Whether a sense of presence does exist or not has always been a topic worth debarating.

Although it has long been thought that its existence may be an almost hallucinatory thing due to different personal perceptions, the difference caused by this strange and seemingly nonexistent attribute to the individual is real.

Tall and handsome people will be noticed everywhere, and it is true that some people will disappear after entering the crowd.

Like Sogo or many of the great players he’s ever seen, their presence on the pitch is so strong that they can make their opponents shiver just by imposing themselves after getting the ball.

But… He had never seen anyone with such a low presence!

There was no intentional dodging or lowering his voice, the guy was just playing intently the whole time, but Momoi and he ignored each other’s existence in the first place!

You know, as an ace offensive player who is often caught between two or even three, watching six ways and listening to all sides in the middle of the game is almost something that Sogo’s body itself has become accustomed to!

He can react even with the fastest speed, and he can change direction or respond in time even the sharpest defense.

This kind of nerve speed that is aware of the presence of the opponent and responds reasonably is something that powerful players are proud of.


‘Just now… I didn’t feel it at all! When he first entered the venue, Sogo really didn’t notice the blue-haired guy’s presence.

Although he had detected the other party in a very short time, there was no doubt – that very short time was enough for the other party to pose a threat to him!

That is, the other party’s thin sense of existence itself….

It’s another concept of ‘talent’!

“Huh? Kuroko-san? And Momoi was also reminded by Sogo at this time, and Momoi finally noticed the light-blue haired boy, and then also smacked at him with a little surprise.

“Ahhh… Hello Momoi-san. ”

And the teenager also seemed to look at Sogo with a slightly strange gaze after noticing him for the first time, and then he also put down the basketball and trotted over to say hello to Momoi, very politely.

“Why didn’t you go to the cafeteria…”and Momoi’s words accidentally determined Sogo’s idea – this person is indeed one of the main choices of Teiko.

“I don’t know… They had gone since I went to the toilet, and no one had called me…”

It might have been very thin and sad if someone else said it, but this teenager who Momoi called ‘Kuroko’ said it for granted, and he was obviously used to it.

“… Was it ignored again? And Momoi also covered his forehead with some annoyance, but then he also seemed to suddenly think that Sogo was still around, and quickly turned his head to Sogo and introduced: “Sogo-kun, this is ‘Tetsuya Kuroko’, one of the regular players of our team.” ”

“Kuroko-san, this is my friend and former Temitsu’s student Bai Sangsogo.”


And Kuroko also looked at Sogo curiously with those eyes with the same color as his hair after hearing this.

“What’s wrong? Kuroko-san, do you know me? ”

At this moment, it was a little strange for Sogo.

“Well, before Momoi-san, Huangse-san, Hongmura-senpai, and Shirogane supervisor all talked about you Bai Xiang-kun—especially Momoi-san, mentioned you many times?”

Kuroko explained with a smile after noticing Sogo’s puzzled gaze.

“… Is it? So I’m so famous? ”

And after Sogo heard this, he was even more puzzled – Ryota Huangse didn’t care, judging from the cheerful appearance of the other party at that time, it was estimated that he was a guy with a wide range of friends.

But the other people, Hongcun Shuzo’s name, he had heard of… But he had never seen each other before.

And that platinum supervisor is estimated to be Diguang’s supervision, but he has not seen the other party either.

Finally, there is Momoi….

What the hell is it to mention it many times?

Sogo, whose emotional intelligence is really not high, fell into a maze!

On the other side, Momoi’s face suddenly turned red for some reason, and after glaring at Kuroko very girlishly, he also hurriedly tried to divert Sogo’s attention: “Yes, Sogo-kun, you are very famous now-especially after the match with Toragari!” ”

“Well, Bai Tongxue is now called ‘White Flash’ oh – and now it seems that you are really a very good player!”

And Kuroko also nodded, and then suddenly said very seriously.

“… And this kind of thing? ”

Although I don’t know where Kuroko’s conclusion of ‘really powerful’ came from, I really can’t say anything more looking at the other party’s slightly adoring expression.

Instead, Momoi explained to Sogo seriously, “The match between you and Toragari was selected by the organizers as one of the 5 best matches in the qualifiers and broadcast in their media, so Sogo-kun, you also have this title for your performance in that match – but you probably were preparing for the last match the other day, so you didn’t care.” ”

“This way…” And Sogo could only be dumb after hearing this, and then had to admit that although the name ‘White Flash’ seemed a little low, it was quite a happy thing to be recognized for strength.

Perhaps it was also because of opening the chatterbox or having an extra person to relieve Momoi’s tension for unknown reasons, and the three gradually began to chat.

After chatting for a while, Sogo said goodbye to Kuroko with Momoi and prepared to leave.

However, when he left the separate training ground along the road he came from, Sogo met a person who seemed to be opening the door when he was opening the door.

And before meeting his person, what Sogo felt head-on… It’s a sense of oppression!

It is not a sense of oppression in momentum or will, but a simple sense of physical and high oppression!

‘What, this guy… That’s all over 2, meters, right? ’

Looking at the ‘giant’ with purple hair and even to the point where he had to raise his head slightly to see his face, Sogo’s heart also suddenly froze – the feeling this person gave him was even stronger than Nemuya Yogayoshi!

At this time, Momoi waved to the man very easily: “Huh? Xiaozi, did you come back and call Kuroko? ”

Little purple? This kind of hunk?

Sogo’s heart was speechless for a while.

“Well… Chizai asked me to call Black Boy – well, it’s really troublesome. ”

The guy who was completely different in height and physique was unexpectedly speaking in a lazy childlike tone, and while talking, he tore open a bag of potato chips that he held in his hand, and then began to eat it freely.

“Don’t say it’s trouble—in that case, then you should go quickly, and I will go first!”


“Eat less potato chips – that’s the words of Platinum Superintendent.”

“Can’t do it~ that kind of thing.”

So he said yes softly and walked towards the stadium room.

And the one thing that no one noticed was….

As he left with steps that were undoubtedly too huge compared to ordinary people, the purple-haired boy’s gaze seemed to glance in Sogo’s direction.

In those lazy eyes… There is a sharp light emerging.

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