White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 50: Breakthroughs must also be neat

   After listening to Le Bai's conjecture, Oscar, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were all lost in thought.

   If the facts are really the same as what Le Bai said, then the spirit master world's method of training auxiliary soul masters will definitely change in essence from now on.

   "You don't have to think too seriously."

Le Bai pulled the attention of the three people back: "Even if my guess is correct, it doesn't mean that all auxiliary spirit masters will be willing to do that. On the other hand, even if my guess is wrong, Oscar and I I won’t stop exercising because of this."

"makes sense."

   Oscar patted his confused mind, and forgot what Le Bai had just said: "By the way, there are only four of us. Do you want to go to the playground after breakfast? The dean should come today."

   "The dean is very concerned about the breakthroughs of Boss Dai and Hongjun. As long as you explain to him, the content of today's course should change."

   Lebai thought to himself: "Well, after breakfast in a while, you should go back to the dormitory to see their situation. I will go to the playground and wait for the dean to explain the situation to him, and then go to your side with the dean."

   Zhu Zhuqing confirmed Dai Mubai's situation, and took a look at Ma Hongjun by the way; Ning Rongrong paid attention to Xiao Wu; Oscar guarded Tang San.

   After the allocation was completed, the four people left the canteen after breakfast.

  Not long after Le Bai arrived on the playground, Flander appeared and found that only Le Bai was alone. He immediately realized that something must have happened: "Le Bai, why are you alone?"

   "Dean, good news! This morning, Mu Bai and Hong Jun, as well as the newly arrived Tang San and Xiao Wu, all started to break through!"

   Le Bai explained the reason: "Now other people are going to watch outside their dormitory, I came here specifically to tell you."

   Flander suddenly excited: "Are you serious? Hong Jun, that boy, broke through to level 30!"

"you do not say!"

   Lebai smiled and said, "Congratulations, Dean, your disciple created Shrek Academy, and it is also the youngest soul-sovereign record in the entire continent!"

   After speaking, Le Bai added in his heart: Only pure humans.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Flender laughed a few times, vented his excitement, and immediately said after laughing: "Very good! You are all good! Go! Let's go over and see!"

   Flender worried that his spirit power fluctuated too much, which would affect the four who were breaking through. Instead of flying over, he walked...run with Le Bai.

   trot forward, and within half a minute, the two of them arrived at the dormitory area.

   The spirit power fluctuations that are gradually increasing can be felt in the three dormitories, and this is a sign that the spirit power is in a state of breakthrough.

   "Sure enough, they are all breaking through!"

  I confirmed with my own eyes that the joy on Flender's face was even stronger.

   Seeing Flanders, the other three came over to say hello: "Good dean!" "Dean." "Good dean~"


   Flander is not paying attention here, and he casually replied, asking: "How long have they started to break through?"

   Oscar: "Tang San should only start in the morning. When I went to eat, his spirit power fluctuations hadn't been so intense yet."

   Ning Rongrong: "Xiao Wu is about the same time."

   Zhu Zhuqing: "When I first came, Mubai's spirit power fluctuations had just begun to increase, and Ma Hongjun's had been maintained at a relatively strong state, and now Mubai's spirit power fluctuations had almost exceeded Ma Hongjun's intensity."


   Flender nodded, and estimated in his mind how long it would take for the four of them to wake up after completing the breakthrough.

   Le Bai asked: "Dean, do you still use the class today?"

   "There are less than half the number of people, and the pre-prepared class content can no longer be used."

   Flender looked at the dormitory where Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai were staying: "Free activities in the morning. I'll come and watch it here. You guys, hurry up to practice or exercise."

   The next sentence is for Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, excluding Le Bai. Because Flanders has been very speechless about Le Bai's training intensity.

   "In that case, Dean, how about I assist Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing in the soul control practice?"

   Le Bai suggested: "Plus Oscar, maybe the two of them can get familiar with Oscar's third spirit ability by the way."


