White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 795 Jin’an’s vision, the five qi are rising

In fact, no one needed to explain the benefits of Yuanci Holy Light. Jin An had already realized that this Yuanci Holy Light was a great destiny for him!

At this time, Jin An felt that his soul was light and his thoughts were smooth and comfortable. He felt like he was about to ascend, shatter the void and become an immortal.

Under the illumination of the Holy Light of Yuanci, the Yuanshen improved so rapidly. In an instant, it was as if the body had broken free from some kind of shackles, breaking the heavy shackles on the body. The whole person became much lighter, and the spirit The senses are sharp, the thoughts are clear, and the soul is astonishingly solid.

At this time, Jin An's Yuanshen was glowing with golden light, as if a golden sun was burning. At this moment, outsiders felt the amazing sun fire. They all looked at Jin An in shock and astonishment, and collectively they were speechless. , Where did the Yinhun get the Yanghuo!

Could it be that this mysterious young man is different from them, that he is not cultivating the Yin Soul Path, but the Yang Soul Path to God?

Has a trace of positivity been born in the ghost? Achieve Yang Shen?

But this kind of thing has never been heard of by them. They have never heard that a ghost can give birth to a positive person!

Under a pair of dull eyes, Jin'an Yuanshen burst out with beams of golden light, carrying an astonishing golden light. Two amazing beams of light shot out from his pupils, penetrating through the sky, like a banished god surveying the world, with unparalleled momentum.

Wherever the light beam passes, people feel terrified in their hearts, and their souls are hot and uncomfortable. This is the natural suppression of the Yin God from the Yang God, suppressing all their thoughts that are about to occur.

The shocking changes in Jin An continued.

In the great void behind him, a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth was actually born. It was like seeing the legendary Taoist vision of the five qi coming towards the origin. Five groups of divine light were born in the great void, which are -

The heart hides the spirit, the day after tomorrow is the consciousness of the spirit, the innate is the ritual, if there is no sorrow, the spirit will be calm, the fire energy of the Southern Red Emperor will rise to the yuan!

The liver stores the soul, acquired is the wandering soul, innate is benevolence, if it is empty of joy, the soul will be stable, the wood energy of the Eastern Qing Emperor will be in the primeval state!

The spleen hides the mind, the acquired will is the delusional mind, the innate mind is faith, if it is empty of desire, then the mind will be determined, the earthy spirit of the central Yellow Emperor will be towards the Yuan Dynasty!

The lungs contain the spirit, the acquired spirit is the ghost spirit, the innate spirit is the righteousness, if it is empty of anger, then the spirit is settled, the golden energy of the White Emperor of the West is in full swing!

The kidneys store essence, acquired turbid essence is acquired, wisdom is innate, and if it is empty of happiness, it is precise and stable. The water and air of the Northern Mo Emperor are in the Yuan Dynasty!

The five groups of divine light seemed to have divine shadows nurturing, birthing, and evolving, as if they were deducing the gods. Boom, the world of the Corpse Cave suddenly resounded with five streaks of thunder, and five phantoms of gods and emperors appeared in the five groups of divine light. Although the phantom of the God Emperor was blurry and not really projected into the human world, there were many Taoist masters present who were dumbfounded and exclaimed: "It's the Five Thunder Emperor!"

"He is making a breakthrough! He has received the initiation of Yuanci Holy Light and plans to break through to the third realm in the underworld!"

"Three is the number of heaven and earth, so everyone who breaks through the third realm will have a vision of heaven and earth. His vision of heaven and earth is actually the legendary Five Qi Chaoyuan! The Five Qi Chaoyuan is cultivating the Five Thunder Emperor! He cultivated It’s the Pure Yang Thunder Method!”

There were more and more exclamations, one after another, like throwing stones into the sea, causing shocking waves. Others also showed disbelief and solemn expressions.

