White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1029: Attentively

The Tianshu courtyard is brightly lit. Xiao Shi is sitting at the stone table in the courtyard. The plum trees in the courtyard have begun to bloom, and the plum fragrance is faint.

She was reading a book quietly with one hand, and her face was bright and soft, shining like white jade, exuding a warm luster. Her eyes staring at the book felt like a deep pond, which made people unable to extricate themselves.

Su Ru stood quietly and looked at her with some anxiety.

Ms. Er has been gloomy and listless these days. She seems to have no energy to do anything. She is lazy and doesn't care about anything. Even if the outside guards have been changed, she is not shocked, it seems that she is not her own guard.

If it weren't for seeing that she was fine, she would be tempted to crush Yu Pei and notify Miss Three.

Meng Lan and Yang Su are busy working in the kitchen. They cook for themselves and don't worry about the people in the palace.

Since the return of King An ’s house, everything in the palace has changed. People ’s eyes have changed inexplicably. It seems that they show pity. Everyone thinks that the departure of the chief executive is a new beginning. The princess will have no shelter and will definitely Being squeezed by the king, everything must be obedient to the king.

Even if they are trying to help the princess, they are afraid to be brazen. After all, it is related to their own lives, and if they are bad, they will be driven out of the palace.

"Su Ru, how long has it been?" Xiao Shi suddenly dropped the book and asked casually.

Her bright eyes fell on Su Ru's face without sorrow and joy.

Su Ru knew what she was asking and whispered: "One month and one day."

"Only a month?" Xiao Shi frowned, shook her head, and picked up the book again.

Su Ru said: "Miss Er, we should inform the lady and let them think of the idea."

"They are far away from the Emperor's Tomb, what's the idea?" Xiao Shi said lightly: "Furthermore, it's not a big deal, see when he can be crazy! ... And even if something happens, they can't come back, otherwise it's monstrous. Woe, you understand? "

"But the manager must have an idea," Su Ru busyly said, "and there is a lady."

Of course, she understood that Chu Li could not return to the capital of God, otherwise it would be against the law, but that would be a great crime of beheading.

"Well, the little girl is finally married to Chu Li, gratifying!" Xiao Shi smiled and shook her head: "The two of them are still in great trouble, but fortunately they have come together."

"Yeah ..." Su Ru sighed softly.

She knows the most between Chu Li and Xiao Qi. There is a thunder in the silent place. Outsiders don't see any twists and turns. It seems that the two are going smoothly. They come together naturally. Coming together is not easy.

"Can there be any gossip outside?" Xiao Shi asked, lowering the scroll.

Su Ru said: "It is inevitable that some people chew the tongue and envy the chief executive."

"Huh, these guys!" Xiao Shi skimmed her red lips: "I can always find a reason to chew my tongue! ... You go, I'll stay for a while."

"Miss Er, sleep after supper." Su Ru said, "I didn't eat dinner."

"No." Xiao Shi shook his head: "Not hungry."

"The king's side ..." Su Ru thought for a while and whispered: "I think the king seems to have other ideas. I'd better prepare early. If not, let's go back to the state government."

"Huh ..." Xiao Shi nodded indignantly. "Well, it's fine to return to the government."

Su Ru suddenly rejoiced.

Xiao Shi said: "However, I can't escape for a while, this guy is now frustrated!"

"Just a while later," Su Ru said, "put pressure on him through the state government, so that he can't act arrogantly, recognize the depth, stay in the state government if he can't, and he can't help it!"

Xiao Shi's head: "Well, let's do this first."

The two were talking, and Chu Li's silhouette flashed, and Chu Li suddenly appeared.

He waved his hand to interrupt the two and talked about Xiao Shizhen's disappearance.

The light in Xiao Shi's eyes was distorted and he couldn't see anything clearly. When it was bright, he had reached an antique courtyard.

Xiao Qi was standing in the courtyard of the courtyard, and his white shirt was spotless. Qing Lianyu's face showed a faint smile: "Second sister!"

Xiao Shi pouted and smiled, "I've seen the bride!"

"Second sister, you're thin!" Xiao Qi flushed.

Xiao Shi smiled lightly: "I am thin, but you are not thin, it seems that you have not been guilty. I am still worried about it blindly!"

"It's okay here. I cleaned up a few unopened eyes, and they were all honest." Xiao Qi said, "How come you, second sister, why don't you know that we will say a word?"

The three sat at the small pavilion stone table.

Xiao Shiheng whispered: "You have already burned your head, what trouble is there, and besides, you have just become married, you are not sweet, I will not be this evil person!"

She said a slanting glance and hummed, "You guy is the most cunning, but do you already know the rules here when you're robbing?" Waiting for the little girl to fall into the pit! "

Chu Li smiled silently.

Xiao Shi said: "Will you not intentionally offend the emperor, let him depreciate you to the emperor's tomb, and take the opportunity to win the heart of the young girl?"

"Miss Er is overestimating me!" Chu Li smiled. "Why is it so good, why are you dragged to this day?"

"That's true, too." Xiao Shi laughed. "You have suffered a lot of crimes, and haven't been dealt with lightly by the little girl! ... But now it's hard work and the beauty is returned!"

Chu Lihe laughed twice.

Although the two were married, they were not really husband and wife. Xiao Qi was still thinking about the sword scriptures and did not want to break.

He was busy building merit a while ago, and had no other thoughts. Now he is returning to Windy City. After idle, bad thoughts come up again, ready to find a way to round the room, so that Xiao Qi completely extinguishes her thoughts.

In addition, Vientiane has advanced to make him more confident.

Xiao Qi was a little shy and couldn't bear her ridicule. She said busyly: "Second sister, let me talk about An Wang ~ www.readwn.com ~ what kind of magic has he accomplished? How crazy?"

"Who knows?" Xiao Shi smirked: "It is estimated that it is affected by martial arts. Now it is just for self-use and no one can listen. The two sisters are afraid to talk to him and lose their temper."

Chu Liheng said, "He went to Tianshuyuan?"

The two made a bet at the beginning, and An Wang lost, and he couldn't be near Tianshu for life.

"That's not true." Xiao Shi shook his head: "It was the two sisters who came to tell me, but he touched them with Zhu Tianhua, saying that they were violent and unruly and had lost their guard status, and they were to be driven out of the palace . "

"Can it be seriously injured?" Chu Li hummed.

Xiao Shi nodded: "The injury is not minor, it is estimated that it was against you."

Chu Li shook his head: "He wants to force you to leave Tianshu Courtyard!"

Xiao Shi froze, then sneered, and sneered, "It's a good abacus!"

Xiao Qi didn't know Chu Li and An Wang's original bet. Looking at Chu Li in doubt, Chu Li explained it.

Xiao Qi frowned. "What did you force the second sister to leave Tianshu?"

Chu Li tilted her head to look at her and smiled slightly.

Xiao Shi glanced at Chu Li angrily and stared at Xiao Qi: "What can a man want to do, you don't know what Chu Li wants to do with you?"

Xiao Qi suddenly became stunned, and blushed and calmed himself: "He was so worried?"

"It seems he has to teach him another lesson!" Chu Li hummed.

Xiao Shi shook his head: "You have to be careful. He is not the same now. His martial arts are very amazing. Hear Zhu Tianhua said that he is better than you."

"Oh-?" Chu Li frowned. "So powerful?"

"So you have to be careful, don't rush into action, in case you are defeated and your identity is revealed, that's amazing!" Xiao Shi said.

Once his identity is revealed, the emperor will never stop doing nothing, and the trouble is endless. (To be continued.)

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