White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 790 Seven grandmas, I’m here to help you.

Jin An sneaked back to the Taoist temple in the lake and waited for a long time. The Taoist temple was very quiet and there was no sound of fighting.

Just when he was suspicious and wondering if all the old men and women were destroyed in the Taoist temple, there were spirits flying towards Fang Dan Jie World from the sky.

"Why is this place so lively? Why do most of the people in the Corpse Painting Cave come here? Or is it that there are always so many people in the Corpse Painting Cave? How many people in the world can't see that there is a law of life and death, and there are people in the underworld? How many people are trapped in the prison of life and death, unable to extricate themselves?" Jin An's eyes showed a puzzled expression.

Fortunately, with his previous experience, he hid much more secretly this time and hid immediately at the slightest sign of trouble.

No one who can penetrate so deep into the underworld and dare to fight these corpse immortalists is an ordinary person. No matter which one is placed in the earthly world, they are all sect giants and old monsters whose lifespan is about to end and whose cultivation is unpredictable. It is not that Jin An is timid and afraid of things and hides when he can. The main purpose of this trip is to hunt. Dragons, those who hunt corpse fairies, should save some energy to deal with corpse fairies.

There is an essential difference between recklessness and courage.

This Fang Dan understands that there is not much else in the world. The mountains and ancient trees stand as tall as the sea. If Jin An burrows into a mountain nook, no outsider will be able to find him.

Not long after, the soul light from the horizon flew closer.

That ball of soul light was huge, like a cloud flying in. There was more than one person coming, but a large cloud composed of many soul lights.

Seeing Ruiyun descending by the lake, Jin An had such an expression on his face. As expected, this second group of people also came for the secret method of elucidating the golden elixir corpse in the alchemy world.

Jindan Corpse Interpretation is one of the top secret methods in the Corpse Interpretation Immortal.

Both in terms of success rate and cultivation benefits, it has a significant effect.

Those who can come here to hunt the Corpse Immortal and peek into the secret method of the Corpse Exorcist are all arrogant masters in the outside world, and they are not ordinary people.

Although the secret method of corpse decomposition is very rare in the world of the world, and any kind of fire decomposition, water decomposition, and military decomposition is a precious secret method, but since a higher secret method can be obtained, who doesn't want to try it first?

When the gorgeous soul light dissipated, I finally saw the true appearance of the person who came, uh...

Jin An looked strange.

"Why are these seven fairies!"

you do not say.

In front of him were seven fairies in white clothes and white skirts, with white veils and veils. They looked like fairies, with slender figures and stunning temperaments. He had just seen them outside Yuanci Holy Light not long ago.

Jin An thought with his eyes, these seven fairies entered the life and death cage and painted the corpse cave earlier than him, but came to the world of Danjie later than him. It seems that they were scattered in the small worlds of various places and then reunited together to come to Danjie. world.

"These seven fairies look like they are all in their prime years, but are they just good at keeping their looks? Or are they deliberately letting the soul appear as young seven gray-haired old ladies with all their teeth missing?" Jin An looked at it. The Seven Fairies automatically made up the picture of the beautiful queen, and shivered.

At this time, the seven fairies looked around. Jin An was worried that his whereabouts would be exposed, so his soul quietly escaped underground and stopped peeking. Seeing that there was nothing unusual around them, the seven fairies by the lake rushed directly into the Taoist temple in the lake that was shrouded in misty clouds.

Jin An waited underground for a while, thinking that the Seven Fairies had almost entered the Taoist Temple in the lake at this time, so he quietly floated out of the ground.

It is strange to say that the Taoist temple in the lake has entered two groups of people, a total of more than ten people, but it has been as calm as still water, surprisingly quiet.

"Did both waves of people get wiped out? Or is the Taoist temple a world of its own, and the clouds floating on the lake are a kind of barrier that can isolate the fighting inside?" Jin An was still hiding in the dark to observe the calm Taoist temple.

As soon as this thought came to an end, there was a sudden boom and explosion, like a thunderbolt hitting the ears. The sound was huge, the ground shook, the lake boiled, and the huge impact air wave dispersed the clouds on the lake surface and pushed it out in all directions.

The barrier of the Taoist temple in the lake was broken, and Jin An finally saw the real scene.

A middle-aged Taoist with disheveled hair and a pale face was fighting two waves of men and horses until the red clouds in the lake filled the sky, the sky was startled by divine light, and the ground shook.

The group of old men and women worked together to tie up the disheveled Taoist with corpse ropes soaked in cinnabar, rooster blood, and filled with black gold essence fire after ninety-nine, eight hundred and ten days of exposure. Then three other old men Siege Danjie Zhixian's abdomen.

I saw a ball of round golden fire burning in the belly of Danjiezixian, "The wisdom light of the spiritual orifice arises, the nature appears and the earthly emotions are extinguished, the bright pearl in the night is bright everywhere", it is the golden elixir of the Great Dao that has obtained the nature of the true spirit of Yuanming. ! Every time the Elixir Corpse Immortal's stomach swelled and he wanted to vomit out the golden elixir and use it to kill the enemy, he would be surrounded by the three old men and knocked back into his stomach again!

