White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 67: Star Dou's journey is complete

  The higher the age of the spirit ring, the longer it takes to absorb it. This is one of the common sense in the spirit master world.

   Dai Mubai absorbed the spirit ring of 6,000 to 7,000 years. According to Flander and Zao Wou-ki's estimation, it would take a day to absorb it at the earliest.

   During this period, the other people's task is to protect Dai Mubai and watch out for possible dangers around him.

   A simple tent was set up next to Dai Mubai.

   The sun rose above the head and then slowly set.

   Zhu Zhuqing has been watching Dai Mubai. He has been watching since he started to absorb the spirit ring.

   This girl has been taciturn since the beginning of enrollment. She always has a cold face. Others don't know what she is thinking, and worry about being embarrassed by saying the wrong thing, so she simply doesn't say anything.

   "Zhu Qing, take a break, I will come to see Boss Dai."

Le Bai handed Zhu Zhuqing a bowl: "Today's dinner was cooked with the crab legs of the glazed golden crab. The taste is very good, but the fiber of the crab meat is too thick and it tastes a little wasteful of the chin. Remember to bless your teeth a little when chewing. Soul power."


   Zhu Zhuqing took the bowl with both hands, waited for Le Bai to sit down, and walked to the side with confidence to eat with others.

   "Really a very nice girl, if you want to be worthy of her, you have to keep working hard."

   Lebai retracted the light from the corner of his eyes and said to Dai Mubai, whether he could hear it or not, "You say yes, Boss Dai."

   into the night.

   Le Bai, like the previous two nights, while cultivating his soul power, he carefully perceives the surroundings and gradually expands the range of perception.

  Lebai has told others that his perception limit is more than ten kilometers, which is actually wrong. It's not a lie, it's just another way of saying it deliberately-a dozen kilometers is the perceptual range spread out to the maximum.

   If it is not evenly spread, but in a narrow range, focusing on perceiving one direction, Lebai’s current limit sensing distance can reach 103 kilometers.

   sounds amazing, but it doesn't make much sense.

   The perception distance is very far, but the scope of perception has shrunk too much, whether it is searching for soul beasts or other things, the effect is not good.

   Only when the salient features of the target are determined and the specific location is known, Le Bai will perceive it in this way.

   After entering the Star Dou Forest, Le Bai confirmed with Xiao Wu the location of Daming and Erming for the first time. Although they moved afterwards, Le Bai would reconfirm with Xiao Wu every time they changed places.

   After several positionings, Le Bai has determined the specific coordinates of Daming and Erming. As soon as there is time, Lebai will move towards the direction of Daming and Erming, extending his perception to the limit.

   Le Bai certainly knew that the time when Er Ming appeared was not now, but he was not sure of this.

   This world is "very similar" rather than "the same" as he knows, so it is very likely that there will be something different from what he remembered, such as now:


   Le Bai suddenly opened his eyes: "That silly gorilla really got here in advance!"

   and the speed is very fast.

   "Cough, cough, cough-cough."

   Le Bai coughed three times regularly, very lightly, and Xiao Wu who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes and looked over.

   Le Bai didn't speak, and pointed to the outside of the tent, motioning Xiao Wu to go outside and talk.

   As soon as she got outside, Xiao Wu looked at Le Bai with an eager look.

Le Bai said briskly: "Don't worry, Erming is still far away from us. You go to the dean immediately, just as we said before, the dean will definitely ask someone to accompany you, remember to choose Tang San. Although I can, it is better not to."

   Xiao Wu hesitated. She still doesn't want Tang San to know her identity: "Isn't it safer to go with me?"

   "I will accompany you with this kind of thing, what do you make Tang San think?"

   Le Bai's tone gradually increased: "Tang San will believe you unconditionally, but he will not believe me unconditionally as well-at least not currently."


   Xiao Wu was a little happy and a little depressed: "I see."

   turned around and walked into the tent and found Flanders.

"what's up?"

