White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 80 Flower Picker

He Da and He Er are brothers.

Both are locals of Chang County.

They are all watchmen who work at night.

The two brothers worked as part-time workers during the day.

Part-time watchman at night.

The life was quite pleasant.


"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

"It's three o'clock in the morning and it's freezing cold."

In the desolate night, the sound of the watch sounds getting closer and closer.

As soon as the curfew entered, the whole city fell into a thick night. On the empty streets, the doors and windows of shops, houses, and private houses were closed tightly. Everything was quiet, and the surroundings were pitch black, which was a bit scary.

Occasionally, coughing sounds can sound at night, which can startle people.

The coughing sound in the middle of the night was suppressed, dull, and faint. It sounded like the cough of a dead person in a coffin.

From the first day when he became the night watchman, Uncle Tian, ​​the previous watchman, solemnly told the two brothers He Da and He that there were three taboos when working at night.

First, the color red is taboo.

There must be no colors related to red on your body, such as red clothes, red ropes, red candles, and red lanterns.

Red is both the color of fire and blood, and it is the easiest to attract dirty people who will not rest in peace.

Second, it is taboo to shout and run around.

Xiao was startled.

Third, it is taboo to turn back.

It’s most likely to run into some weird things when you’re calling at night. You can only move forward, not back. Because a person can live for one breath, and as long as his courage is there, ordinary and strange things will not bother him. But once you turn back and lose your courage, evil winds can easily take advantage of the situation and turn your back into a dead end.

That’s why Uncle Tian’s partner is so useless.

In the middle of the night, he was frightened by a hungry green-eyed wild dog that came out of nowhere. He was so frightened that he ran back, and then disappeared all night. As a result, he was found drowned in the Yinyi River the next day.

That's why Uncle Tian retired early.

Two brothers, He Da and He Er, took over the profession of watchman.

Young people are very angry, and they work together as brothers to cut through the metal. It is not easy to be entangled by some weird things at night.

At first, the two brothers were very nervous when they were watching at night.

But as time passed and nothing happened, the brothers felt that the watchman was not as evil as Uncle Tian said.

The two brothers felt that the three taboos for watchmen were just used by Uncle Tian to frighten the younger generation and calm down his momentum, and they gradually stopped believing them.

But fortunately, believe it or not, the brothers were not so stupid as to deliberately break the taboo and cause trouble for themselves.

Carrying barely illuminated lanterns, He Da and He Er were passing by the hook-and-rail tile house, and there was a roar——

Suddenly, in the quiet night, the sound of fetching water from the well sounded.

Hua Hua Hua——

Then there was the sound of water splashing.


This time it was the sound of water being splashed on the ground.


Hua Hua——

In the dark night, the wooden barrel was lowered into the well again, and then the water was fetched repeatedly.

The water at night is very cold.

"Where is the sound of water coming from?"

"Which Goulan family stays up in the middle of the night to get water from the well to wash things? The well water is cold at night, so you are not afraid of freezing your hands?"

He Da and He Er looked at each other curiously.

"The people living in this Goulan tile house are all the young ladies and famous prostitutes who live in the house. I wonder if the housewives who are so out of reach for our brothers usually wash something at night?"

He Er suddenly became lustful.

"Second brother, don't be too meddlesome. We can't afford to touch these Goulan landlords. If we offend any Goulan landlords, we may not be able to compensate you and my brothers even by deducting a month's money." rise."

He Da, who has a more stable personality, originally wanted to persuade He Er to leave.

But He Er, who was working boringly every day, did not listen to his dear brother's words.

"Brother, come quickly. The sound of water seems to be coming from this Goulan house."

"Brother, it's these courtesans and famous prostitutes that we can't afford, so now that it's quiet at night and no one sees us, we should take a few more glances."

He Er, who was impatient, had already climbed up a brick wall before he could stop him, and quietly peeked into the wall.

Inside the wall is an inner courtyard with hooked bars.

Under the dim moonlight.

Beside a well.

At this time, there was a graceful and plump woman slowly shaking the bucket up.

Hua Hua Hua——

After the woman filled up the well water, she stood directly next to the bucket, using the cold water in the middle of the night, and lowered her head to wash her long black hair, without fear of catching a cold.

At this time, the woman's long hair was already wet, with water stains all over the floor.

He Er was surprised.

I was wondering, it was weird to wash my hair in the middle of the night, but I also used cold well water to wash my hair in the middle of the night. Isn't the little lady in the hook afraid that she would catch wind and cold and get head wind?


Looking at the bumpy and plump figure under the moonlight, and the snow-white neck seemed to be cast in a layer of glow under the moonlight, He Er couldn't help but swallow a gulp of saliva.

What a nice view!

So tempting!

Really want to...

Desire flashed in He Er's eyes. At this moment, the woman seemed to have washed her hair. Wow, she lifted the bucket and poured out the water. Then with a pop, the bucket was lowered from the wellhead, and she continued to fetch a bucket of water.

He actually repeated the previous action of lowering his head to wash his hair.

He Er's eyes widened, and a chill surged in his heart. He already felt something was wrong and wanted to retreat. At this moment, the woman who had been lowering her head to wash her hair seemed to be awakened by the sound behind her. She Looking back...


In the originally silent late night, He Er's frightened cry rang out, immediately breaking the tranquility of the night. The voice sounded very miserable.

This miserable and horrifying scream echoed far away in the still night, immediately waking up the lights of every household around it.

"Brother, run! Run! There is, there is..."

He Er seemed to have been frightened, and he collapsed to the ground. Then he ignored the pain all over his body after falling from the wall, and got up from the ground in panic on his hands and feet. His face was pale with fright, and he pulled He Er up. To run for your life.


The two of them hadn't even taken a few steps.


The two of them collided with the oncoming people. Oops, the old Taoist priest cried out in pain. He, He Da and He Er collided head-on and became a gourd rolling on the ground.

Jin An, on the other hand, had already stepped on the stone brick courtyard wall, jumped ten feet high, and rushed into the courtyard with quick movements like an arrow.

When the old Taoist priest stood up again, he saw Jin An climbing over the wall from the hook fence again, carrying a young lady on his shoulders.

At this time, the lights in the Goulan tile shop were brightly lit. Someone opened the door and came out to check the situation, and the crowd gradually became lively.

At the same time, some brave men from nearby villages came and happened to see Jin An carrying a young lady over the wall from the hook fence, and they shouted in unison:

"That thief who picks flowers!"

"Stop being so arrogant!"

At this time, the disheveled Li Yanchu hurried over while getting dressed...

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