White Head Demon Master

Chapter 392: You miscalculated

This time, the day of the pill battle was much more lively than the last time when I battled weapons with Lian Shen Shan.

Maybe it was because too many people watched the excitement when fighting weapons with Lian Shen Shan, or because the Lord Cao of Danxia Mountain had already had the smell of gunpowder when he started his gambling with Fang Cun, so this time Come to see this lively scene in front of the old scholastic house, almost twice as many as the last time, and even have a majestic and powerful look like a rainbow.

However, the old scholastic house, after having the last experience, also got tempered. He actually set up a Sendai in front of the old scholastic house, and placed two rows of chairs on the left and right, and there was a white jade counter in the middle. All the preparations for fighting pill...

However, the old school is the old school, and the ghost mind is not built. With such a side of Sendai, the angle is adjusted very cleverly. Not only this Sendai is just in front of the old school, but also the old school. A few more futons were placed above the gate tower. They were prepared for the teachers of the old scholastic school. They were the best place to watch this battle...

At first glance, this battle pill is like a special performance for the teachers of the old scholastic school.

Dan has not yet started, who won?

The old school won!



Danxia Mountain also seemed very concerned about this battle of pill. He had already come here long ago, led by the Chinese robe, Cao Shanzhu himself, followed by the four elders, and behind is a row of Jiao Beautiful but arrogant female disciples, among them the most upright and gentle ones, holding the brocade box in her hand, it must be the divine pill made by Danxia Mountain.

On the left and right, even two rows of guards were arranged, each holding a sword and a gun, and carefully guarding one side.

"This form is unnecessary, right?"

Someone from the crowd in the distance said: "Could it be possible that someone else would dare to **** their Dan?"

The person next to him smiled and said, "Whether anyone robs Dan, and whether to arrange a guard is different. This time Danxia Mountain has put a lot of effort into it. From the very beginning, it made the gimmick extremely and exhausted. Gaze, and beyond this, it is said that they are also constantly moving. In the entire Chaoge, the people who are qualified to taste pill have already done some management and even offered generous gifts..."

The hearer was suddenly astonished: "Then the second son, doesn't he have no hope of winning at all?"

Everyone next to them smiled and said: "That's how it is to be lively, it is better to fight, to fight better, to break the brain is best seen!"

This remark immediately aroused approval: "Well, that's it!"



"It seems that Danxia Mountain has indeed done a lot of work!"

At this time, seeing the people of Danxiashan entering the arena, with extraordinary posture and full of confidence, Fang Cun was also emotional. Now he is sitting next to Sendai, in a sedan chair, without intending to show up, but as a true alchemist. , Mr. Qu became his plenipotentiary representative, and the two of Danxiashan Cao Zhendan, in front of the people of Chaoge, really started a contest...

After the Lord of Danxia Mountain took the stage, it was Mr. Qu Lao. It was just different from the mighty power of Danxia Mountain. Mr. Qu looked a little shabby. He only brought his granddaughter Qu Su'er, one old and one young, to the stage slowly. The Black Lake master did not come up.

"Haha, Uncle Qu, haven't seen him for a long time..."

Cao Zhendan looked around, but before seeing Fang Cun coming onto the stage, he glanced at the old Mr. Qu and laughed.

Mr. Qu nodded slightly to him: "Mountain Lord!"

"Also know to call me the mountain lord..."

Various thoughts flashed in Cao Zhendan's mind: "It seems that this old guy still considers himself a member of Danxia Mountain, but...maybe it is precisely because he wants to win back his former reputation and identity, so he has to keep his identity in Danxia Mountain. In this sound of mountain lord, there seems to be respect, maybe it's just hiding the evil heart, who knows if he wins this battle, who is the real mountain lord?"

Thinking of it, he just chuckled softly and said, "Since the second son of Fang hasn't been on stage, may Shishu be the master for him?"

Mr. Qu just replied nonchalantly: "The bet is yours. Dan is made by the old man. Here, the old man only asks how the Dan Pin is!"

Hearing what he said, Cao Zhendan gave a slight pause.

Then I thought about it, and when everyone was watching, he was not afraid that Fang Cun was shameless, and he was not shameful.

Anyway, I only need to win this bet for the Seven Kings Palace, the others are not important.

So he just patted and said with a smile: "It's so good, then please invite fellow Jiandan to come on stage?"

Mr. Qu just nodded slightly, but did not answer.

However, Cao Zhendan smiled softly and motioned to the audience. The crowd separated immediately. Several people with extraordinary temperament walked on the stage. When everyone saw it, they could not help whispering, looking in awe, and a little loudly. Those who yelled a few throats, but saw that these people are qualified to come on stage to taste the pills made by Danxia Mountain and the old man of the Qu family, but you can see their identity.