   Flender opened his eyes, speaking very softly so as not to disturb the others.

   "Dean, I...want to go to the toilet..."

   Xiao Wu said more and more quietly, and the blood vessels in the face were dilating.

   Flender’s martial arts soul is an owl. Even at night, his eyesight is still very good and he can see Xiao Wu’s expression clearly: "You are too dangerous by yourself, let Le Bai accompany you."

   "I, I don't worry about him."

   Xiao Wu gave a real but slightly hurtful reason.

   "Then Tang San."

   Flender understood very well, and Miao changed his position: "You two brothers and sisters are worthy of each other. You should rest assured that he is."


   Xiao Wu nodded.

   Flander closed his eyes again: "Go and come back quickly."


   Xiao Wu pretended to be unable to hold back, and hurriedly woke Tang San up, pulling a confused Tang San out of the tent.

   "Le Bai, look at it."

   Flander sends a voice to Le Bai outside the tent.

   "The performance of Xiao Wu and I was too obvious just now. Flanders should have discovered something. But since it hasn't been broken, it's safe for now."

   Le Bai thought, and said softly: "I understand."

   Then I found a place to sit outside the tent, and began to perceive again.

   When the sensing range extended to about seven kilometers, it was discovered that Xiao Wu had been in contact with Er Ming with Tang San.

   Le Bai has no way of knowing what they said.

   Soon after the two sides contacted, Er Ming took Xiao Wu and Tang San further away, and then Xiao Wu began to condense her third spirit ring under the guardianship of Er Ming and Tang San.

   "When I went to the toilet, I found a soul beast suitable for Xiao Wu, and then chased it with Tang San. With the help of Tang San's third spirit ring, it was hunted smoothly-probably this is the script."

   Lebai spent a minute to conceive a simple story based on their actions.

   At this time, Dai Mubai's spirit power fluctuations began to gradually stabilize.

"Almost over."

   Lebai turned his attention to Dai Mubai, and found that his martial spirit possessed state, there was a slight change: "This is..."

   In the middle of the night, Dai Mubai completed the absorption of the spirit ring, but did not wake up immediately, and continued to maintain the state of cultivation in place until the next morning.


   A tiger roar stunned a group of early birds~www.readwn.com~ and Shrek and his group.

   Zhu Zhuqing was the first to rush to Dai Mubai's side.

   The girl still didn't speak, but Dai Mubai had already fully felt the weight of her in her heart from her actions and gaze, hugged Zhu Zhuqing with a happy face, and turned on the flash bomb mode without anyone else.

   "Wow, Boss Dai, do you want to do this?"

   Oscar put his hands in front of him to cover his eyes, making the appearance that he was about to be blinded by flash: "Too flash, I can't open my eyes!"

   "Boss Dai, what is the effect of your fourth spirit ability?"

   Ma Hongjun diverted everyone's attention blankly, but hoped that the two separated as soon as possible: "Speak out, let us see!"

   Only Zao Wuji asked, "Where are Xiao Wu and Tang San?"


   Xiao Wu and Tang San walked out of the forest, Tang San was talking: "Mr. Zhao, we are here!"

"I'm home."

   Flender stepped forward and looked at Xiao Wu: "Last night you and Tang San went away overnight. If there is no suitable reason, don't blame me for punishing too much."

   "Dean, it's like this—"

Tang San carefully said the edited plot: "Last night I accompanied Xiao Wu to the neighborhood... When it was convenient, I found a soul beast suitable for Xiao Wu passing by! It just so happened that the power and attack power of that soul beast was not strong. Controlled by my third spirit ability, I chased after Xiao Wu. After a smooth hunt, it took Xiao Wu a while to absorb the spirit ring before it was delayed until morning."

   In order to strengthen her persuasive power, Xiao Wu released her three spirit rings in public.

"very good!"

   Flender nodded, not sure if he believed it, but his expression was really happy: "The goal of our trip to the Star Dou Great Forest has been successfully achieved! Return to the academy immediately!"


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