White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 89: Good brothers and groups

   In the end, Le Bai temporarily set the price, ten Golden Soul Coins, and took out two Golden Soul Coins from these ten Golden Soul Coins as Flanders' commission and operating expenses.

   From now on, Le Bai will only take care of production, and leave all the trivial matters of advertising and sales to Flanders.

   At first glance, there are not many, but after a little calculation, you will find that there are many, very many!

   Flender, as a veteran soul saint who has seen the world, has a few, dozens of gold soul coins, and he doesn't care about it at all.

   However, as a soul saint with extremely poor wealth and noble luck, Flender has never experienced the feeling of holding dozens of hundreds of gold soul coins since he founded Shrek Academy. Even often frowned because of the expense of a few Gold Soul Coins.

   Although Flanders does not have dozens or hundreds of Soul Gold Coins, he firmly believes that there will be soon!

   As for the cost of Le Bai's production of the Soul Guidance Device, and the profit in it, he didn't bother to think about it, and didn't want to think about it.

   Flender is very clear that Le Bai's proposal to pay him commission fees is all excuses. The real purpose is to give him money to help Shrek Academy ease the problem of funding constraints.

   As a student of Shrek rather than a teacher, Le Bai can do this for Shrek Academy very much!

   That night, Le Bai handed all the nine storage soul guides he had made to Flanders, marking a perfect end to the five-day holiday.


   The first day after the holiday is always bad.

   The good weather, which is too sunny, makes the bad mood even more prominent.

   But a bad mood will not affect your mental well-being. After all, after five days of rest, if you are not energetic, it is estimated that the joint dean and deputy dean will loosen your bones.

   As long as you think about such a scene, you feel a lot more energetic!

   "Very good. It seems that you have had a good rest in these five days."

The master stood straight with his hands behind him: "Cultivation is important, but rest is equally important. People who only understand cultivation but do not understand rest will sooner or later collapse their body and spirit. You may not think too much, but you did. This. So I said, you are fine."

   A group of people showed a little joyful expression, and the master went on to say:

"After the first stage of training, your body and the ability to control your soul power have already laid a foundation. The team's tacit understanding has also improved. However, if you want to be a good enough soul master to be worthy of your monster name The soul master of the head, but this is far from enough."

   "So starting from today, I will arrange for you to conduct the second phase of training."

"I heard Dean Flanders say that you have all been to the Soto Arena, I won’t introduce them here. Your second phase of training is going on there. There is no time limit for this phase of training. When will you? When you get the Silver Fighting Spirit badge, it will end."

"But, be careful. My requirement for you is that everyone must get the Silver Fighting Spirit badge. At the same time, you must form a team to participate in team battles and upgrade the team's badge to the Silver Fighting Spirit badge to complete the training. ."


   Ning Rongrong raised his hand and asked, "Is it all necessary to get the Silver Fighting Soul badge, and I don't have to fight by myself?"

   "It was originally that way."

  Master looked at Ning Rongrong: "But now, after four months of training, I have seen auxiliary soul masters like Le Bai and Oscar who can fight. I think auxiliary soul masters should also learn to fight."

"All right……"

   Ning Rongrong was instantly slumped, with an expression of distress on his face.

   She admitted that she has grown tremendously in the past four months, even with her bare hands, she can easily solve herself four months ago, and there is more than one.

   However, if compared with a normal war spirit master, it is far behind.

The master did not take care of Ning Rongrong’s emotions and continued: “Considering the relatively long distance between the academy and Soto City, in order to facilitate your next study in the Great Fighting Arena, we will arrange you to be far away from the Great Fighting Arena. The nearest hotel."

   "But note that the cost of staying in the hotel needs to be borne by you. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the hotel arranged by the college, you can choose the one you like."

   "Don't worry too much about money. As long as you can win as much as possible in the Great Arena, the reward for each fight is enough for you to live a good life."

   "Now, everyone will go back and pack their luggage, and we will leave in an hour. The two deans will go with us."

   An hour later, a group of people bid farewell to the three teachers left behind at the academy and galloped towards Soto City.

   Master Choi is the best, led by Flander.

   A group of people soon arrived in Soto City.

