White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1094: humiliation

Chu Li frowned and shook his head.

When did Miweifu become like this, it was completely crazy to catch people because of a few words. After Gu Yan came to power, he turned Miweifu into something like this?

Xiao Qi sneered.

The middle age of Liangxuan Yi heard Xiao Qi's sneer, turned his head to look at him, his eyes were not good.

They looked around Xiao Qi's face.

Because Xiao Qi was eating, she temporarily took off the white veil, exposing her beautiful face, and with her cold temperament, she was like a fairy who did n’t eat the fireworks on earth, letting people shine, and ordinary people would take it back at a glance. It seemed that taking a closer look would blaspheme her.

The middle-aged man in Liangxuanyi looked wildly, looking at her face, and finally said coldly: "What's the objection of this girl?"

Xiao Qi said lightly: "Your secret government house is too overbearing, just a few complaints, why is it catching people?"

"Our secret house captures people, there is always no need to explain to others, just catch it if you want to catch it!" Said a middle-aged man in a black clothes, "I think the girl and the guy are also a group, right?"

Xiao Qi narrowed his eyes, and said lightly, "Oh-?"

"Let's take a trip with that one." Another Xuanyi middle-aged man was burly and stared at Xiao Qi greedily.

The two of them did not see Chu Li, because Chu Li had been looking at the scenery outside, and he did not turn his head, and he had no breath at all. At a glance, he knew that he had not practiced martial arts and did not attract their attention.

Xiao Qi said lightly: "If I don't go?"

"Then you can't help the girl!" Another thin middle-aged middle-aged man smiled and shook his head: "The people we want to invite from the Secret House, if you can't, we can't help the girl!" If we do, even if we can escape, we will go to the sea to catch the paperwork, and the girl must not be far away. "

Xiao Qi said: "Your secret guard has always been so overbearing?"

"This is nature!" The two proudly said.

Chu Li turned around and glanced at the two of them: "When did Miweifu become like this? Are you new to Miweifu?"

He had seen almost all the guards at the Secret Mansion but did not see them both.

They glanced at each other and rolled their eyes: "What a big breath, can you be a secret guard?"

Chu Li took a token from her arms and threw it.

The two took it and took a look, their faces suddenly changed.

They recognized that this was a centurion's token, and even if it was not their immediate superior, they had the right to mobilize them to help them. If they disobeyed, they would have no good food.

"Zhu Centurion?" The middle-aged guard, who was burly like a bear, frowned. "Can it be Chu Centurion from Chu?"

Chu Lijaw: "I am Chu Li."

"Oh, it turned out to be Centurion Chu." The two secret guards looked at each other with a widened smile.

Chu Li sighed and shook his head. "It seems that I am a centurion of Chu centuries yesterday."

‘Oh, it ’s good that Captain Chu understands. The burly middle-aged guard returned the token to Chu Li, and attached a strange power.

Xiao Qi stretched his sword, caught the token, and laid it flat on the table in front of Chu Li.

The two middle-aged secret guards were more determined, and Chu Li was defeated in martial arts.

People around them also heard their conversations and looked at them in surprise.

"Chu Li ..." They stared at Chu Li with wide eyes.

Bei Chu and Nan Du Feng are legendary characters. They just talked in their mouths, but never thought they would really see them. After all, one is that the dragon is not seeing the tail, and the other is that most stay in the capital of God. After the tomb, they are rare characters.

Chu Li glanced around and smiled.

The burly middle-aged secret guard sneered: "I heard that the centuries of the martial arts of Chu Centurion have been exhausted, and it seems to be true."

Chu Li looked at him, squinting his eyes slightly: "Yes, my martial arts are useless."

"That's a pity." The burly middle-aged guard hugged his fist and said, "We are not all the way. As a secret guard, we can't do without martial arts. Otherwise, wouldn't we just occupy our seats and do nothing?"

Chu Li grinned, "You want me to resign as a centurion?"

"Oh, the Centurion himself knows best." The middle-aged guard, who was burly like a bear, held his fists.

Xiao Qi said coldly: "You are so brave."

The burly middle-aged secret guard sank down and hummed, "Ms. Chu San, right?"

Xiao Qi stared at him coldly.

The burly middle-aged secret guard sneered: "This is not your state government, I am not the guard of your state government, it is the secret guard of the secret government, and you will not be allowed to drink three majestic powers!"

Chu Li said with a smile: "It's really interesting, the secret guard of the secret guard house is getting more and more powerful."

Xiao Qi turned to look at him: "Will you teach him a meal?"

"Of course." Chu Li nodded.

Xiao Qi did not hesitate to draw a sword.

Jian Guang flashed away, the burly middle-aged man clutched his wrist, and was frightened and angry: "You ... how dare you!"

Chu Lidan said indifferently, "If you don't leave, what is the taste of losing martial arts? Believe that even if I am a centurion who has no martial arts, it is not a sin to abandon you?"

"Chu Li, you are too arrogant!" Shen cried, the thin middle-aged secret guard.

Chu Liwei narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

He has now lost his martial arts ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that the name is not working, and not only it is not the goal, but it is the goal trampled by others. Everyone wants to step on it. After all, it was too popular.

This is human nature.

People around were watching the excitement with interest, but wanted to see how Chu Li responded.

Chu Lidan said indifferently, "You also want to taste the taste of Wu Gong being abolished?"

"You can only rely on the power of women. You are not Chu Li now!" The thinned middle-aged secret guard said coldly: "If you dare to abolish me, no wonder our secret guard is welcome!"

Chu Li smiled: "You're welcome? That's very good. I'll see how you're welcome."

He said he gave Xiao Qi a wink.

Xiao Qi Jianguang immediately pierced the two men's belly Dan Tian.

People seemed to be able to hear the spitting sound of "嗤", as if the ball was punctured.

"You--!" The two secret guards widened their eyes incredulously.

Chu Li smiled: "This time you know the taste of losing martial arts? ... Go away!"

"Chu surnamed, you just wait for revenge from our secret guardhouse!" The two roared, turned and walked, walking in vain and weak.

"Bang bang bang ..." The two suddenly rolled down the stairs, but their buttocks were kicked and turned into a gourd and rolled down the stairs.

After falling to the ground, the two have had several fractures, and the stairs are not short. Thanks to their martial arts, their bones are still stronger than ordinary people, otherwise they will be seriously injured.

"Haha ..." Everyone laughed, very happy.

"Mr. Chu, good job!" Someone gave a thumbs up and shouted enthusiastically: "Waste is good, this group of flying guys should be cured!"

Chu Li hugs his fists and smiles.

Xiao Qi did not speak with a light jaw.

Most people's eyes fell on Xiao Qi. (To be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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