   Flender said to the two women: "You two, follow Le Bai and Oscar in the morning."

   Ning Rongrong smiled and nodded: "I see~"

   Zhu Zhuqing nodded silently.

   "Let's change place."

   Le Bai pointed to the dormitory: "If there are too strong spirit power fluctuations, it may affect their breakthrough."

   The morning passed quickly.

   As it was approaching lunch time, Le Bai felt the direction of the dormitory, there were four fluctuations in spirit power, guessing that the four people in the dormitory should have completed the breakthrough.

   Speak to the two who are still practicing, call Oscar, and the four of them return to the dormitory together. Flander is still standing there, as if he didn't even move his position.

   "It's really time for you to come..."

  Flander had just finished speaking, and his gaze fell on Le Bai: "No, it doesn't seem to be a coincidence. Le Bai, you came back after sensing the spirit power fluctuations emitted by the four of them when they broke through."


   Le Bai recalled the sequence of spirit power fluctuations he felt before: "The order of their breakthrough should be...Xiao Wu, Mu Bai, Hong Jun, Tang San. Dean, do I have a wrong perception?"

   "No, very correct! Your perception of spirit power is still so sensitive!"

   Flender smiled lightly and nodded: "Wait a little longer, they should soon be awake."

  Sure enough, as soon as Flender finished speaking, Xiao Wu was the first to open the door and walk out.

   found that everyone was there, Xiao Wu was taken aback: "Why are you all here?"

   Ning Rongrong took the initiative to move forward and explain briefly.

   Xiao Wu said in surprise: "Even four people broke through together?!"

   immediately thought: "So, the next thing is to hunt the soul beast..."

   "I definitely want it, otherwise where to get the spirit ring?"

   Ning Rongrong said strangely.

   "That's not necessarily true!"

   Hearing Ning Rongrong’s words, Oscar suddenly said: “Among the soul masters I know, there is a person who does not need to hunt down soul beasts, but can condense the soul ring to break through by himself.”

   Ning Rongrong was surprised: "There are still people who don't need..."

"who is it?!"

   Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted loudly by Xiao Wu beside her: "Oscar, please tell me~www.readwn.com~Who is the soul master you mentioned?!"

   Oscar just doesn’t say directly: "In fact, you have all seen this person~"

   "Hey, Oscar, stop teasing them."

   Le Bai sighed softly and said, "That person is me."

   Xiao Wu suddenly became less excited, and said angrily: "Why is it that you hate it!"

Ning Rongrong circled Le Bai with a curious look, and looked up and down Le Bai: "Wow! Actually someone can get a spirit ring without hunting a spirit beast! Doesn't it mean that only spirit beasts can condense a spirit ring? Thinking of someone’s unusual physical strength, could it be said... Le Bai, you are actually a human-shaped soul beast!?"

   "I don't want to be that way."

The corner of Le Bai's mouth trembled: "When the spirit power broke through to the tenth and twentieth level, the spirit ring appeared by itself, and it was still a ten-year spirit ring! Even the spirit abilities are exactly the same! Damn, I also want to be perfect. The equipped spirit ring! I also want to rely on the spirit ring to easily use the spirit abilities!"

   "Hey, why are you like that?"

   Xiao Wu approached and looked at Le Bai strangely: "Did you... (extremely low voice), what went wrong?"

   "No. It's better not to say these things in the future."

   Le Bai looked at Xiao Wu, and said in a pun: "You and I are not the same people. Our two situations are fundamentally different."

   Xiao Wu was surprised: "You, you know?"

   "Ha, your face is exactly the same as Tang San the day before yesterday, you two really have a husband and wife!"

   Lebai smiled and said, "I know. Including your mother's affairs, and Daming and Erming's affairs."

   Xiao Wu was so scared that she couldn't speak, she didn't even refute Le Bai's claim that she had a husband and wife relationship with Tang San, her eyes widened gradually, like a ghost...

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