White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 85 Jin An’s methods

"Old Taoist, what's going on?"

Jin An asked the old Taoist priest in surprise.

The old Taoist priest suffered setbacks one after another and became a little depressed.

"I've never met a Yin-piercer master before."

"This is also the first time I've met a Yin-thorn Master."

"Regarding the matter of the Yin-piercing master, it was at the last exchange meeting of several temples. I was fortunate enough to hear one of the temple masters mention it. However, the veteran only heard about the Yin-thorn master and did not hear how Deal with the assassin."

"Old Taoist, I even drew several lines of cinnabar to exorcise evil spirits, but it didn't work. It seems that this thorn talisman coexists with living people, and the ghosts reside in the flesh and blood of living people. Human skin and flesh cover up the breath, which led to the continuous drawing of several lines of cinnabar. The exorcism charms are all ineffective.”

After the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he walked around for a while and then said: "It seems that we can only try the last trick."

Next, Jin An was surprised to see that the old Taoist priest took out an incense stick. As a result, the old Taoist priest couldn't even light several incense sticks to draw out the ghost hiding in the thorn talisman.

There is an old saying among the people, people compete for a breath, Buddha competes for a stick of incense.

Even the Buddha could not avoid competing for a stick of incense. It is conceivable that these evil spirits cannot avoid the greed of mouth and desire to offer incense.

But I don’t know if the old Taoist priest is not good at it.

Or it's because the ghost doesn't like the incense offering.

The ghost hiding in the thorn talisman just won't come out.

If this ghost does not come out, even if the old Taoist priest wants to forcefully exorcise the evil spirit, it will be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

You can't really cut off someone's leg, right?

According to the old Taoist priest, the number of Yin-thorn masters was too rare after all. This was the first time he encountered them. He had no clue and was at a loss for a while.

This made Miss Xiliu so nervous that she shed tears of pearls, thinking that she was really going to die this time.

"Maybe this is my destiny. Taoist Master, you have tried your best. There is no need to blame yourself."

"I only have my own misfortune to blame."

Miss Xiliu cried miserably.

Miss Xiliu, who was burying her head in tears, suddenly felt the light dimming. She raised her beautiful face, which was full of tears, and saw Mr. Jin An sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Jin An smiled kindly: "Can you let me take a look?"

Jin An pointed at Miss Xiliu who had rolled up the corners of her skirt, revealing her beautiful snow-skinned slender legs.

The tearful girl Xiliu hummed softly, her heart was filled with despair, and she nodded indifferently.

Jin'an picked up the jade feet and placed them on his legs. Then he began to practice Qi. The Qi from the Immortal Temple of the Five Internal Organs was instilled into Miss Xiliu's left leg through the meridians on the feet.

The warm and comfortable feeling of Zangqi, as comfortable as after taking a foot bath, and the feeling of smoothness in the meridians, made Miss Xiliu couldn't help but hum.

Her beautiful face turned red, and she hurriedly covered her mouth and lowered her head.

But he couldn't help but secretly look at Jin An with curiosity.

At this time, Jin An's side face fell into Miss Xiliu's watery and bright eyes. Her face was delicate and yet angular, giving people a sense of perseverance and security that was completely different from that of the frail scholar.

Jin An did not notice any unusual expression on Miss Xiliu's face.

He only wanted to save people, so he used his Zang Qi wholeheartedly to guide the five internal organs in Miss Xiliu's body, creating a cycle of vitality in which the five elements interacted with each other.

Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood.

Strong Qi and blood.

Then it gathers together and flows towards the meridians of the left leg, all the way to the ankle.


Qi and blood hit a solid wall and couldn't take a step beyond it.

Jin An pondered for a moment, and then under the guidance of his Zang Qi, he spread the energy and blood throughout the meridians of Miss Xiliu's body to replenish her blood and enhance her immune resistance.

Afterwards, Jin An changed the red blood energy in his body.

