White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 9 Yin and Yang World (3 updates)

Zheng Yuanhu led six government servants.

A group of seven people quietly visited Li Dashan's house.

"You two, go and block the backyard to prevent the people inside from escaping from the backyard."

"The rest of you will come with me to meet the people in this room."


Six government officials with swords were divided into two groups.

The terrain in the village is uneven, so the villagers' houses are not neatly distributed. Li Dashan's home is built on a small gentle slope with a simple fenced yard.

When you get closer.

Through the window paper, you can see the dark shadow of a person, sitting motionless in the room, reflected on the window paper by the lights in the house.

"excuse me."

"We are passers-by on our way late at night. Want to stay here for a night?"

"Guys, can I stay overnight?"

Zheng Yuanhu stood outside the fence that was only half a man tall and shouted, but the figure on the paper on the window of the room remained seated and there was no answer.

The backyard of the house is also very quiet.

No one jumped out of the window to escape, and a fight broke out with the two government officials blocking the backyard.

Everything seemed so peaceful.

"Captain Zheng, could it be that the other party fell asleep while sitting?"

"So I didn't hear your voice, Mr. Zheng?"

One of the government officials guessed in a low voice.

Zheng Yuanhu did not answer the officer's words. His eyes darkened, he raised his hand and tried to push the courtyard door gently, but he pushed it open directly.

The courtyard door was not bolted.

Seeing this, Zheng Yuanhu's eyes flashed, and then he took the lead and walked into the courtyard.

Strangely, after opening the courtyard door and a group of five people approaching the house, the house was still extremely quiet and calm. Even the figure on the window paper remained seated and motionless.

The atmosphere at this time was strange and depressing.

It's like a big stone is weighing on my heart.

The door of the house was not locked, bright light shone from the house, and the house was brightly lit.

"Huh? It stinks!"

"No! This seems to be the smell of rotting corpses after death!"

The expressions of everyone changed drastically.

Zheng Yuanhu stepped through the door. The furnishings in the house were very simple. Li Dashan was a bad gambler. All the valuable furniture that could be sold in the house had been sold out, leaving only the bare walls.

However, the house was empty.

Nothing at all.

There was only a shabby table and a few shabby benches. The table and benches had some dust on them, which proved that no one had been in Li Dashan's house for several days.

But there was a candle clearly lit on the table, and the candlelight flickered, making everyone's faces change in mood and expression.

"It's strange. Just now outside the house, everyone clearly saw someone sitting in the house?" A government servant stared at the dusty four-legged table with doubts in his eyes.

"I wonder if you have noticed that this room feels creepy, as if there are always eyes staring at us?"

"Heipi, go outside and see if there is anything unusual with the other two brothers outside the house... Heipi, I am talking to you, do you hear me? Why don't you say anything?"

Zheng Yuanhu shouted to a government servant standing at the door, but the government servant named Heipi stood still as if he was deaf and didn't hear.


The yamen servant named Heipi was fine one moment, but suddenly he fell to the ground.

A government official stepped forward to investigate, but he stuttered with horror on his face and said, "Death, death, death!"

Only then did everyone see clearly that Heipi's death state revealed something evil. He had just died in front of everyone's eyes, but black spots and body spots had appeared on his body, as if he had been dead for a long time.

The expression on his face was twisted and ferocious, his neck was stretched out long, and his veins were bulging, like an old turtle looking at the moon, desperately trying to stretch its neck out of the water to breathe, leaving a large puddle of water under its feet, as if it had fallen. I just fished it out from the river, but my clothes were dry...

What a death!


Everyone present gasped.

Even Zheng Yuanhu couldn't help but feel numb in his heart, and a chill shot straight from the back and tail vertebrae to the human and heaven.

This death situation is clearly the same as that of Li Dashan who died mysteriously in prison!

Such a big living person!

Just such a silent and absurd death in front of everyone's eyes!


In just a moment, another government servant fell to the ground behind Zheng Yuanhu, and died silently before his eyes.

It’s all the same way to die!

It looks like he fell into water and drowned, with black spots and body spots appearing on his body.

There were no outsiders in the house, but two brothers died mysteriously in the blink of an eye. Of the five people who rushed into Li Dashan's house at the beginning, only Zheng Yuanhu and two other government officials remained.

"Zheng...Captain Zheng, is there something...dirty in this room that we can't see?" A yamen servant in his forties with a calmer personality seemed to have thought of something, and whispered to Zheng Yuanhu with sweat on his forehead. .

"I have heard from the older generation that there are ghosts and dirty things in this world that we ordinary people cannot see. Only Taoist priests, monks, and country goddesses can see this kind of thing... I, are we in trouble? Is it the same...dirty thing that killed Li Dashan?"

"When you encounter such dirty things, you can only find Taoist priests and monks... Let's evacuate quickly, Mr. Zheng. If it's too late, I'm afraid the brothers will really die here. Let's go back to Chang County first and find Taoist priests and monks to perform rituals." !”


Zheng Yuanhu decisively led people to evacuate the house, but just as he was about to go out, poof!


The two government officials died silently.

It was still the weird way of death of falling into the water and drowning.

Zheng Yuanhu no longer hesitated and made a decisive decision and rushed outside the house.

While rushing out, he shouted and roared.

"I am Zheng Yuanhu, the chief arrester of Chang County. I am the evil monk hiding his head and tail here, pretending to be a ghost!"

"Aren't you afraid that the imperial court will send troops to surround your mountain gate and dig up the graves of all the dead bones of your ninth-generation ancestor?"

The energy in Zheng Yuanhu's body was circulating, and the sound was like a thunderbolt exploding in the house, and people rushed out of the house at high speed.

Seeing that Zheng Yuanhu was about to rush out of the house next step, Jiran!

The lamp on the tattered table with four legs went out.

Suddenly, he was plunged into darkness, and at the same time, the temperature in the room dropped sharply.

Then, in the dark room at night, Zheng Yuanhu screamed in terror. He, a tall man, seemed to be caught tightly by something. He was just about to rush out the door with the last step. With a swish, he was dragged back heavily. There was no ripple in the dark room.

The night is calm.

The entire Shangpan Village was completely silent, as if it had fallen into a strange silence.

Zheng Yuanhu made such a big noise that no one in Shangpan Village heard it, and everyone was sleeping deeply. Even Li Zheng near Li Dashan's house and the two government officials blocking the backyard were unusually calm, and no one came to check on the situation.

It's as if the inside and outside of the house have become two worlds separated by yin and yang.

Once you enter the underworld.

From then on, he was isolated from the Yang Realm.

…a moment.

…Two moments.

…Three quarters.

The night is quiet.

Desolate as water.

Time passed little by little, and suddenly, in the pitch-black room where the candle had been extinguished, a candle flickered, and the dark, cold room became bright again, restoring the temperature of the sun.

Through the window paper, I saw a figure sitting in the room.

The figure sat motionless.

It was the same figure that Zheng Yuanhu and others saw outside before.

But this time, the figure suddenly moved.

The figure stood up from its position.

Then I heard footsteps.

The figure was walking towards the door, and a tall and burly figure walked out of the house.

Surprisingly, it was Zheng Yuanhu who was dragged into the house, but now he came out safe and sound, with an expressionless face!

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