White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 187: Dressed to be thin

Le Bai punched quickly, and Feng Xiaotian couldn't avoid it. So he simply didn't hide, lowered his head slightly, and greeted him with his sturdy forehead.

It is said that the wolf is "copper-headed and iron-backed tofu waist." Feng Xiaotian's blast two-headed wolf spirit also has similar characteristics. When the spirit is possessed, the strongest part of Feng Xiaotian's body is the skull.

With fists and head touching, Le Bai's right hand was shaken back a bit by the recoil force, and Feng Xiaotian's lowered head tilted back uncontrollably.

Feng Xiaotian tried hard with his right hand, and found that his strength was unexpectedly incomparable, so he resolutely switched to his left hand, instead of grabbing it, but using one hand to release the first soul ability with a near zero distance.

At this distance, even Le Bai couldn't "slide away" these wind blades, and was forced to let go and stretch the distance to dodge.

Feng Xiaotian took the opportunity to use his third spirit ability, and a pair of blue wings composed entirely of spirit power took him to the sky. Immediately afterwards, he immediately used his second spirit ability, and a faint cyan two-headed wolf shadow enveloped Feng Xiaotian.

"Without being possessed by a martial soul, strength and speed can still suppress me by a large margin!"

Feng Xiaotian is full of security, and even chats with a few words: "How on earth does your body exercise?"

"Want to learn?"

Le Bai raised his head and said to Feng Xiaotian, "I teach you!"

"Ha! Then wait until I beat you, and then learn from you!"

Feng Xiaotian began to speed up in circles in the air: "You are not the only one who can create a soul ability! Be careful, this is my own soul ability-Hate Wind Demon Wolf Thirty-Six Slashes!"

After a circle of acceleration, Feng Xiaotian suddenly fell sharply, and his body accelerated to an astonishing speed under the acceleration of gravity and the push of the wind.

When approaching the ground, Feng Xiaotian adjusted his angle and drew an arc in the air, parallel to the ground, towards Le Bai.

"The wind covering the surface of the body is streamlined. I'm afraid it is because of my natural talent for wind affinity that I directly found that this form has the least resistance."

Le Bai perceives Feng Xiaotian's situation, and sighs silently: "I want to have this talent, coupled with the effect of the panel, now I have to have more than 50 levels, and I can face the soul emperor hard."

After envying him, Le Bai pretended to be passionate and yelled, "Good job!"

More blessing of soul power to the elbows and knees: "Look at me using'Xia Ji's Eight Beats' to break you!"

The wings spread out on Feng Xiaotian’s back, under the high-speed blessing, turned into an amazingly destructive blade, the first cut--

The moment Fengyi was about to hit Le Bai, Le Bai raised his right leg and pressed down his right hand at the same time. With his right knee and right elbow, he firmly clamped Feng Xiaotian's Feng Xiaotian.


Almost all of the spirit masters who could see what Le Bai was doing opened their eyes wide and leaned forward subconsciously.

In the case of unable to move forward or touch, the destructive power of the wind wing can hardly hurt Le for nothing.

Feng Xiaotian had a ghostly expression on his face: "Actually... grasp the moment the wind wing passes, and use both hands and feet to clamp the wind wing!?"

However, Feng Xiaotian's speed is extremely fast at this time, Le Bai can block the attack, but cannot eliminate the kinetic energy and inertia, and is forced to push back. The left leg that supported the body alone had sunk into the ground, but it still couldn't stop it, plowing a deep ditch in the ground.

After about five meters on the single-leg brake, Le Bai finally stopped.

At this moment, Le Bai looked very embarrassed. When the wind wing was squeezed by his elbows and knees, strong winds continued to erupt, almost torn the front part of Le Bai's upper body clothes.

"I miscalculated. The soul power is concentrated on the hands and feet, and the body is used for defense too little."

The skin was in direct contact with the air, and Le Bai couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth: "Asshole, my clothes are expensive."

Without the concealment of his clothes, Le Bai's figure was directly seen by the people around him. Both men and women made a sound: "Hiss——"

"Are you a monster!?"

Feng Xiaotian looked at the body in front of him and said loudly in a nearly shouting manner.

When Le Bai wore clothes, he looked no different from ordinary people, with a well-proportioned figure, and even felt a little thin.

Now, without the cover of his clothes, Le Bai's physique trained to the inhuman state brought an extremely strong impact to the people on the scene:

"What's the matter with this guy's body? Is that really a body that humans can have?"

"No wonder he has so much strength..."

"What an amazing physique! I dare say that the old orangutan who walks the pure power route does not have such a physique!"

"What kind of exercise is necessary for a person to have such a body?!"

Even the people on Shrek's side were surprised, but the surprise was different from other audiences.

"This guy Le Bai can't see it in clothes, he has a great body."

Dai Mubai looked at it with interest: "I don't know how much pressure he has used for training in the past two years."

"It should be the level that makes us unable to breathe."

Ma Hongjun said with a look of envy: "Look at those muscles, the grains are distinct, and you can see that they are full of power."

Oscar and Tang San didn't speak, but silently nodded to show their agreement.

As for the three girls, their eyes were floating, and the blood vessels in their faces showed signs of relaxation.

"you are right."

Le Bai grinned: "Shrek always only accepts monsters!"

The elbows and knees were suddenly separated, the right foot landed, stood firm, and the left hand, which was always ready to go, aimed at Feng Xiaotian's chin, and made an uppercut!

The self-created spirit ability was cracked by Le Bai with unexpected means, and Feng Xiaotian was deeply hit, but he still had spirit power, and his spirit ability effect was still there, he could fight again!

Folded his hands, concentrated his soul power, defended against Le Bai's punch, and with the help of this punch, the wings of the wind fluttered and lifted into the air again.

"The speed and power of the first cut are too bad. In that case, I will first accumulate my strength in the air!"

Feng Xiaotian thought.

Rising to a high altitude and starting to circle in the air, the speed is getting faster and faster.

"Tsk, why is it so smart to fight with me~www.readwn.com~ knowing to accumulate energy in the air first. Does Tang San really bring his own aura of lowering wisdom?"

Le Bai quickly glanced at Tang San, regaining his attention: "Forget it, as long as you hide your soul power for overclocking, everything else is easy to say."

Thinking of this, Le Bai squatted and jumped hard, and the whole person rushed into the sky like a rocket.


Gu Rong leaned forward and leaned back, regretting: "Even if you want to prevent the opponent from accumulating energy, you shouldn't take the initiative to jump into the air that the opponent is good at!"

Feng Xiaotian also has a similar idea: "Idiot! What if you have an inhuman body? You can't use it in the air!"

At this time, Feng Xiaotian's Lian Zhan had gone through four rounds of energy accumulation in the air, and the speed and strength were stronger than before. As for Le Bai, he quickly slowed down after taking off, and was about to stop.

"I admit, you are very strong! Stronger than all of us thought!"

Feng Xiaotian accelerated with all his strength, and Fengyi slashed towards Le Bai who was almost still: "But this battle is my victory!"

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