This Danjie Corpse Immortal's cultivation is very powerful. Even the Seven Fairies temporarily joined forces with this group of old men and ladies to deal with the Danjie Corpse Immortal. They stepped on the Big Dipper Formation and invited the Tiangang Big Dipper Sword Array to continuously bombard the Danjie Corpse Immortal Queen. With his back, Dan Jiezixian could not use all his strength to deal with the three old men who besieged him.

Faced with another well-prepared corpse-tying rope, and being besieged by a dozen people in formation, Danjiezixian still did not fall behind. He seized the opportunity, waved the floating dust in his hand, brushed out the Venus in the sky, and struck An old man tried to attack him at close range. Venus was blazing so fast that the old man looked frightened and had no time to dodge. He only let out a half scream, and his soul was directly blasted into crystal light by the dusty Venus.

He was stunned on the spot.

This shocking scene not only frightened the two waves of people, but also Jin An, who was hiding in the darkness on the shore, had a frozen expression.

As expected, he is worthy of being a corpse-resolving immortal who practices the golden elixir path. His mysterious power is so powerful that he can easily kill the soul of an expert without even the slightest resistance.

Seeing the tragic death of their companions, the old men and women let out sad roars that Jin An couldn't understand. Their faces showed sadness, anger, and uncontrollable fear. But the matter has come to this. Turning around and running away now is the same as death. Only by continuing to kill the corpse-removing immortal can there be a chance of survival. The strong desire to survive makes the two waves of people once again intensify their fierce offensive.

The Tiangang Big Dipper Seven Star Sword constructs a more majestic and huge star map in the sky. The lines spread across the void, like a river of stars falling from the sky. The seven-color divine light surges into the sky, covering the Danjie Corpse Immortal in the Taoist Temple in the lake.


The mad lake boiled again, and huge waves of tens of feet exploded, shaking the sky.

However, Dan Jiezixian, who resisted the Tiangang Beidou Seven Star Sword, except that his hair was more disheveled and his robes had some burn marks, he still stood in place intact.

He didn't pay attention to the seven fairies behind him. With fierce eyes on his pale face, he stared gloomily at the two old men in front of him who had been besieging the golden elixir in his belly. He recited a mantra in his mouth, and the heaven and earth rumbled to themselves. Dao responded, his body glowed with golden light, and he invited the Eight Immortals to help him.

There is a folk saying that the eight immortals cross the sea and each show their magical powers!

And Lu Dongbin among the Eight Immortals is the founder of the Danding Sect of Taoism!

In an instant, the immortal magic reflected the sky, the thunder roared, and the whole world was filled with immortal energy. Corpse Immortal, Corpse Immortal, had touched a ray of the true meaning of the immortal way. Although the zombie immortals in the Corpse Cave in the Cage of Life and Death are all fake corpse immortals who failed to survive the tribulation, they still touch the threshold of the ancient immortals, which is different.



The two old men who besieged Dan Jie Zhixian were killed by the sword energy in the hand of Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals, and their spirits were shattered.

The other seven immortals among the eight immortals showed their magical powers alone, crossing the sea and breaking the ropes that bound the corpse one after another.

The formation of trapped corpses was broken, and the corpse immortal escaped from the trap, flew into the sky, glared at the heaven and earth, and started killing.

The eight old men and women who were shocked by the immortal energy endured the severe headache caused by the injury. Their eyes were frightened, and they turned around and fled in despair, like a group of bereaved dogs, scattering like birds and beasts.

However, the seven fairies formed a unified formation and were still stubbornly resisting the corpse-removing immortal.

Jin An also stayed where he was and did not run away.

He would definitely not be able to outrun Dan Jie Zhixian if he ran at this time, not to mention that he didn't want to run. He stared at the golden elixir cloud in Dan Jie Zhixian's belly.

Suddenly, the Seven Immortals gave up on chasing the old man and the old lady who were wandering away from the beasts, and the Danjie Corpse Immortal also gave up on the seven fairies in the Taoist temple. The eight immortals merged into one and returned to the original position of the Yuan Shen. The Danjie Corpse Immortal changed its direction and headed straight for a big mountain. .

This sudden turn of events shocked the old man and the old lady who were killed like a frightened bird, as well as the seven fairies who were still resisting in the Taoist temple. Is there anyone else here?

Before they could finish their thoughts, a ray of soul light flew into the sky from the mountain, like a lonely road, splitting the heaven and earth to fight Xiangdan Jiezhixian!

"Seven grandmas, I'm here to help you. Let's work together to kill the Dan Zhijie Immortal!" A voice came from the soul light.


The two waves of people looked at each other, who are they calling?

When the seven fairies realized that they were calling their seven sisters, their spirits froze and they gritted their teeth. The seven fairies had never seen such a shameless person! It was obviously Dan Jiezhixian who discovered his whereabouts and went to kill him, but when he got into the mouth of the other party, he turned into a savior who fed the devil with his body and selflessly rescued the seven sisters!

The seven fairies each said "shameless", but they were so angry that they chose to stay and help out with solemn expressions.

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