White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 93 Six Ding Liu Jia Talisman

Sure enough, old Taoist priests are not easy to fool.

Jin An himself picked a winter pear and took a bite.

It is indeed sweet and sour.

The fruits from Mobei with high temperatures appear in the south. Is this the prototype of ancient anti-seasonal fruits?

Jin An thought so in his heart.

"This is indeed the winter fruit pear produced in the Mobei Frontier Fortress."

After hearing this, the old Taoist priest frowned while eating, as if he was thinking.

"Speaking of Taoist magic, Quanzhen Sect and Zhengyi Yitai cover the sun, moon, stars, and move mountains and seas. They are the most comprehensive in the world."

"Little brother, the winter pear grew this night. It's a bit like Taoism's bag-finding method. It can retrieve objects from a distance, similar to the Five Ghosts Transportation Technique. But the Five Ghosts Transportation Technique is a way to raise little ghosts. After all, it is not as good as the Quanzhen Sect and Zhengyi Dao. This kind of Taoist orthodoxy.”

"Old Taoist, I've also heard that the counterpart to the art of detecting and retrieving objects is the art of gifting. You must first practice the art of retrieving objects from thousands of miles away, and then you can practice the art of gifting from thousands of miles away. Even if you are thousands of miles away, you can give gifts to the other party in an instant."

"According to legend, if one reaches a certain level in the practice of picking out objects, one can even pick up a person's head from a thousand miles away, or take out a person's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys from a thousand miles away, killing people invisible."

"Little brother, how do you know this wonderful skill of finding objects?"

As soon as the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he trembled with fright and quickly covered his two kidneys. Thinking that something was wrong, he covered his two lungs instead, and then covered his left and right livers with a sad face: "Little brother, Although I have two kidneys, you must not worry about my kidneys!"

"If a person removes a kidney, how can I find a Taoist companion in the future?"

Jin An: "?"

This is all a mess.

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest speechlessly.

"Now I can only pick out some small objects, but I am far from being able to perform kidney stone removal surgery on people."

"And the distance is also limited, not to the extent of picking up objects thousands of miles away. I'm afraid only some Grand View masters like Quanzhen Sect and Zhengdao can achieve such a wonderful state."

"Besides, why did I lie to you?"

"Can I really keep an eye on those two kidneys of yours that look so young and mature?"

After hearing what Jin An said, the old Taoist finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said: "The winter pears from the Mobei frontier fortress are far away and transported by carriages and horses. Only those wealthy businessmen, officials and nobles can afford them. I remember, Quanchang County can afford winter pears." You can count the number of Guoli people on one hand, and one of them is the local Magistrate Zhang of Chang County."

"Little brother, did you get this winter pear from Magistrate Zhang's house?"

After the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he was shocked: "Old Taoist, I still thought that I could make a fortune tomorrow just by selling winter fruits and pears."

"Now it seems that in order to avoid being arrested by Magistrate Zhang and beheaded in prison, the people of Chang County will not be able to enjoy these winter pears. We can only eat two of us and one sheep, and even Feng Captou can't tell him. "

The old Taoist thought carefully.

However, as the old Taoist priest talked and gnawed on the winter pear, he seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he opened his eyebrows in joy.

The old Taoist priest said to Jin Anle: "Little brother, you are really amazing!"

"Others can reach heaven and earth and move mountains and seas when their cultivation level is greatly improved. Little brother, your new ability after your cultivation level is greatly improved is ingenious. It is specifically designed to make food delicious!"

"Little brother, besides being able to turn into a winter pear, can you also turn into a stinky tofu from Xishui Street?"

"And then turn into the Eight Treasure Chicken of Deshan Tower?"

"By the way, I heard that Deshanlou also has a jar of thirty-two-year-old fine Nuerhong!"

The winter fruit pear juice is sour and sweet. The two of them finished three winter fruit pears, one goat, three times five times divided by two. The old Taoist priest begged Jin An to give him something to eat. Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest.

God has become a foodie.

His is a wonderful Taoist technique of searching the bag to retrieve things.

This is called having a strong character.

Not specifically for food.