   The opening hours of the Great Fighting Soul Arena is in the evening, and it is still early. A group of people go to the booked hotel to put their luggage. I will stay in a hotel for a short period of time, and I am not responsible for myself if I am too sloppy.

When everyone was settled, the master asked eight students to gather in his room with Flanders, and began to teach: "Although I said that there is no time limit for training before I set off. But you should not be true. Think I will give you so much time, right?"

Certainly not.

  Eight people are not fools, how can I believe that the master will not set a time limit.

The master nodded with satisfaction: "I ask you to complete a seven-person team spirit battle at least once a day, and a single or two-player spirit battle. That means you must play at least two times a day. If you feel that your spirit power is sufficient, play three. The field is also fine. So, before dark, you have to decide how to combine with each other."

   Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other and stood together in silence.

   Oscar and Ning Rongrong looked at each other, with some intentions, but they didn't move for the time being.

   Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other and stood closer.

   Lebai and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, staying still.

Upon seeing this, the master suggested: "When the Great Fighting Soul Arena arranges two-on-two fighting spirits, the opponents are arranged based on the one with the highest spirit power of the two. So I suggest that Ning Rongrong should team up with Le Bai. Oscar and Ma Hongjun team up, so it will be easier for you."

"Need not."

   Le Bai decisively rejected the master’s proposal: "I only participate in one-on-one and team battles every day. Two-on-two, to be honest, I am not interested."

   "However, a team battle in the Great Arena can only have up to seven people at a time, and no alternates are allowed."

  The master frowned slightly: "In this case, if you don't participate in the two-on-two soul fight, your final score accumulation progress will be much slower than others. This will slow down the training progress of others."

   "My spirit power is increasing slowly. I shouldn't be able to graduate with other people, so it doesn't matter if it is slower. However, slowing down everyone's progress is indeed a problem."

   Lebai doesn’t care whether the training can be completed, but he doesn’t want to slow down the training progress of others because of himself: "Then I... just go with Hongjun."

   "Why don't you join me?"

   Ning Rongrong is not happy: "Aren't you wrong for me to be a friend?!"

   "Before you say this, think about it, why don't I go with Oscar?"

   Le Bai asked back: "Oscar and I can still use the Martial Soul Fusion Technique!"


   Ning Rongrong looked at Ma Hongjun subconsciously and felt that the Oscar was a billion points, and he immediately understood Le Bai's meaning: "I will be with Oscar."

   Le Bai secretly gave a thumbs up to Oscar: Come on, I can only help you get here!

   Oscar also gave Le Bai a thumbs up from an angle that Ning Rongrong could not see: Good brother!

   Ma Hongjun saw the interaction between the two in his eyes~www.readwn.com~ Holding Le Bai's shoulders, he whispered: "When will you chase a girl for me?"

  Ma Hongjun's preference for the opposite **** is normal now. Seeing that Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Oscar are all targets, he has some thoughts in his heart.

   Le Bai thought about it carefully: "There is at least one guarantee. If it goes well, there can be two. Can you afford it?"

  Ma Hongjun patted his kidneys: "I can control the energy here, two of them, huh!"

Le Bai nodded: "Well, within two years, I will help you chase two, so you are mentally prepared. Those two girls are very powerful. If you are rejected by the other party because of your inability, let alone I didn't help you. ."

  Ma Hongjun excitedly patted Lebai on the back: "Good brother!"

   "It seems that you are divided into teams."

The master took out eight masks from his luggage. They were modified on the basis of Shrek Academy’s marks. The green color looks like the workmanship is not very good: "When fighting spirits, you wear this, less Speak, try not to let people easily know your age."

   "Um, master, use this for the mask."

   Lebai took out four masks with simple style but good workmanship from the storage soul guide (leg bag) that he came out overnight:

"I made this myself. The material used is more breathable and skin-friendly cotton. The inner layer is woven into ice silk with excellent thermal conductivity and cooling effect. It should not be uncomfortable to wear. In addition, I tried to add soul to it. The core magic circle of the guide, when speaking, if there is a little soul power, it can activate the effect of the magic circle and change our voice."

  The master was silent for a moment, and a few seconds later stiffly put the mask he took out again...

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