Under his careful control, the fire-poisoned internal Qi of "Black Mountain Kung" traveled along the meridians in Miss Xiliu's body.

Miss Xiliu couldn't help but groaned in pain.

So hot!

it hurts!



"Miss Xiliu, please bear with me for now. I'll try to see if I can use the inner energy I cultivate to force the ghost out of your body."

Jin An expressed relief, and Miss Xiliu gritted her teeth, resisting the heat and pain, and let Jin An continue.

Jin An's idea is actually very simple.

Yinhun belongs to evil spirits, evil things.

Naturally afraid of fire.

The inner Qi of Fire Poison is extremely strong and overbearing, and it happens to be the nemesis of the Yin Poison type.

The internal Qi of the fire poison avoids the blood vessels sealed by the acupuncture silver needles and travels along other meridians to the thorn talisman. At this time, the internal Qi of the fire poison encounters resistance.

But it was different from the resistance like a wall that I encountered before.

The resistance this time had an obviously sinister aura, like a mud cow entering a poisonous swamp, encountering considerable resistance.

Jin An was not surprised but overjoyed.

"finally found you!"

Immediately, Jin An began to increase the infusion of fire poisonous internal energy, and started a tug-of-war with this sinister aura.

But after all, his time to practice "Black Mountain Kung" was still short.

It has been impossible to attack for a long time.

On the contrary, the sinister aura followed the fire-poisoned inner energy and launched a ferocious sneak attack at him.

Jin An's vision blurred. He saw an ancient pool filled with long black hair, and women's dense hair filled the entire ancient pool. At this moment, a pair of eerie green ghosts suddenly opened up from the thick hair. Eye!

Jin An almost got caught in this unprepared sneak attack.

Fortunately, the Zang Qi in the Immortal Temple of the Five Zang Organs felt the threat from the outside world. The Five Elements cycled endlessly, bursting out with vigorous vitality and expelling the evil spirits that entered the brain.

Jin An immediately withdrew from the illusion. Before he could feel the lingering fear, he touched his tongue to the roof of his mouth like spring thunder and shouted angrily: "Seeking death!"

The energy and blood in Jin An's body boiled, and the red blood energy and fire poison internal energy both exploded. With the explosive stamina of Zhi Gang Zhi Yang, they followed the meridians on the feet and rushed into the location of the thorn talisman.

With Chixuejin, he joins the battlefield of encirclement and suppression.

Immediately destroy everything.

The momentum is overwhelming.

It's a sunny day when Yang is rising and Yin is declining. The weather is right, the place is right, and everyone is on Jin'an's side.

Just when Jin An was about to go straight to Huanglong to extract the poison, who knew that an accident happened!


An unusual sound came from the peach wood box containing the owl.

The old Taoist priest's face tightened, and he quickly opened the lid of the peach wood box, only to see that the peach peaches that were supposed to be intact inside the peach wood box actually cracked a small crack.

At this time, Miss Xiliu screamed in pain, as if she was undergoing unbearable torture.

A scream was better than one.

All nearby residents heard Miss Xiliu's shrill screams. Some people came to check on the situation, but they were all blocked by Feng Baotou and others who were standing outside.

At this time, Feng Captou's eyes were filled with concern.

What's going on here?

What happened to Mr. Jin'an, Daochang Chen, and Miss Xiliu?

Why is Miss Xiliu's cry so painful and pitiful?

At this time, the situation in the house has reached the most critical moment.



As Miss Xiliu screamed in pain, the cracks on the surface of the owl actually increased. The old Taoist priest nervously shouted to Jin An: "No! The cunning ghost in the thorn talisman is coming back to bite Miss Xiliu!"

"When the owl peach bursts, that's when Miss Xiliu will die!"

"Little brother, do we want to continue? The cunning ghost in the thorn talisman is threatening us with the life of Miss Xiliu! Let us use the rat weapon!"

"Continue to save? Or not to save?"

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