White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 750: Lost in despair

According to the words of the old Taoist priest, I really didn't look at the almanac when I went out today. Everything went wrong. One thing happened one after another, leaving no time to breathe.

The team had just settled their differences and had just walked around the Tubo statue for a few feet when suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the dark underground cave. The footsteps seemed very empty and abrupt in this claustrophobic space, and almost startled them.

Deng Deng Deng, footsteps were approaching them quickly.

"No! They're coming for us!" The Gu curse master's face changed drastically.

There is no unnecessary nonsense. Everyone uses their own magical powers to prepare for the incoming enemy. The abandoned earth temple, the disappeared people, and the strange Tubo statue will inevitably make people think of the lonely souls and wild ghosts in the earth temple.


The footsteps are closer!

And without any intention of slowing down or hiding, he ran straight towards them.

A few breaths later, several pale ghost-like faces emerged from the dark mist. Someone in the team was about to cast a spell, but was immediately stopped by Jin An, the old man with white eyebrows, and the corpse master: "It doesn't seem to be dirty! Don't take action yet!"


The few people who ran over were all wearing the costumes of Kang Dingguo, which were different from the thousand-year-old costumes worn by the corpse fox master and the mummified medicine man.

It seems that they have finally caught up with the main force and can finally get some broth to drink! But the Gu Curse Master and the others were not happy for long when they discovered that the mental state of the few people running over was very wrong.

Everyone looked nervous and looked like they were running for their lives in a panic, as if they were being chased by something.

Those few people also noticed the green candlelight emitted by the soul-inducing lamp and Jin An and the others, but these people just ran past each other. They did not stop to say hello, but hurriedly ran towards the person standing motionless in the darkness. The statue of Tubo.

The scene that happened next was even more unexpected. Those people showed expressions of surprise, and then prepared to leave the cave and run outside with the Tubo statue on their backs.

This scene made the Gu curse masters, who were a few feet away, frown.

The Spirit Unloader: "What happened in the front? Why are these people so crazy and turn back to carry the Tubo statue?"

The younger sister in the matchmaker sister's flower said worriedly: "This place is indeed more dangerous than the Fox Great Immortal!"

It is said that women have very good intuition. As soon as she finished speaking, some strange voices began to sound in this claustrophobic underground space, with vague tones and incomprehensible language.

These strange accents and voices followed those few people, and were obviously directed at those few people. They were already surrounded before they could carry the Tubo statue on their backs, and the speed was very fast.

"Then, what is that..." The crisis happened at such a close distance, and the curse master's soul's eyebrows twitched. It was a mental warning sign, derived from the instinctive omen of danger.

Just as the Gu curse master was about to look carefully, the corpse master stopped him in a low voice: "Don't even look behind you! Those people are all dead, they are being targeted by flesh-eating ghosts!"

The corpse master's face was very solemn, and he whispered to everyone not to look back, not to kill everyone, and not to attract the attention of those carnivorous ghosts.

The corpse master planned to sacrifice the lives of several people who were already dying to buy time for the team to leave quietly.

"There are thirty-six ghost realms, and flesh-eating ghosts belong to one of the hungry ghost realms. People who are short-term in business and cheat will become flesh-eating ghosts after death! Such little ghosts can only possess ordinary people and harm them. It harms ordinary people, but how could those few people be hunted down in such a mess?"

Fortunately, there was no fool in the team. I felt that if I encountered such a brat, I could crush a hundred and eighty of them with one finger, and then I would fight back in excitement.

This is the underworld, a place where yin flourishes and yang wanes. It is very different from the underworld. Even if you encounter an imp, you must not be careless, as it may capsize the team.

The corpse master explained in a low voice with a solemn expression: "The greed of a carnivorous ghost cannot be filled in his life. He possesses living people and likes to eat flesh and blood. For example, he first eats all the poultry, but he still gets hungrier and hungry, and then he eats the husband or wife next to his pillow. Yes, but in this case it is easy to expose oneself and be beaten to death by the exorcist. So most of the time they go to the cemetery to possess the dead and feed on the flesh of the dead in the cemetery."

"If someone accidentally disturbs these flesh-eating ghosts when passing by the cemetery, they will not mind eating living people. However, the flesh-eating ghosts that have eaten the human heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys will eat the marrow to taste, and will no longer eat the bones of the dead, but will try their best to devour them." Living people. The female snail molds earth to create human beings. The human spirit is a sweet tonic to these monsters and monsters. The little ghosts who have eaten living people will become more powerful ghosts. The evil ghosts who devour enough living people will turn into ghost kings. ."

"The carnivorous ghosts here have been trapped here all their lives and have never had a chance to eat a living person, so they belong to the second type. But just now I noticed that the dead people possessed by these carnivorous ghosts have become a common phenomenon and become hairy zombies! The meaning of hairy zombies is unknown, because Above the thousand-year-old Mao Zang is Fei Zong, who is helpless even to us. Don’t forget where we are now. With the years of existence of this ancient warlock’s cave, once we encounter Mao Zhan, we would rather escape cautiously than take action easily. !”

The corpse master is a corpse master at this time, so his perception of various dead corpses is definitely better than most people present. He must have seen something just now, so he told everyone not to look at those carnivorous corpses. ghost.

"Actually, it's not that we don't want to save anything, it's that it's useless for us to take action. Those people are not complete souls, but are frightened and scared souls who ran away. Even if we take action, it won't help. Their lifespan has expired. It's all over." As if he was trying to find a reason for himself to escape, the corpse master added one last sentence.

Everyone is a practitioner and knows some methods of exorcism. Without the explanation of the corpse master, they have already figured out that the few lost souls are the three souls and seven souls who were scared and ran away.

Being frightened to death in the underworld, with three souls and seven souls running around, it is difficult to collect the souls, so the corpse masters will say that those few people are finished at the beginning.

It's just that the lost souls are still in the dark and don't know it. When the seven days are up, they can't return to the sun, and the physical body dies, becoming a lonely ghost wandering in the wilderness, confused, and the mind gradually loses control and becomes a fool. Finally, Unable to gain a foothold in heaven and earth, my soul is scattered.

This is still the best case scenario.

The worst-case scenario is like this, where you can't even survive for half a day before being devoured by a group of ghosts.

"Do you think something is wrong?"

"Why are those carnivorous ghosts not afraid of the Tubo statue and not expelled by Tubo, the ghost emperor of the underworld?"

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