However, just when everyone was following Jin'an's Leifa Avenue, the five qi behind him evolved into other Shinto shadows in Chaoyuanli. This time, there were twelve Shinto shadows in total, which made Jin'an Yuan Shenyang The fire became stronger, like a furnace of heaven and earth reaching the underworld. The other souls were frightened and walked away, standing farther away. They really couldn't bear the burning of the Yang Fire on the Yin souls.

"This... this is the evolution of both the Liujia Yang God! and the Liuding Yin God!"

There was an exclamation.

Before everyone could recover from the shock, another phantom of another god emerged from Wu Qi Chao Yuanli, it was Emperor Erlang Zhenjun!

"What kind of path did he follow! How could he get help from so many gods to help him achieve enlightenment and become a god! This boy is like a dragon and a phoenix. Could it be that he is a disciple from Yujing Golden Tower in the capital?"

"Once this kid really succeeds in breaking through to the third realm, Yujing Jinque will do great things this time! Compared with the Tianshi Mansion where several people have broken through to the third realm this time, this kid's potential is actually greater, and his future achievements are unlimited. ah!"

Some people lamented.

But no one answered his words, because all the souls who came to the world of Danjie were looking at Jin An's breakthrough with solemn eyes at this moment. Everyone's eyes were flashing, their thoughts were spinning, and they didn't know what they were thinking about. .

Just when everyone thought that Jin An was going to break through the third realm in the underworld, suddenly, the five qi behind Jin An disappeared towards the source and converged back into the body. The vision of heaven and earth disappeared, the golden light on the body surface disappeared, and the human spirit was restrained, and it returned to the body again. Turn into an ordinary soul.

Hey, some people sighed and showed regret: "It's a pity that even with the help of such a great fairy fate as Yuanci Holy Light, I can't break through the third realm. If I can't break through this time, the bottleneck of the realm in the future will only be more difficult to break through, and it will cost several times. It’s hard to stop bleeding.”

However, someone immediately explained with a solemn look: "You are wrong. He did not fail to break through the realm, but deliberately suppressed the realm and did not want to break through now."

"He has an extraordinary mind and can endure the loneliness. He thinks that his current foundation is not enough, and wants to lay a more solid foundation, so as to accumulate more and more. Kunpeng spreads his wings for thirty thousand miles. His ambition is higher than what we can see..."

"I just don't know how long he will continue to accumulate..."

"Will we be lucky enough to witness him truly breaking through to the third realm next time..."

As soon as this statement came out, it caused an uproar.

Being able to reach the depths of the underworld, none of the people present were ordinary people. After thinking for a moment, they agreed with this statement, and then looked at Jin An solemnly. With extraordinary strength, extraordinary character, and unlimited potential, he would really come from Yujing Jin. Que's young talent?

Jin An also realized that the commotion caused by his almost breakthrough just now was a bit big. In order not to attract more people's attention, he thanked the old corpse painter, set up the soul light and hurriedly left this world.

As a result, as soon as his soul light left, other soul lights followed.

Wherever he goes, those soul lights follow;

He fell to rest, and those soul lights also fell to rest.

Jin An had a toothache and said coldly: "Why do you keep following me? Do you want to kill people and seize treasures?"

There were many elderly people in these soul lights. A group of elderly people waved their hands to Jin An and explained: "Young fellow Taoist, you misunderstood. We just want to see with our own eyes when you will break through the third realm."

Jin An replied that he didn't know, and then waved his fist to threaten this group of idle old people who liked to join in the fun, not to follow him anymore, otherwise they would regard it as trying to kill him and seize treasures from him, and he would fight back mercilessly.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of elderly people who watched him reluctantly, Jin An increased his Soul Light Escape speed to the fastest, and then he got rid of the people following behind him.

Next, he found a flooded Hydrolysis World, used the Imperial Water Talisman to separate the waterway, and hid in a river with a depth of more than 20 feet. Only then did he have time to count the loot in the Danjie World.

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