White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 88 The old turtle looks at the moon

Jin An had just finished speaking.


Shocked by the change.


The sound of the table overturning came from the yard outside the house.

"not good!"

"It's Capt. Feng!"

When Jin An and the old Taoist priest ran into the yard, they saw Feng Baotou standing up stiffly with a painful look on his face. He didn't know if it was because he moved too much that he knocked over the table and hot pot in front of him.

In the eyes of ordinary people with naked eyes, all this is like Feng Captou choking on a meatball while making hot pot. His expression is painful and his neck is stretched out, like an old turtle suffocating underwater looking at the moon.

But Jin An and the old Taoist priest could clearly see that clumps of black waterweed were growing out of Feng Baotou's eyes, ears, mouth, nose and seven orifices.

This caused Feng Baotou to suffocate and his eyes turned white. Only the whites of his eyes were white, and the black pupils could not be seen.

Those water plants were still heavy with moisture, and the drops of water dripped down, soaking Feng Baotou's body.

"Feng Captou!"

The old Taoist priest yelled in panic. Before he could get close, whoosh, a strong wind roared past him. It was the faster Jin An, who rushed in front of Feng Baotou almost instantly.

It wasn't until he got closer that Jin An finally saw clearly that the black weeds growing out of Feng Baotou's body were not weeds at all, but the thick black long hair of a woman, which made people feel chilled.

"court death!"

"Get out of here!"

Jin An shouted angrily, like a King Kong with angry eyes, and slapped out the red blood in his body with a palm, like Hongya slapping his shoulder, boiling, the hot blood hit Feng Bao's head and shoulders hard, poof.

Feng Baotou's body was shaken, and he fell to the ground with blood spurting out from his mouth. He also vomited out balls of women's hair in his stomach.

But the woman's hair in Feng Baotou's stomach was still growing like crazy.

Jin An originally thought that Feng Baotou was possessed by something dirty.

Therefore, he planned to use the red blood power to shake the ghost out of Feng Baotou's body.

However, the method that had been tried and tested in the past failed this time.

Jin An's eyes darkened.

After just a moment of delay, Feng Baotou was so suffocated that the whites of his eyes rolled up even more, and he saw that he was about to die.

Just at this moment, the old Taoist priest finally came forward and saw the old Taoist priest picking up a jar of wine, opening the seal, and shouted anxiously: "Little brother, hold on to Feng Baotou. I will pour Sanyang wine into Feng Baotou." !”

Upon hearing this, Jin An immediately helped Feng Baotou up from the ground.

Then the old Taoist poured Sanyang wine into Feng Baotou.

Unexpectedly, Feng Baotou's mouth and throat were filled with women's hair at this moment, and his throat was as bulging as a toad. Sanyang wine couldn't be poured in at all.

Jin An placed his palm against Feng Baotou's back and heart, and the fire-poisoned internal Qi of the Black Mountain Kung was like a raging fire setting off a prairie fire, clearing away the newly grown female hair in Feng Baotou's body.

Turned into black foul-smelling water.

At this time, the old Taoist priest's Sanyang wine was finally poured into Feng Baotou's body. Gudong! Gudong! Gudong!

The old Taoist priest poured two large jars of Sanyang wine into Feng Baotou's belly, which made Feng Baotou's belly grow as big as if he was pregnant in December, vomit!


His stomach was pushed to the limit, and the Sanyang wine was filled up to his throat. Feng Baotou could no longer drink it. His stomach spasmed painfully, and he successfully induced vomiting of the unclean things he had eaten.

Large clumps of knotted women's hair were vomited out by Feng Captou.

Jin An and the old Taoist priest worked hard and finally brought Feng Baotou back from the gate of hell.

Later, the two learned the details of the matter from Feng Captou, who was weak and nauseated.

Not long after Jin An and the old Taoist priest left, Feng Captou took a sip of Fenjiu. As soon as the Fenjiu was in his stomach, Feng Captou immediately realized something was wrong.

That glass of Fenjiu didn't taste like alcohol at all, but was extremely stinky.

But Feng Baotou's reaction was still a step too slow after all. Before he could forcefully induce vomiting, he felt cramping in his abdomen, then suffocated, and then lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he saw Jin An and the old Taoist priest giving him a large amount of Sanyang wine.

After listening to Feng Baotou's description, Jin An and the old Taoist priest looked at each other.

The old Taoist priest said with lingering fear: "Little brother, fortunately you stopped the old Taoist in time, otherwise the old Taoist like me would never be able to withstand such a torment."

"Just thinking about my stomach being filled with dense hair, I feel so sick that I can't eat for several days."

As the old Taoist priest spoke, he didn't forget to turn around and look around. There were dark corners all around. It was particularly scary tonight.

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but shudder.

Jin An also didn't expect that Yinhun's counterattack would come so quickly.

But tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Jin'an has just rescued Feng Baotou, but suddenly!

Calm, under the cold night!

knock! knock! knock!

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the backyard under curfew. In this cold night, it carried a strange sense of coldness, terror, and an approaching sense of despair.

The knocking on the door outside the courtyard is still going on, but apart from the knocking, the street outside the door, which is invisible through the courtyard wall, is completely quiet, as quiet as a centuries-old ancient pool deep in the mountains and old forests under the cold moon. There is no other sound at all. .

So peaceful.

So weird.

As the strange knocking sounds outside the courtyard door continued, a suffocating and terrifying aura began to press in step by step.

It seems that it will never stop!



The sound of knocking on the door is still repeated over and over again, like a reminder, ringing endlessly.

"Knock on what?"

"No need to knock, there's no one here."

"You can come back another day."

Jin An shouted towards the door.

As a result, something strange happened. The knocking on the door actually stopped. The old Taoist priest and Feng Baotou both looked at Jin An with their mouths open.

Jin An was also a little confused.

Didn't expect the person outside the door to be so obedient?

"Do you believe what my little brother says so easily?"

"Who is knocking on the door outside the yard?"

When the old Taoist priest asked Jin An if he wanted to go out and check it out, he asked!

There was a strange noise outside the yard.

It was like a large number of venomous snakes rubbing and swimming. After a few breaths, I saw a woman with dense long hair climbing over the courtyard wall. Like a black torrent, it quickly swept towards the three people in the courtyard and the person tied under the tree. A goat.

These women's long hair is filled with strong moisture, as if it suddenly gushes out from ancient pools in deep mountains and old forests. Like tides and torrents, it piles up two to three feet high and surges in from all directions, from outside the yard and from inside the house. , pouring from the backyard and over the roof.

There are so many that they are overwhelming.

Great horror!


This scene made the two people in the hospital feel numb.

"Little brother! According to this attitude, the evil spirits outside the door will fight us to death. Today it is clear that they want to kill us!"

"Little brother, it looks like we are going to fight hard!"

The old Taoist priest roared urgently.

Feng Baotou, who was only mortal with naked eyes, had blank eyes. He didn't know what Mr. Jin An and Daozhang Chen saw. Why did they suddenly look so anxious that they were desperate?

After the old Taoist priest finished shouting, he could no longer care about anything else. Now it was a critical moment of life and death. He didn't have cinnabar or a pen beside him, so he had no choice but to pick up the broken pieces of the porcelain bowl on the ground, poof!

The sharp side of the porcelain bowl fragment cut his finger. The old Taoist priest used blood as a medium to stir up the Yang Fire and quickly drew "Xingqi Golden Seal Script" on the ground under his feet.

Because time is in a hurry.

The spell is scrawled.

But at this desperate moment, these small details no longer matter.

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