White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1048: Imprisoned

The appearance of the Tianmogong practitioners is ever-changing, and it is difficult to know the true face. It can only be distinguished by cultivation and breath. At the seventh level, the breath can also be changed, and it is more difficult to distinguish.

However, the two people practicing Tian Mo Gong will not admit their mistakes, because Tian Mo Gong itself has a unique flavor, they will have a sense of each other, and they know who the other party is from a distance, without having to look at the appearance.

Chu Li felt that the appearance of this young man was real, not changed by the magic of heaven magic. It was rare to be so handsome, but he was severely damaged, like a faint candle, and it was destroyed by a gust of wind.

Chu Li ignored the youth's life and death, and appeared in front of the Golem.

Standing in front of the towering Golem, he frowned thoughtfully.

He looked at the Golem with a very different look.

The demon statue seen in the eyes is just a stone statue. Although it is lifelike, his eyes are glittering like diamonds, like alive.

But after all, it is still dead, and the impulsive force does not make people breathless.

The demon statue seen by Dayuan Jingzhi is not the same. It is like a living demon stepping in the void. The flames around him are like substance. It seems to burn the human spirit and dare not look at it.

What shocked him even more was that this demon seemed to be absorbing the invisible forces around him, continually condensing into his body, turning into a blazing flame, making the flame of the body stronger and stronger.

Chu Li can see the breath of the entire valley constantly drilling towards the Golem, the four elders, including every disciple in the valley, continuously breathe the breath towards the Golem, and the flame of the Golem is amazing.

This made him a little hesitant to dare to approach the Golem in this day.

But think about the four elders, they all press the Golem of the sky, there is no difference, they should do no harm.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and floated up, pressing on the shoulder of the Golem and pressing its forehead.

"Bang!" He flew out suddenly, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he was unconscious.

The four elders who were helping the young man healed changed and looked at each other.

Elder Bai and another elder rose up, flashing like two shadows, came to the hall in a blink of an eye, and saw Chu Li on the ground.

Chu Li didn't even change his appearance, but still looked like Du Feng.

Elder White stared at Chu Li gloomily, looking at the Golem statue, relieved.

The other elder had thick eyebrows, a burly figure, and a sullen expression on his face: "Wolf ambition, good boy!"

Elder Bai also calmed his face: "Come on!"

There were originally guards in the hall, and the four elders must have one. I did not expect that this time, because the disciple was injured, the young man was seized the opportunity, which was just hitting their four elders.

What's more frightening is that he was able to come back and find the Demon Sect!

In addition to the disciples knowing, no one outside knows where the demons are, so it is safe to this day. If someone knows the location, there is really a calamity, even if they are protected by the formation method.

"How to deal with this guy?" The other elder said coldly: "Kill it!"

"Well ... it's a pity to kill." Elder Bai shook his head.

"Will it be in the door?"

"Brother Du, you still belong to your family." Elder Bai smiled with a smile on his somber face.

"Well, as soon as I met, I thought this kid wasn't a good thing, and he was a ghost idea!" Elder Du said coldly, "I was really guessed, so such a conceited person cannot stay!"

"It's a pity to kill just like this, think again." Elder Bai frowned. "It's a good seed."

"Good seedlings can't be used for speculation," Elder Du said. "Brother Bai, have you forgotten the previous lesson?"

Elder White's face changed slightly, took a deep breath, and slowly nodded.

"Just put him in jail first." Elder Bai finally shook his head and said lightly: "Let's discuss it carefully before deciding what to do. It's up to everyone to kill."

"That's right!" Elder Du cried.


When Chu Liyou woke up, she found that she was fixed on an iron bed, her hands and feet were fastened by iron rings, and she worked hard to make a little movement. Dantian's position, her heart, and the other seven acupoints were inserted into a long Needles, nine long thin needles, like hair, penetrate his body.

Dantian was empty. The long needle seemed to pierce Dantian, and a little internal force was released. The remaining eight needles seemed to block the meridians and lock the acupuncture points.

He tried to carry Reiki, but Reiki did not obey his command, and he could not even feel the existence of Reiki.

He frowned, and the secret passage was not good.

So struggling a few times, his physical arrogance now, even if he does not use the internal force is better than the ordinary masters outside the sky, but he can't make the iron ring restraint, as if the ant shook the tree.

The iron ring that binds you is not ordinary iron. The cold is constantly drilling into the pores. It is harder and heavier than ordinary iron and cannot be broken.

He frowned at the previous scene.

As soon as he touched the forehead of the Golem, the violent power rushed in, like a mountain torrent pouring into his head, destroying the void in his head.

Thinking of this, he began to think about the void in his mind ~ www.readwn.com ~, his face suddenly pale, and his forehead suddenly felt a cold sweat.

He felt his head pierced through with steel needles, and the severe pain almost made him faint, and his eyes were black for a while.

He was busy stopping to think, his heart sinking.

The mind was really broken, which shattered everything. Without the Four Classics and the Great Circle Mirror, he had almost nothing, and the martial arts was also abolished, and now it is completely a waste!

What's more terrible is that the Ku Rong Jing is also invalid. If you die, then you really die!

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. After thinking about it, he still had a life-saving ability—supernatural power.

As soon as his mind was moving, he would have to activate Shenzutong, and his mind was violently painful, almost fainting, and Shenzutong could not perform it!

He shook his head with a wry smile, and it seemed that he had finally reached such a day, and was about to die here?

Unwilling, he examined himself.

Fortunately, I can see the situation of the body. The position of the sky magic bead was pierced by a long needle. It seems that the sky magic bead is fixed. He can see but cannot move, and he has completely lost contact with him, as if he is not his own sky magic. Beads.

His mind was useless, and all his magical powers were invalid. He could not see the surrounding area of ​​ten miles, and felt that he was blind.

The footsteps sounded slowly, and he looked up.

A handsome young man in a blue shirt came slowly to him.

Chu Li looked up at him on his back.

The handsome young man looked down at him with a smile and hugged his fists: "For the first time, please advise, Xia Zheying."

Chu Li's voice was hoarse: "Du Feng."

"Brother Du is so interested and so powerful that he can find our Demon Sect." Zheying's facial features are soft and somewhat feminine, and he looks at him lazily: "And he has extraordinary guts!"

Chu Lidao said, "What will Tian Mo Zong do with me?" (To be continued.)

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