White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 179: Ice and fire intertwined, phoenix dances together (part 2)

"What kind of spirit is this student Shrek? How do I feel terrified!"

"Look! The flame he released! It's so dark!"

"Is that really a flame? Why does it feel like mud, so disgusting!"

The discussion came and went one after another, all talking about Ma Hongjun's Wuhun and Heihuo.

"The black...flame? It seems that he is also Shrek's trump card!"

Shui Bing'er noticed the changes in Ma Hongjun, but was still confident: "Unfortunately. If we use it before we use the Martial Spirit Fusion Skill, it might stop us. Now your flames are not enough to melt our ice!"

Martial Soul Fusion Skills, Frozen Snow!

The strong cold air, accompanied by violent winds and sharp snowflakes, will freeze and tear the covered enemies to pieces!

The other six people have no big problem-the ice block that freezes Le Bai has become a protection, and it also serves as a shelter for the remaining five people, blocking most of the strong wind and sharp snow from falling ice and snow. In addition, Tang San's blue silver grass was woven into a grass net to filter out a small part of the snowflakes. The remaining bit of chill can be resisted by relying on their own resistance and spirit power.

The bigger problem is Ma Hongjun, and the situation is overwhelmingly unfavorable for him.

On the opposite side are the martial soul fusion skills displayed by two fortieth-level soul sects, and the strength of the spirit power displayed has reached the sixtieth level!

Fortunately, their attacks at this moment were large-scale, very scattered attacks, and they had not exceeded Ma Hongjun's tolerance.

Shui Binger knew this too, but she had no choice. Only her in their team can fly, but after using the martial soul fusion skill, her soul power must not be enough to support her in defeating the opposite fire phoenix.

Regardless of whether she chooses to solve the one in the sky or the six on the ground, the remaining three assault teammates on her side will most likely not be able to defeat the surviving personnel on the opposite side.

Needless to say the six-to-three situation. Even if it were three-to-one, without flying ability and anti-air attack skills, the fire phoenix on the opposite side could fly in the sky and defeat them easily.

As for the successive defeats, Shui Bing'er hadn't thought about it, but the spirit power of her and Xue Wu could not last that long.

At this time, Ma Hongjun, who was slowly adapting to the surrounding snowflakes' attack, began to counterattack: "The first spirit ability·Phoenix FireWire!"

Le Bai's previous instructions to Ma Hongjun were "full force", so the Phoenix line of fire at this time was really a dark and slender "line".

After a high degree of condensation of the flame ray, the range can not help but greatly increase, but also get a pretty good penetrating effect!

The black "line" traversed a straight trajectory in the air and fell on the ice phoenix formed by Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu at an astonishing speed.

The low temperature and snowflakes floating in the air greatly reduced the damage of the line of fire, but the blow still made Shui Binger and Xuewu feel "hot" pain.

Shui Bing'er controlled the ice phoenix to move, and opened her mouth to spray a blue cold light, hitting the black line, forcibly offsetting it, and blowing Ma Hongjun back a certain distance with the remaining force.

However, the black line smoothly left a little sporadic black spark on the ice phoenix.

"Marking is complete!"

Ma Hongjun urged his own soul power as much as possible. The fourth soul ring trembled violently, and the deep purple soul light emitted continued to strengthen: "Fourth soul ability: Phoenix Qiuhuang Yanwu!"

With the blessing of the second and third spirit ring, Ma Hongjun released the fourth spirit ability with all his strength, and a large amount of black fire continued to gush from him.

These black mud-like flames did not drop to the ground, all gathered together, separated from Ma Hongjun, turned into a huge black fire phoenix, and flew straight toward the ice phoenix!

Black Fire Phoenix's flight speed is not fast, and the flight path is very "simple", just a straight line.

Shui Bing'er did not intend to resist, and moved his wings to control the ice phoenix to fly away from its current position.

However, as soon as Shui Bing'er moved, the Black Fire Phoenix immediately followed the changed course, still flying straight towards the Ice Phoenix.

"Soul Tracking Skills?"

Shui Bing'er was not sure, but she didn't want to waste her soul power to offset the black fire phoenix, so the ice phoenix continued to wave its wings and circled around the "ice group" where the six Shrek people were on the ring.

After flying for half a circle, the Black Fire Phoenix still followed the Ice Phoenix, and it seemed that it was faintly growing.

"What an annoying spirit ability!"

Shui Bing'er thought, controlling the ice phoenix again to eject a blue cold light, hitting the black fire phoenix, and smashing it with one blow.

The broken black fire phoenix was like a burst of mud, and the black fire scattered in all directions.

However, it did not disappear! Not extinguished!

Thousands of small groups of black fire flew in the air while slowing down, stopped quickly, and then turned into the same number of black fire phoenixes of the same size, and continued to fly towards the ice phoenix!

Floating snowflakes will lower the temperature of the black fire, but they will not be able to extinguish the black fire.

And the snowflakes will be melted by the black fire, restored to soul power, and eventually burned out by the black fire, becoming the firewood that promotes the burning!

Shui Bing'er saw countless black fire phoenixes flying towards her, and she suddenly had the urge to speak bad words: "What the **** is this spirit ability?"

"It's soul power! These black fires will burn our soul power to strengthen ourselves!"

Xue Wu reminded Shui Bing'er: "The ice and snow we release are made of soul power. Although it can reduce the temperature of these black fires, it will also become the nutrients of the black fire!"

