White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 788 Corpse Painter

Looking at so many murals in front of him, Jin An thought to himself, if there were dragon souls in these murals, would he not have to hunt down the corpse immortals?

But his idea was destined to fail.

I didn't see the real dragon mural even after walking for a while.

Perhaps it is because the real dragon mural is too powerful, deeper in this Yuanci Holy Mountain.

Since there would be no real dragon murals here, Jin An lost interest in this place and walked faster and deeper.

As he went deeper, the cracks in the mountain became wider and wider, bright as day. At the same time, Jin An felt more and more strange coming from the soul. There seemed to be suction in the mountain, trying to suck away the three souls and seven souls of people. , in order not to be sucked out of his soul, he was always using mental martial arts and concentration tribulation to stabilize his soul.

During this period of expansion and contraction, Jin An was surprised to find that this place was indeed of great benefit to the soul's cultivation, making the soul more solid and stable.

Could it be that some people call this place Enlightenment Mountain?

Jin An was thoughtful.

While walking, I resisted the suction of the soul. Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps in the empty mountain crevice. Soon I saw a white-haired old man with a skinny face, a bumpy back, and the shape of a gray dog. He was holding a paintbrush and painting on the uneven mountain. Crazy painting on the rock wall.

The old man Cang Gou ignored the outsiders and continued to paint frantically on the rock wall. When he took a closer look, he found that what he was painting was a strange bird-like and fish-like beast that was reborn in the flames.

It looks like a magpie but has ten wings. There are no feathers on its body, only dense fish scales. It is painted vividly, like a living creature.

As soon as Jin An said it looked like a living creature, the strange bird and beast made a magpie cry from its mouth, then spread out its ten wings and flew out from the flames.

"Is this a mackerel fish?" Jin An looked at the mural that came to life in surprise.

The 雳 (xí) 雳 fish is a strange beast from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". It looks like neither a bird nor a fish. It can avoid both water and fire. Its flesh and blood are precious medicine.

After finishing the mackerel fish, Old Man Canggo started to draw another kind of flying mouse with wings. This beast was named Yuniao in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". This Yuniao was quite ferocious. When he saw two people from Jin'an passing by People, baring their teeth at them, look like they want to eat people.

Regardless of whether it is a fish or a bird, they all have one characteristic, that is, they all come to life after being drawn by Old Man Canggou.

Jin An couldn't help but take a closer look at the paintbrush in the hand of the hunchbacked old man. Isn't it comparable to the magic brush in Ma Liang's hand?

The old man continued to paint the third mural, the fourth mural, the fifth mural... He kept turning a blind eye to the two strangers standing behind him, completely immersed in the world of painting, and seemed crazy.

"He is a corpse painter in the Corpse Painting Cave. When the outside world found this cave heaven paradise where the great road collapsed, he has been so crazy painting those rare animals and people in the "Book of Mountains and Seas" in the Yuanci Holy Mountain."

"He didn't paint those zombie corpses."

Uncle Lin seemed to see what Jin An wanted to ask and took the initiative to say the last sentence.

"Let's go, there's still a long way to go." After Uncle Lin finished speaking, the two of them continued to go deeper. The power of the soul suction was gradually increasing along the way. Jin An gradually needed to spend three or four more energy. Fight against it.

The tempering effect of the soul here is also very significant, just like putting a person in a soul millstone and grinding it continuously. The lights in the cracks in the mountain are rays of magnetic divine light, forming a colorful aurora above the head, constantly grinding the soul.

At the end of the mountain gap are tall, flat stone tablets. Some of the stone tablets are empty, while others have portraits painted on them and names written on them.

"These are the Enlightenment Stones. Only by leaving your name on the Enlightenment Stone can you enter the real Holy Mountain of Enlightenment. Perhaps this was the sect rule of the Daoting Immortal Sect back then and has been passed down to this day." Uncle Lin gestured to Jin An. Just carve your name on an empty stone tablet with the power of your soul.

Jin An waited for a while and didn't move.

Uncle Lin looked at Jin An in confusion: "What?"

Jin An: "Uncle Lin, why don't you show me first?"

Uncle Lin: "No."

Jin An glanced at Uncle Lin strangely. Then, his fingertips condensed the divine light. Just as he was about to carve his name, the voices of several people behind him interrupted his action.

He frowned and looked behind him in surprise. Is there anyone else here?

Sure enough, several people really came behind him, and they were the Seven Fairies! Seven fairies in white clothes and white skirts, with white veils and veils on their faces, look like fairies emerging from mud but not stained.

As soon as Jin An took a few more glances at the Seven Fairies, he noticed that the temperature around him dropped sharply and he felt uneasy. He looked around, could it be that the Magnetic Divine Light here had been strengthened?

The seven fairies have picturesque features. Although they all wear white gauze scarves, their hands are like catkins, their skin is like gelatin, their bodies are slender, their green hair is like waterfalls, and their temperament is stunning. At a glance, you can tell that their appearance is stunning.

When the seven fairies saw that there were other people in Yuanci Holy Mountain, their expressions were cold and showed no signs of surprise. They walked non-stop to the stone tablet, wrote their names with the power of their souls, and then stepped into the stone tablet without stopping. disappear.

Jin An was surprised and eager to leave his name, but before writing his name, he remembered another thing.

"Do I have to use my real name?" Jin An looked at Uncle Lin.

Uncle Lin: "We are not the only ones in the Corpse Painting Cave. You should try your best to hide your identity so as not to offend anyone in the Corpse Painting Cave and be hunted down to the earthly world. Your foundation in the earthly world is still shallow."

Jin An nodded, and then casually wrote a pseudonym on the stone tablet.

"Uncle Lin, that's not right. Why are there portraits on some of the stone tablets here, but not on my stone tablet?" Jin An was confused.

Uncle Lin: "Only those who are extremely talented or have achieved supreme achievements and are recognized by the Holy Mountain can be painted by the old corpse painter we saw before."


Why does this thing sound so ominous?

Jin An shook his head to get rid of these distracting thoughts. Then he and Uncle Lin stepped into the stone tablet one after another, passed the restriction, and entered the real Yuanci Holy Mountain.

And just when Uncle Lin stepped into the stone tablet, a slender figure appeared on the stone tablet...

There is another cave in Yuanci Holy Mountain. After passing the restriction, they entered a vast world. It was a fragmented world with a strong smell of blood in the air.

Hatred, killing, resentment, death, crazy obsession... filled the air. The sky above was bloody, the ground underfoot was also bloody, clattering, even the waves washing against the shore were bloody.

This is a shattered and shattered world. The sky above is filled with countless dark space cracks. One by one, they spread to the end of the sky and the earth, splitting the world into pieces. Some small worlds are flooded, and some small worlds are transformed into In the sea of ​​fire, some small worlds cannot survive the lightning and thunder... A very unstable and crazy aura overflows from those space cracks, as if the last remaining will of the avenue will collapse at any time, destroying everything.

At this time, Jin An was standing alone in one of the fragmented small worlds, and Uncle Lin was not around. When entering the Life and Death Cage and Corpse Cave through the restriction, they were randomly teleported to various places, so he had to meet Uncle Lin at the pre-arranged location before he could hunt the dragon.

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