White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1051: Magic stone

"Impossible!" Zheying Shen said.

Chu Lidao said: "Believe it or not, I ca n’t change the Demon Scriptures out of nothing. I ’ll say a few words to you. Heaven demon, feel free, heaven and earth have no heart, heaven and earth have heart, heaven and earth are ruthless, heaven and earth have love ... ... "

"Ah!" Chu Li suddenly screamed, his face turned pale as paper, cold sweat covered his forehead, densely like soybeans.

Zheying was startled and let go.

Chu Li frowned, her face ugly, and she shivered slightly.

Zheying busy said, "What's going on?"

Chu Li shook his head and did not speak.

Zheying quickly understood, Shen said, "My brain hurts?"

Chu Lidao said: "It hurts when I think of something! ... I don't dare to memorize the Devils!"

"Don't do any tricks, anyway, you can't live!" Zhe Ying said coldly: "If I recite the Heaven Magic Book, I will not touch your women, and I will take care of your friends!"

Chu Li frowned and closed his eyes without speaking.

Zheying said: "I can swear to heaven!"

Chu Li gritted his teeth and said, "I have a blank head and can't remember anything!"

"Uh-?" Zheying's appetite was hung up and down.

He can imagine that if he got the Tenjin Sutra, then the remaining layers, even reaching consummation, are not dreams. If he really wants to practice consummation, that is the realm of heaven and god. From then on, the world is so big that he does n’t have any beauty. ? How much less power?

He touched his jaw and tried to deal with it.

It seems that this Du Feng is not a trick, it must be hurt by the spirit of the demon. The injury of the soul will damage the memory, and you ca n’t use your brain too much. Du Feng may really miss the magic of the demon!

After much deliberation, he must first heal his injury, otherwise he will find excuses to delay and hope to live a few more days.

If he healed his injury, then threaten him again, not afraid that he will not recruit, and have to let him recite a dozen times to see if he has any tricks.

If he deliberately makes two mistakes in the Devils Sutra, he will be wasted!

"You wait, I'll think of a way!" He got up and left the stone room.

Chu Lishu breathed a sigh of relief, looking at his back, his eyes calm, without showing any anger.

The stone room was quiet and silent, only he was alone, time seemed to freeze, and nothing had changed.

Chu Li looked up at the roof of the stone room. This was obviously underground, and the air was faintly damp, and the air was not so good.

Would Zheying find something to help him heal as he expected?

The damage of the soul and soul is really terrible. In the Supreme Baodan, there are elixir for healing the soul. Almost all the medicinal materials are rare and unusual. It is rare outside the 100,000 mountains. The medicine for the healing of the soul is rare in the world.

However, there is an appetite for the Demon Scriptures.

He thought for a while, his head began to hurt again, and he felt pain when he was over-thinking, but he stopped and stopped thinking about it, silently chanting the day when the sun came.

With the chanting of Da Ri Nu Jing Jing and the relief of headaches, Da Ri Nu Jing could cure the wounds of souls and souls.

After a short while, the footsteps sounded again, and Zheying appeared.

He pulled out a dark black stone pillow from his sleeve, about two palms long, one palm wide, black like a pimple, opaque and dark.

"This is a celestial stone." Zheying glanced from side to side and lowered her voice: "It is said to have the effect of healing the spirits, you try it."

He talked over and raised Chu Li's head, and put the stone pillow under his head.

Chu Li pillowed to the stone pillow, frowning.

"How is it, is it effective?" Zheying busy.

Chu Li shook his head.

Zheying frowned: "Don't fool me, I have many ways to pack people ..."

"Well, a little effect." Chu Li interrupted him.

Zheying busy said: "It works?"

Chu Li nodded and said, "It looks like there is a hint of cool air coming in!"

Zheying smiled and said, "That's it!"

It took me a while to get the magic stone pillow of this day.

Chu Lidao said, "Where is this wonderful thing?"

"You don't have to worry about it, it works!" Zheying waved her hand and smiled, "Can you recite the magic of heaven now?"

Chu Li shook his head: "Wait a minute, the effect of this stone pillow is not so fast. Come over tomorrow and see how it looks tomorrow."

Zheying frowned, "Tomorrow?"

Chu Lidao said: "I don't know if tomorrow will be impossible.

"... I don't care whether it's good or not, if you can't recite the Magic Book of Tomorrow, don't even think about eating and drinking!" Zheying sneered: "Do you want to be full, or a starving?"

Chu Li looked at him calmly: "You are useless to urge, just to see the effect of this stone pillow, really can not memorize it, you are useless if you kill me."

"Huh!" Zheying turned away and left.

He has risen to the sixth floor, and is not in a hurry to swallow the heavenly magic beads from his body. When the heavenly magic script reaches his hand, he will devour in one breath, maybe he can reach the seventh floor!

Chu Li felt a ray of coldness constantly crawling into his head, comfortable and difficult, as if jumping into the cold spring under the scorching heat, the kind of comfort can not help but want to make a sound.

Chu Li was unknowingly intoxicated, and the time passed.

He felt only a few moments later, and the sound of footsteps sounded again. Zheying changed to a blue shirt and came to him with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother Du, what is the injury, is it all right?"

Chu Li turned to look at him: "It's been a day?"

Zheying said angrily: "Will I lie to you? Say it!"

Chu Li frowned and said, "It's far worse!"

"Shao ~~ www.readwn.com ~ Hurry up and recite the scriptures!" Zheying put away her smile and said coldly: "If you don't recite the scriptures, don't want to drink any more water!"

Chu Li sighed, "Okay, let me try ..."

He began to recite the Scriptures of Heaven, and Zheying held a pen to slow him down, and he wrote it down word by word.

Chu Li recited patiently, about five hundred words, he suddenly screamed, his face was pale as paper, his forehead was cold and sweaty, and his eyes lost focus.

Zheying pressed on his heart, feeling that his body was shaking, knowing that he hadn't lied, he was really hurt.

He had already inquired that the damage of the spirit soul was more difficult to recover than the internal injury. It is said that some people have failed in their lives. The Tian Mo Shi is said to be wonderful, but it is impossible to heal the injuries caused by the Golem.

He stared at Chu Li, who frowned, and snorted, no longer compelling: "Well, here we are today, continue tomorrow!"

He looked down at the Tianmujing that had been written down, and smiled.

Although the magic script of the day is incomplete, I can already feel the mystery and infinitely consciously. It is indeed the magic script of the heavens. I did not understand some of the tricks of the magic of the magic, but now I understand it.

Zheying said coldly: "Tomorrow, at the latest tomorrow, if tomorrow I ca n’t recite the magic scriptures of the whole day, I will chop your arm, if I recite tomorrow, I will get good food and wine, and make you happy before you die. fast."

Listening to Zheying's footsteps, Chu Li opened her eyes, a faint smile appeared, and then converged.

He was relaxed, no longer pretending to relapse, and continued to inhale the coolness of the magic stone.

As the coolness entered, he gradually felt that the void in his head was being reshaped, like a cocoon-broken silkworm, and soon the cocoon was broken and turned into a butterfly. After remodeling, the void in his mind would be stronger. (To be continued.)

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