There were four people who came here. One was wearing a pale yellow robe, but one of the idle princes of the Immortal Palace imperial clan, one wearing a gray ancient robe, but a well-known doctor, and the other two, one It is the great treasurer of Douxiao Pavilion, the largest trading company in Chaoge. One is not in Danxia Mountain, but he himself is also known as Daxia. He has achieved his alchemy name hundreds of years ago...

When these people came on stage, they all looked very polite, smiled and saluted both sides.

Cao Zhendan invited them to sit down, very enthusiastic.

But Mr. Qu just raised his eyelids and nodded his head, even if he had said hello.

When someone saw him, they were worried about Mr. Qu for fear that they weren’t busy enough. With this attitude, he would lose half of the time when he came up.



"Hehe, since it's a pill, you have to see the pill. Take it!"

Cao Zhendan laughed loudly, and cut directly to the subject, looked around and opened his mouth with a smile.

Every move, quite the demeanor of the king of Danzhong.

And listening to what he said, the dignified and gentle disciple next to him, already holding the pill in his hand, came to the Baiyutai lightly, put the pill on it, then folded his hands together, and bowed to the pill. A few prayers, as if saluting this pill.

Someone saw it, this is an old rule, because the elixir is too high, it is close to life, so it is necessary to pray.

On the other side, Miss Qu Su'er was simple, she was a little shy, put the box on the jade platform, and withdrew.

The big treasurer of Douxiao Pavilion on one side laughed when he saw the box.

That box was originally a box customized by their Douxiao Pavilion, used to store the highest grade pill. It is also a kind of strange treasure, and before that, he happened to hear that a little fox came to Douxiao Pavilion yesterday. He was clearly a demon body, but he had the status of a disciple of the old scholastic school, and as soon as he came in, he picked the most expensive pill, but the pill was fed casually, turned around and took the box and left with joy.

At that time, he had guessed something, and now that he saw it, it was so.

Both pills were placed on the stage, and someone stepped forward and opened the two boxes at the same time.


In an instant, the elixir of Danxia Mountain was radiant, and the Tao floated in the air, manifesting all kinds of different phases in the air.

But the pill that Mr. Qu cultivated was no different, dull and dull, not to mention the strangeness, it was the smell, and it was never smelled.


Quite a few people were surprised at the scene.

There are very few people who have eaten the Nine Qi Nine Revolving Dao Miaosheng Pill, but many have heard of it. They all know that this pill is the number one pill in the world. It is extremely delicate and has a strange appearance. It only smells a little pill. Fragrant, you can improve your cultivation level. Now it seems that this Danxia Mountain has done it, but Mr. Qu's practice is similar to the ordinary pill. This... how can this be like the Nine Qi Nine Turns Dao Miaosheng Pill?

When the Lord Cao saw it, although his heart was different, he just nodded his head and smiled and said to Pindanzhi: "Please!"

Those few pill-valuing people gave in moderation, and the idle prince got up first, and before slowly arriving at Yutai, he first took the pill each, sniffed it, and scraped it with a silver knife. A little powder, carefully observed, at the end, he swung his sleeves directly, swung away a ray of mana, and then carefully observed the reaction and subtle changes of the two pills in the mana.

Looking at this move, it seemed that the doorway was extremely deep, but it immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him.

Then I saw the idle prince after observing, smiled, stood up, and said: "After all, the old man's Taoism is shallow, and there may be some inaccuracies, but since he came here with a cheeky, then he is also two. Among the great masters, a little talk..."

Hearing this, Cao Zhendan couldn't stop smiling.

Then, listening to the idle prince, he bowed to Mr. Qu and said with a smile: "Old Mr., offended..."

Mr. Qu looked like an ancient well, but nodded coldly.

"From the perspective of the old man, when it comes to this pill, I'm afraid it's still..."

The idle prince made a beating toward the four directions, then turned around and sighed, "Mr. Qu is very skilled!"

The smile on Cao Shanzhu's face was unstoppable, and he was taken aback when he heard the words: "What?"

Not only him, but so many people around the field, they were all stunned on the spot, thinking they had heard it wrong.

"Ha ha!"

The idle prince had already turned around at this time and said to Mr. Qu: "The old man got into trouble~www.ltnovel.com~ Mr. Ruowu made an elixir, which might have been turned into mud. Withered bones, this kind of life-saving grace is unforgettable, but now it is cheeky to comment on the old gentleman's pill. It is really offensive. As for the quality of this pill, which one is better?

As he said, he laughed loudly, and said to the end: "The world alchemist, who can compare to Mr. Qu?"


The surrounding area was shocked, and everyone was stunned.

But Cao Zhendan was angry, and almost couldn't help but want to shoot the crime.

"Master Cao, you miscalculated..."

But at this time, the old doctor beside him already looked at Cao Shanzhu with a smile, and said in a low voice, "You think that with a few gifts and a few promises, you can get this out Is the famous prince who loves the game world facing you?"

"You really underestimated him!"

He smiled, stroked his beard, and said, "Of course, you underestimated me!"

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