even made plans to redeem himself for Caihe.

The entertainers in Goulan House are all children from poor families, or were trafficked by traffickers when they were young. These people either learned the art of eating from their masters, or were forced to have no choice. They all have rough life experiences.

Caihe was trafficked by human traffickers since he was a child.

When Caihe was five or six years old, during the Chinese New Year, she and her parents were walking on the street to look at the street lights. As a result, they met a patter. After being patted on the back of the head, she followed the patter in a daze.

It was as if Hun'er was possessed by someone.

Caihe is good at playing the pipa. The piece of pipa she plays makes people sad in this life, and the sound of the pipa leaves a mark on the heart. She is somewhat famous in the hook bar, so the redemption price is naturally high.

Li Yanchu has been worried about this matter for the past few days, so he, who is worried these days, often spends time in Goulanwasi, listening to Yiren's ancient pipa song with a pale moon and a sad wind, and drinking to soothe his sorrows.

The reason why Li Yanchu suspected Goulan Wasi was because Caihe once mentioned a strange thing to him in private.

Recently, a strange thing happened in several hook fences in Wase.

Caihe said, Goulan sisters, some sisters wake up early in the morning and their faces look very bad and haggard, as if they haven't slept well all night.

But I couldn't remember anything about what happened last night.

Even if several sisters slept together, this strange thing continued to happen.

That night, several of their sisters slept together. She and the others were fine and had nothing to do all night, but one of the little sisters looked haggard when they woke up the next day, as if she hadn't slept all night. But the other little sisters didn't hear anything at night and slept until dawn.

This situation.

It's been going on for a while.

The old Taoist priest said in surprise: "This is indeed a strange thing. Could it be that the donor often went to Goulanwasi, so he hit some evil spirit?"

The old Taoist asked Li Yanchu, but Li Yanchu didn't know anything about it again.

The old Taoist priest asked again: "Since you have noticed something abnormal in Goulanwasi, as a government servant, you are not suspicious?"

Li Yanchu said with a wry smile: "Firstly, there was no murder, and secondly, no one reported it to the police. Moreover, this matter was only circulated in private, and there is no conclusive evidence."

At this time, Jin An, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Old Taoist, I will accompany Li Yanchu on this matter, and you can stay and continue to save the cabinet."

When the old Taoist priest heard this, he immediately became anxious: "Little brother, you eat alone!"

Several black lines hung from Jin An's forehead.

God damn eats alone.

Why do I always feel that these words have a strange flavor.

"You, a Taoist priest, went to Goulan to listen to music. If there was something, you would have been able to scare the snake away."

"Little brother, you just want to eat alone!" The old Taoist priest became anxious.

"Who stipulates that Taoist priests cannot go to Goulan to listen to music?"

"Aren't Taoist priests born to parents? They have two eyes, two ears, one nose and one mouth. Why can't Taoist priests live on their own and endure all kinds of hardships in the world?" The old Taoist priest began to talk more and more nonsense.

"Besides, I was the first to discover that donor Li had hit him. As the old saying goes, the person who tied the bell must untie the bell. The rope I held was the one who pulled donor Li Yanchu ashore even if I broke my teeth!"

"As an old saying goes, I call it sacrificing oneself for others, and sacrificing oneself first to save others."

"As an old man, I also want to listen to music."

Li Yanchu was deeply moved by the old Taoist priest's impassioned words. Li Yanchu added: "There is no rule that Taoist monks cannot go to Goulan to listen to music."

"Master Jin'an, do you still remember the monk Pu Zhi who came back with Feng Baotou from the last trip to Shenjiabao?"

"The last time I went to Goulan, I met Monk Pu Zhi. I was just an ordinary yamen servant. Monk Pu Zhi did not see me. However, even if Monk Pu Zhi saw me, he did not recognize me, a little yamen servant. "

The news brought by Li Yanchu really surprised Jin An.

Didn’t you expect that Monk Pu Zhi’s path was so wild?

He actually went to Goulanwasi to heal his wounds?

Anyway, there is already one more drunken and bald donkey.

There is no shortage of Taoist priests.

Yes, now you have both Taoism and Buddhism.

Now that they had decided to bring the old Taoist priest with them, the three of them decided that after Li Yanchu went to the Yamen, he would go to Goulan Wasi as a friend.

Go explore the route first during the day.

The Yamen's lower Yamen was in Youshi.

When a group of three people arrived at Goulan Wasi, it was almost two quarters after the hour.

This is also the time when the academy and all walks of life get off work.

In addition, the Qingming Temple Fair is approaching, and literati and tourists from all walks of life also come to Goulanwa Si.

So it can be imagined that when Jin An and others arrived, the business here was already full.

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