In Nemuya’s puzzled gaze that he couldn’t understand, Sogo made a choice that no one had ever thought of.

I saw that his body did not make the high-speed side breakthrough that he was best at, but chose the almost crazy back singles – this breakthrough method that can simultaneously protect the ball and enhance his own power ability is originally the offensive method that all players often choose.

You know, whether it is a breakthrough after squeezing the opponent away, a sudden turn to break through, or a direct sideways turn to shoot, it is a very reasonable and convenient option!


Previous experience has proven that Mo said that it was only the waist strength brought by the back, and even if it was helpful to run, Sogo could not shake the ‘wall of sighs’ formed by a long period of exercise.

As for sideways shooting, under the inherent difficulty of Nemugu’s height advantage and long-range shooting, it is also the same choice as giving up.

‘Did you make a mistake because of the timing of the attack?’ ’

So after seeing Sogo do this, everyone who knows a little basketball has this idea.

And at this time, the people who were still nervously watching the arena in the audience… Just two!

One was the dark-haired teenager sitting in the stands, and the other….

It’s Nemuya Nagayoshi himself!

He knew that the guy in front of him wasn’t just reacting hastily due to tight timing.

‘This guy… Really want to score! ’

Therefore, even when even he couldn’t think of how Sogo would be able to attack next, he still chose to tighten every muscle in his body, and opened his arms to do his best to stop Sogo’s advance even the slightest!

However, the moment Sogo’s back touches him… He was shocked to find out!

“Jumping, this pose?”


Right in front of Nemugu, Sogo, who was even facing away from the basket, slightly pressed against Genmuya with his left shoulder, but his body suddenly rose high!

And above his right hand, he holds the basketball!

‘Want to turn around and shoot a basket in the air? ’

Between the electric flint, Nemuya made what he thought was the most correct judgment, and his body jumped high in an instant – even if Sogo made such a sudden attack, he actually reacted!

“Boy, I caught you!”

In the air, looking at Sogo, who was slightly at a lower altitude due to the factor of height, and his body that had not been completely turned, the corners of Nemugu’s mouth flashed into a wanton smile!

‘Win! He was convinced of this fact and convinced of the upcoming victory!

“It’s a pity – this guy from Genmugu has reacted faster again!” And at this time, even the black-haired boy in the stands couldn’t help but sigh.

In his opinion, Sogo’s offense was also clearly an attempt to turn in the air and shoot the basket – this kind of shooting with high physical self-control and direction control itself is indeed one of the best options for a player like Sogo when dealing with a player like Nemuya.

Unfortunately, the opponent is Nemuya after all – an ace player with extremely top physical fitness and reflexes!

But just in the next second, he who was originally slightly pity and regret, he lost his calm expression for the first time!

At the same time that his lips suddenly expanded, his pupils also shrank suddenly – what happened in the arena even he never expected anything!

I saw Sogo, who was completely suppressed by Nemuya in the air with the strength of his body, maintaining a sideways posture facing the basket like that, and then he held the ball’s right arm with one hand… But it stretches straight!

At this time, Nemutani, who was especially opposed to Sogo, was the first to discover the anomaly.

“This guy’s reach… Is it so long? ”

Looking at the basketball that was so far away after Sogo straightened his arm that it seemed like he could never touch, his heart suddenly startled.

Arm span is undoubtedly a huge role in the confrontation of basketball games, and some players who are more than two meters tall and have outstanding arms can even put basketballs into the basket with just a small step!

Due to the skeletal characteristics of people (especially the personal specificity of the shoulder blades), some players may not be tall or look unremarkable on weekdays, but when the arm is fully extended, the stretch of the bone can achieve a much longer arm span than it seems.

But even then….

“Straight arm… What does he want to do? ”

Without a reason, Genmugu’s heart suddenly overflowed with a hint of foreboding!

And the facts are indeed confirming that his hunch is definitely not wrong!

Flying high in the air, the ball gripped in his hand in a perfect arc, the orange-red sphere was like a slowly rising sun.

And when the sun rises to its highest point…its power will surely be magnificent!

I saw that Sogo’s fingers suddenly moved slightly when the basketball reached the highest point!

The movements are small, but precise!

Accurate as the parabola of a basketball, but also like the sinking heart of Genmugu!

“Nope… It’s impossible! ”

Genmugu’s pupils were bloodshot – the position of the ball was completely beyond his understanding!

“The location of… Hook shot? ”

So, basketball is in everyone’s attention… After streaking through an arc so perfect that there is not a single blemish, the hollow enters the net!

All Nemuya could do was stretch his arm straight to try to block it, and then watch the ball go into the basket!

And I have to say that the perception given by that ball is like….

It was generally falling vertically from the high and distant sky!

That’s what it is….



[Skill random selection completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill ‘Skyhook’, the original owner: ‘Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’].

[Skill Type: Purple-gold Super Epic Shooting Skill].

[Skill introduction: requires a large range of fields and spaces to play, and the requirements for body flexibility and ball sense and even ball intelligence are extremely high, and the lethality is huge].

[Skill evaluation: A unique hook skill that spreads to the free throw line, one of the strongest offensive skills].

[(New) skill requirements: arm span more than 1.90 (completed), height over 1.85 (completed) skill body transformation (system points 200 points) (×)].

[Proficiency: 0%].

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