However, in addition to fulfilling his appetite, the old Taoist priest did not tell Jin An that he also wanted to learn the art of searching for things.

In ancient times, sects had extremely serious conflicts. No one could go beyond the limits. Anyone who was not a fool knew how to proceed. Is the old Taoist a fool? It was obvious that he wasn't, so he didn't ask Jin An for any tips on finding things.

It is impossible for Jin'an to really transform the old Taoist priest into stinky tofu, eight-treasure chicken, or daughter's red. The three winter pears he just transformed have almost emptied the Zang Qi in Jin'an's Five Zang Immortal Temple.

Jin An changed the topic at this time: "Old Taoist, you have been busy all day. How many yellow talismans have you drawn today to be sold at the temple fair tomorrow?"

As soon as he mentioned this matter, the old Taoist priest immediately raised his head and chest, and said with confidence: "Little brother, do you know that I have been traveling all over the country for so many years, and what do I rely on?"

"What do you rely on?" Jin An asked curiously and cooperatively.

The old Taoist priest chuckled: "Nothing else, just familiarity."

"As a veteran, I have been exorcising evil spirits for many years, and I rely on my hand speed in drawing yellow talismans. Faced with all kinds of strange emergencies and strange evil corpses and dirty things, if I don't have the speed to attack, I would have been able to attack quickly. It was left in the hands of the Millennium Corpse King thirty years ago."

Jin An automatically ignored the old Taoist priest's last words.

If the old Taoist priest really encounters the thousand-year-old corpse king and still survives with his hands and feet intact...

He would rather believe that it would be more credible for him to join the Yin family of his wife's house and become an undead knight.

The old Taoist priest continued to say: "Old Taoist, I spent a whole day today and drew a total of 730 yellow talismans."

"The main ones are the exorcism talisman, the Bagua talisman, the Sanqing evil talisman, the Jiawu talisman, and the Liudingliujia talisman."

Jin An was surprised when he heard this.

The old Taoist priest is as productive as a sow!

Ancient times were no better than modern times. They were all purely hand-drawn talismans.

Although Kangding State already had mature printing and stone rubbing techniques, the old Taoist priests disdained using these deceptive means to make money.

This yellow talisman is just a dead thing.

It doesn't work in the slightest.

Apart from making money and defrauding poor people, there is no spirituality at all.

Jin An picked up a yellow talisman and used the internal energy in his body to examine it carefully. There was indeed a trace of spiritual charm in the yellow talisman, but the flow of these spiritual powers was obscure.

After all, seven hundred and thirty yellow talismans were drawn in one day. The yield was as high as that of a sow. The person who drew the talisman consumed a lot of energy and energy, which led to the lack of spirituality on the yellow talisman. It is reasonable and the effect will be greatly reduced. .

But victory comes in quantity.

The old Taoist priest introduced: "Little brother, the one you are holding is called the Liuding Liujia Talisman."

"The so-called Liu Ding Liu Jia, these are twelve gods, namely Ding Chou of Liu Ding to extend my life, Ding Hai to restrain my soul, Ding You to control my soul, Ding Wei to control my disaster, Ding Si to save me from danger, Ding Mao To protect me from misfortune; the armor of Liujia protects my body, the armor of Jiaxu protects my shape, the armor of armor strengthens my life, the armor of armor and wu guards my soul, the armor of armor calms my spirit, and the armor of armor cultivates my integrity."

"The common saying among the people that they are pregnant with Liujia comes from this."

"So, this is a divine talisman, but when danger strikes, please call on the twelve righteous gods to come forward."

"If the Liuding Liujia Talisman is more powerful, the twelve righteous gods invited by the gods will have more thoughts, and the power will naturally be stronger."

"After all, there are so many people in the world who believe in Liuding Liujia. You ask for some, and he asks for some. Even the Twelve Righteous Gods are not very busy, and there is always something they cannot take care of."

"So now it's time to use some external forces, each relying on his or her own abilities, to see who can recruit more divine power."

God beat?

Invite the Twelve Gods to come up?

Jin An's eyes were surprised.


He felt that he had been thinking hard these past few days about finding a trump card to save his life, and this time he might have found it...

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