Shui Bing'er was anxious: "How can there be such a disgusting spirit ability in the world?!"

If it were one-on-one now, Shui Bing'er could quickly defeat Ma Hongjun who was using his spirit abilities as long as he concentrated his attacks, or he could directly use a large amount of spirit power to forcibly offset the black fire. Either way, it can effectively combat these black fires.

"Ah, what an annoying spirit ability!"

If these black fires continue to grow, even the ice phoenix will be in danger.

Shui Binger was forced to make a choice.

She controlled the ice and snow to concentrate near the ice phoenix, and the suddenly enhanced soul ability effect canceled all the surrounding black fire phoenix flying towards the ice phoenix, and there was no spark left.

"Where is that nasty soul master?!"

Eliminating the black fire, Shui Binger continued to search for Ma Hongjun.

She wants to defeat Ma Hongjun before he continues to release this kind of black fire, and then bet on the remaining spirit power, as far as possible to launch a total attack on the remaining six people of Shrek!

"Are you looking for me?"

Ma Hongjun's voice sounded from behind.

"When was he... when our attention was attracted by the black fire phoenix!"

Shui Bing'er was taken aback, and her clever mind quickly figured it out. Bing Phoenix turned her head quickly, and the blue light in her mouth was condensing, but she knew in her heart: "Suffer!"

Ma Hongjun has released his fourth spirit ability: "Feng Qiu Huang Yanwu."

Black fire, zero distance, big explosion!

A large amount of black fire burned directly, and it was completely incomparable with the black line of fire that first hit them!

Blazing hot, and burning soul power!

This huge ice phoenix itself is a pure spirit power group after displaying the martial soul fusion skill and condensing through soul power. I was ignited by the black fire at this moment, like a ball of combustible ice, burning violently!

The intense pain caused by the burning of the whole body almost made Shui Binger and Xuewu lose consciousness.

Regardless of saving soul power, a strong cold air was released from the ice phoenix's body, a layer of ice armor wrapped the ice phoenix's body surface, and the black fire was once again offset by a large amount of soul power.

After Ma Hongjun released his soul abilities at a zero distance, he moved away for the first time, and while the opponent's attention was attracted by the black fire again, he flexibly flew under the ice phoenix.

After the ice armor covered the entire body of the ice phoenix, Ma Hongjun lowered his height while condensing his soul power, and finally released his soul power for the third time: "Soul power and kidneys are a little weaker, this is my last, Phoenix FireWire·Blast!"

The black fire that had condensed into a cluster spread out like an explosion, evenly turning into thousands of small sparks, splashing all over the ice phoenix.

Le Bai didn't tell Ma Hongjun to do this, but he took such an action based on his fighting intuition.

At this moment, the ice phoenix has an overwhelming advantage in spirit power strength. Compared with condensing black fire to increase damage, it is better to disperse black fire to aggravate its soul power consumption.

Regardless of whether Shui Bing'er allowed Black Fire to ignore it, or used a large amount of soul power to forcibly eliminate Black Fire, it would greatly increase the consumption of soul power, and the already stretched soul power suddenly worsened.

On the ground, Tianshui's three assault team members saw Ma Hongjun falling and immediately ran over to prepare for an attack.

"Now is his highlight moment, but it's not easy to bother you."

The three girls heard these words at the same time, and then they felt their feet tight, and they were entangled in the blue silver grass that did not know when they grew out—without the restraint of the martial arts fusion skills, the six Shrek joined in the first time fighting.

Ma Hongjun didn't notice the other people. He focused all his attention on the battle. While adjusting his breathing, he raised his head to look at the ice phoenix in the sky.

Under the effect of Le Bai's bread, the soul power is recovering more than three times the normal speed, recovering at a high speed. Coupled with the spirit power breathing method taught by Le Bai, after such a while, the spirit power almost exhausted in Ma Hongjun's body has gradually increased, about one-thirtieth.

"No, these are only enough to maintain the spirit possession, even the first spirit ability can't be released."

Ma Hongjun was a little anxious, but at the moment, all he could do was calm and keep breathing, even if it was a second earlier, to restore his spirit power to the point where he could release black fire as soon as possible.

Just as Ma Hongjun was thinking about this, the ice phoenix suddenly disappeared in the sky, and the two girls just lifted the martial spirit fusion state in the air and fell off.


Ma Hongjun was taken aback.

Le Bai's prompt came in time: "Eh, you are tall~www.readwn.com~ fly up and hug!"

Hearing the prompt, Ma Hongjun almost subconsciously waved his wings into the air. One second before Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu landed, with the strong physique gained over the years, he steadily caught it with one hand.

"Don't be in a daze! Land immediately, put down the two of them, calmly say, "You are very strong", then turn around and come back to our side. Be sure not to show any hesitation!"

Before Ma Hongjun had time to experience the touch of the girl in his arms, he fell to the ground cruelly, put down the two gently, and according to Le Bai's request, said calmly: "You are very strong."

Then he turned around decisively, returned to Shrek's side, and stood with the others.

At this moment, Tang San's Lan Yincao had poisoned the sky-shaking water and three strong attacking girls, and only Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu, who had exhausted their soul power, remained on the ring. They could still sit, but they couldn't stand up either.

Seeing this, the referee decisively announced: "Shrek Academy wins!"

Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu looked at the back of Ma Hongjun walking away, seeming to be distracted...

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