Sogo was already in the second half of his own half at the start of the game – almost instinctively, he didn’t believe Miyagi could beat Atsushi Shihara in terms of jumping balls!

And the facts apparently did not surprise him.

When facing Atsushi Shihara, Takeshi Miyagi, who was a temporary choice for his own high weight, was almost defeated in a crushed way – Sogo could even directly conclude that the purple-haired young giant did not need any other ‘talent’ at all.

It’s just that body… That’s enough!

‘That guy’s strength and physical strength stats… Absolutely! ’

This information was obviously useful, or at least it made Sogo understand what he was supposed to do – defend!

Therefore, he was able to come to his side and jump when Ryota Huangse dangled Rei Yang with a brilliant feint!

“It’s not that I’m going to stop you…”

And there is no doubt that as an offensive player of the same type as Sogo, he is different from Daiki Aomine, who has entered the ‘blossoming’ stage, whose strength growth is difficult to predict, or several other guys whose level and strength are completely unknown.

The time of contact with basketball is very similar to Sogo’s, Ryota Huangse, and he is the only opponent who can be sure that Sogo is definitely significantly weaker than him!

“It’s me… It will definitely stop you! ”

So, Sogo is very confident!


“yes – in front of you, I am really not very good at scoring goals!”

“It’s rare… People who are progressing faster than me. ”

Huangse, who had already raised the ball with both hands, saw Sogo’s arm that was blocking all his shooting routes, but the corners of his mouth curved subtly.

The two balls seemed to appear in front of him again.

There is no doubt that compared to him… This guy in front of him has improved even more!


“Bai Xiangjun, it’s different from then – it’s not a dozen now!”

And as his words fell, his hands that were originally holding the ball suddenly turned flexibly!


So in Sogo’s suddenly flashed surprised gaze, what Ryota Huangse did was not shoot the basket…

It’s about passing!

“It’s a bit embarrassing to say that, but the team’s main attacker right now… It’s not me! ”

In the distance behind Ryota Huangse’s blond hair, among the two who ran from his halfway, the one who had already taken the ball…

It’s Shintaro Midorima!

“You don’t have a problem with feeling, right? If not, give me the ball, beside him, it is Aomine Daiki who teased him casually.

“Hmph!” And Shintaro Midorima snorted unhappily – he and Daiki Aomomine have always been the two youngest people in the team due to the difference in each other’s attack style!

But at this time, he unexpectedly did not reply.

And Shinjiro Sasaki and Takeshi Miyagi who returned from the center area to his own half of the area were also defending at their three-point line position at this time, waiting for the opponent’s attack with full attention!

‘Where will it break through?’ Left or right? ’

‘How will he break through?’ Feints? Or block demolition? ’

And when the two of them were thinking so seriously, Sogo keenly discovered something was wrong!

He was not familiar with Shintaro Midorima, and he had only met once not long ago, and all he said was a word of self-introduction…

However, he was sure that at this time in his heart… There is a sense of foreboding!

“Not good!”

His low cry sounded, and his body rushed forward!

But… It’s already nightly!

In front of everyone, the guy named Shintaro Midorima did not choose any theoretically feasible way to break through.

To be exact, he didn’t even dribble the ball forward even half a step!

The choice he made was…

“Kah!” With a crisp sound when his knees bent, Midorima’s left hand gently held the ball, and…

Wrist movement.

“Shooting? That distance? ”

“Two meters beyond the three-point line? Is he crazy? ”

“It won’t!”

The exclamation in the audience also represented the mood of everyone in Baishan at this time!

Two meters outside the three-point line, what a concept!

That’s an area that almost all shooters consider a nightmare – influenced by air resistance and arm strength and feel, being able to score that kind of three-point is more of luck than strength!

However, Shintaro Midorima did exactly that!

Without any consideration, he shot the basket right there!

The ball crossed an extremely high parabolic trajectory in the air – a trajectory that gave no one any chance to make an effective interception!

Midorima himself, on the other hand, gently pushed his glasses after throwing the basketball.

“I woke up this morning and ate with my right hand, without wiping my glasses and using toothpaste from No. 3.”

“For lunch, I ate a combination of green peppers and carrots with rice balls, and at the same time, according to the ‘morning divination’, I brought today’s lucky constellation Gemini’s lucky thing – Boboloon Toys.”

Reading words so fragmented that no one could understand, his glasses reflected slightly in the light of the pitch.

“The personnel is exhausted, so…”

And in that moment when the reflection makes you see the whole picture…

The eyes under the green glasses are as sharp as the sharpest sword!

“Destiny is naturally in me!”

It makes no sense to say that it feels!

“Ugh!” So the next second, the basketball hollowed into the net.

Only then did Midorima turn his head to look at Aomi Daiki.

“My shot today, I won’t miss it!”

Score…:! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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