White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 83 Remove the poison

at this time.


Xiliu knelt down and cried to the old Taoist priest:

"Taoist Priest, I don't want to die, and I don't want to see other sisters who are miserable people like me die!"

"Please Taoist Master, please save me, save us all!"

Several other servants who had just been responsible for examining Xiliu's body also knelt down and begged the old Taoist priest while sobbing softly.

The old Taoist priest was so frightened that he hurriedly helped a few people, saying that he must not be so polite. People can only kneel to the sky and kneel to their parents.

They knelt down to shorten his lifespan.

After the old Taoist priest helped a few girls up, he sighed and said: "It's not that I don't want to save people's lives. It's mainly because the Yin-thorn master has been rarely active. I've never met a Yin-thorn master, and I'm not sure I can remove them." The talisman on Miss Xiliu’s body.”

"As a veteran, I can only say that I will give it a try. I can't guarantee that it will be successful. I hope Miss Xiliu will be mentally prepared first."

But the old Taoist priest did not remove the poison immediately.

There are many people in Goulan Washi, so it is easy to be disturbed. Moreover, there are many canna trees here and the yin energy is cold. To be on the safe side, it is necessary to choose a secluded place with few people to remove the poison.

The old Taoist priest finally decided to go to Jin'an's residence to remove the poison from Miss Xiliu.

Moreover, the old Taoist priest didn't have all the things he had with him. He had to go back to get some things anyway, so he simply took Miss Xiliu directly to Jin'an's residence.

After the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he turned to look at Feng Baotou on the side: "Feng Baotou, you need to prepare a few things to pull out the poisonous sting talisman."

"It's hard to find any of them. If you rely on experience alone, you may not be able to find them all in a few days."

"Captain Feng knows a lot about Chang County, and I hope Capt Feng can help."

Since it was about saving people's lives, Capt. Feng did not refuse and asked how he could help.

After hearing what the old Taoist priest asked for, Feng Baotou looked surprised. He actually asked for a pair of door-god couplets.

The requirements for the goalkeeper couplet are not low.

First, you must sit south and face north, directly facing the southern sun, and absorb enough yang energy.

Second, there must be people living in the house, and people coming and going in front of the door. The lively flow of people can boost popularity.

Third, the longer the vintage, the better.

The door god is the righteous god who protects the house. The ancient couplet of the door god may have been fortunate enough to be visited by the door god's soul. In this way, the effect of protecting the house and warding off evil will be better. No matter what evil spirits cause trouble, they will be suppressed.

Door-god couplet?

There is Tao and Buddha in this world, but do gods really exist?

Jin An's eyes flashed, and a strange light bloomed deep in his eyes.


The old Taoist priest had one more thing to say.

Treat winter diseases in summer.

As for the poison-repelling talisman, after all, the yin is strong and the yang is weak at night. At this time, the right time, place, and people are not on their side, which is not conducive to opening the altar.

I can only wait until daytime to remove the poison.

Next, everyone started to get busy.

The next day.

early morning.

When the curfew was lifted and some young men and scholars came to the Goulan House to have fun, they found that the Goulan House had been blocked by several government officials to prevent outsiders from entering.

Today's Goulan Wat Shop is closed for business.

Everyone gathered at the entrance to watch the excitement, and saw many yamen uniforms going in and out of every Goulan house, searching for those weak servants and famous prostitutes, and tossing the Goulan tiles to pieces. .

These onlookers vaguely heard the word tattoo?

The yamen seems to be looking for any servants or famous prostitutes who have tattoos on their bodies?

At the same time, everyone also saw a government servant with the morning sun above his head, working openly and openly as a "flower picker".

Handfuls of cannas that were usually ignored were uprooted by the government officials and burned cleanly.

This immediately aroused the curiosity and heated discussion of many people who were eating melon seeds and watching the excitement.

Everyone is guessing whether something big happened in Goulan Washi?

It seems to be related to cannas, tattoos, and Qinghuan people?

"You don't know this."

"I heard that people died in Goulan. The owner of a Goulan company was afraid of affecting his business, so he didn't report the death to the officials, and even secretly abandoned the body. However, the officials still discovered it."

Among the crowd of onlookers, some people were quite smug and told some of the things they had learned.

"Dead person? Abandoned body?"

"Then why are you searching everywhere so aggressively, even the cannas growing randomly on the roadside?"

Some people who didn't know the truth asked in surprise and disbelief.

"Maybe these cannas are poisonous? Is it because someone ate cannas and died of poisoning this time?"

"You're talking nonsense. You're deceiving us because we don't know canna. Where does canna get its poison?" People said they didn't believe the man's nonsense.

Capt. Feng's work efficiency is very fast.

Only half a day.

I found a matching pair of door-god couplets for the old Taoist priest.

However, the old ones were not found, and the oldest ones were only three years old, and they had to be returned after use.

This was something that Feng Baotou personally lowered his body and got it from an old couple after talking it over.

There are many people who believe that the door god can protect the Yangzhai.

When Feng Baotou sent the door-god couplets, he also invited a doctor carrying a wooden medicine box, which was requested by the old Taoist priest.

After all this busy work, it was already past noon.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, the old Taoist priest immediately began to prepare to remove the poison from Miss Xiliu.

The old Taoist priest drove away Feng Ba's first-class government servants. These were ordinary people, and it would not help if they stayed. Therefore, there were only four people left in the entire residence, Jin An, the old Taoist priest, the doctor, and Miss Xiliu.

and a carrot-eating sheep tethered in the yard.

"Miss Xiliu, there is no need to be too nervous. It is sunny and daytime, and no evil spirit dares to show up in the daytime."

"If you are too nervous, you can drink a few sips of Sanyang wine, which can not only dispel the cold and warm the body, but also ward off evil spirits."

Perhaps the khaki Taoist robe is inherently able to give people a sense of psychological security, similar to psychological hypnosis. After taking a few sips of Sanyang wine, Miss Xiliu slowly calmed down.

"Doctor, let's get started."

"We also ask the doctor to help us temporarily seal the qi and blood meridians around the tattoo on her left foot so as not to affect the qi and blood flow in other parts."

This is why the old Taoist priest asked Feng Baotou to invite the doctor.

The doctor used acupuncture and silver needles to temporarily seal the meridians around the tattoo on Xiliu's left foot, blocking the ghost inside the tattoo from continuing to eat the blood of living people.

Let this ghost weaken further during the day.

After the doctor used acupuncture to temporarily seal the qi and blood around the tattoo, the old Taoist priest personally escorted the doctor out and asked him to wait outside the room with Feng Captou and others.

Because the subsequent exorcism may be dangerous, it is not appropriate to leave ordinary people in the house.

When the old Taoist priest came back, he picked up the couplet of the door god and pasted it on the door of the house, and then closed all the doors and windows of the house.

"There are thirty-six ghosts, and the old man doesn't know which one is Miss Xiliu's body. I pasted the door god couplet on it. Firstly, it can protect Yangzhai and add wings to a tiger. Secondly, it can prevent the cunning ghost from escaping."

The old Taoist priest explained to Jin An the purpose of the door-god couplets, and then he looked solemn, ready to remove the poison and exorcise the evil spirits.

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