“Izuki, stop him! Don’t let him rush in! Seeing that Sogo once again got the ball in Mitsui’s wonderful pass and rushed towards his own basket, Hinata hurriedly shouted to Izuki, who was facing Sogo!

“Got it!” And Izuki also rushed to greet Sogo directly after a hasty response!

And facing Izuki-jun, who was about to face him head-on, Sogo’s extremely fast and gorgeous steps did not mean to be ready to stop.

I saw that when the distance from Yiyue was close to a range of about 1 meter, his body suddenly tilted, and then there was a sudden force on his feet!

Wear flowers butterfly step!

The instantaneous start speed and body tilt arc were even nearly twice as fast as when they fought against the original opponent ‘Mingde Middle School’!

‘So fast! ’

Facing the boy who almost turned into a white afterimage and crossed his side, even Izuki, who had already prepared for this terrifying speed, couldn’t help but be shocked – because in just a moment, Sogo’s body had almost disappeared from his field of vision!


“Don’t think…. Ah! ”

The sharp light in his eyes seemed to shine more and more, and Izuki, whose composition in his mind suddenly repeated, immediately noticed the position of Sogo in the next instant, and his body suddenly fell backwards, and his arms were stabbed backwards in a strange arc – the direction where the basketball was!

“I won this ball!”

In his voice, he was very sure of the fact of his success!


“… At this level, it’s close to 360 degrees – those eyes of yours are really amazing! ”

At this time, in the strong wind in his ears, Yiyue actually heard that person talking to him!

And what surprised him the most was that that person actually said the ability he was most proud of just by relying on such words!

The ‘Vulture Eye’ is the ability to change the viewpoint in the brain to see the entire stadium.

By instantly changing the perspective in his mind, Yiyue can always find the best passing route to assist, and at the same time, he can accurately find the opponent’s formation and breakthrough position, so as to complete the defense!

With this innate ability, he has always been the most important organizational guard of Xiuming Middle School, and with his already not outstanding physical condition, he shoulders the important responsibility of the control tower and the defense hub!

And he has always recognized the uniqueness of his talent – in addition to the fact that he is really not outstanding on the offensive end, he has always considered himself a good player at least defensively.

Especially in the defense of breakthroughs, he has always had the advantage with an almost circular vision.

‘In close hand-to-hand combat with close height, vision is everything! ’

This is the only rule he believes in!

In fact, so far, the only people he thought he could not defend at all were the muscle monster Nemuya Nagayoshi and a few others.


Now, one more!

“You can see me, but…. That’s pointless! ”

“Because it’s just your words, you can’t stop me!”

Under such plain words, there is endless confidence!

“Phew!” The friction between the upper of the shoe and the ground made a harsh sound, and at the moment when Izuki’s fingers were about to touch the basketball, the white figure seemed to open a rocket at the second yard rate at an incredible speed, taking the most important elf on the basketball court directly and instantly distanced himself from him!

The speed at which it exploded in an instant… Faster than previously shown!

“How can it…” and Izuki could only watch weakly as the teenager walked away from his side with the basketball, and then shot three points handsomely and confidently.

“That speed… Isn’t that the limit? ”

And seeing this one-on-one Lizi on the side, she could only smile bitterly and shake her head.

There is no doubt that after today’s match, on the list of monsters recorded by Riko Aida… One more person is going to be added!

That’s the small forward of Hakusan No. 4 – Sogo Bai Sang!

“Hey, do you see clearly? That number four’s action? ”

“No, I can’t see it at all!”

“That speed doesn’t make sense at all, is it really a junior high school student?”

“That guy… What kind of monster is it? ”

As a non-popular qualifier that has received little attention, the crowd around the stadium is mostly logistic staff related to both teams.

At this time, they all exchanged their heads and ears without exception, discussing the completely unreadable movements of the guy with the silver hair just now!

“... Lost”

After watching the white-haired teenager make another layup and throw the ball, Reiko had almost seen the result of the game.

Originally, in Reiko’s calculations, Xiuming could only rely on one plan to win against a team like Baishan that had an obvious gap in strength—that is, to maximize his efforts and try his best to limit Hakushan’s firepower!

After all, judging from the matches in previous years, the team of White Mountain Academy was mostly handled by Shi Wei Reiyang alone for most of the offensive end, while the others carried out their activities in an opportunistic style of play.

Especially after the personnel change in Hakusan this year, Reiko originally thought that the offensive end of the team would be more inclined to Reiyao Shibu herself!

And if this is the case, then the restrictions of the tactics she prepared for Shi Wei Lingyang are likely to become Xiuming’s best and only chance of victory – it is precisely for this consideration that she specially let the players spend a lot of time training the tactics of the three-two joint defense!

And it is precisely because of this that after seeing Sogo’s exaggerated physical potential, she feels that the match may be lost – because according to her tactics, as long as there is an offensive point outside of Ling Yang in the opposing team, even if it is not too strong, then Xiuming will definitely lose the game!

And after seeing Sogo’s breakthrough, she knew….

My previous thoughts may still be too optimistic!

“A breakthrough of this magnitude… This guy…”

It’s completely a monster that is juxtaposed with Shi Wei Lingyang, and even surpasses it!

A guy with this level of breakthrough is definitely not an existence that can be easily ignored – it can even be said that even if he is like Ling Yang, it is not completely impossible to formulate a tactical system for this called Bai Xiangzongwu alone!

In the face of players of this level, the unprepared Xiuming is doomed to defeat!

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