White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1146: Kill all

ps: update is complete.

"Xuanji Pavilion?" Chu Li's spirit refreshed.

The goal of his coming to Dazheng was Xuanji Pavilion. He had to take the opportunity to destroy Xuanji Pavilion and fulfill his promise to King Ping.

Of course, the Heavenly King's Palm is also another purpose. He doesn't want to learn the Heavenly King's Palm, but wants to study the Heavenly King's Palm Wu Cheng carefully. He can become a God of God, maybe there is no mystery in his mind.

Sun Yucheng floated on the tree, and Su Lao Ren Lao jumped up and looked at the knights who were approaching.

Chu Lidao said, "Is Xuanjige behind?"

"Exactly." Su Lao frowned. "Da Zheng Xuanji Pavilion is very aggressive, these little girls are water spirits!"

"It's better not to care." Ren Lao Shen said.

Sun Yucheng stared at the four beautiful girls in the distance, his face unbearable.

Su Lao Ren Lao sees the situation is not good, they know Da Li away from the romantic nature of Sun's, compassion and cherish the bones, there is no way to refuse a woman.

"Son, we are here to do something big, and it is very troublesome to get into Xuanji Pavilion!" Ren Lao Shen said.

"Xuanji Pavilion!" Sun Yucheng hummed.

He couldn't bear it, but knew that the two old men were right.

If I was entangled in Xuanji Pavilion, Wang Zhang might not be able to get it that day, but it would be an unforgivable sin for these four beautiful women to be killed by them. It is also a sin to watch their incense and jade burnt out. .

In his heart, the heavens and the heavens were at war, and he could not choose for a while.

Su Lao busily said: "Look at it again, it may not be a bad guy, maybe it's just a fight."

Sun Yucheng relaxed and said quickly: "Yes, look first!"

Chu Li Road said: "It doesn't look like the four girls are weak."

"Hello--!" In a long hissing, the horse in front fell suddenly, foaming his mouth, and ran away by himself.

The young **** the horse flew out, fluttering a little toes on the tree, lightly fell to another horse, and sat behind one young girl. The three horses continued to gallop.

But the horses they were riding on were exhausted. As soon as the girl sat up, the horse dropped suddenly.

The girl turned her head to look at the Xuanyi knights who were getting closer behind her, jumped off the horse, and yelled, "You go first, I will stop for a while!"

"Sister Liu!" The three women called anxiously: "Don't!"

The girl fluttered lightly towards the running black knight with a sword around her waist and pierced the person in front.

"Huh!" The knight at the front was a middle-aged man with a square face, a serious face, and sneered with a sneer.

"Oh!" The young girl's sword pierced her palm and continued to move forward.

"Ding ..." The middle-aged man slapped his sword in the palm of his hand, and the girl flew out obliquely.

"Sister Liu!" The three young girls flew together and leapt to the previous one.

"Hmm ..." A hidden weapon shot at the three women.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..." In a series of clear sounds, three young girls waved swords to open the hidden weapon, merged with the previous girls, and landed in four directions at the same time, forming a sword array.

Ten knights pulled the reins and surrounded four girls.

Ten horses circled around the four girls uneasily, looking for flaws.

The four girls held their swords motionless, like four beautiful statues, turning a blind eye to their turning.

"Jian Zhen." Su Lao said in surprise: "It seems to be a disciple!"

There are almost no sword arrays in Dali. There are some sects in Dafu who have sword arrays. If Dazheng said, even the famous sects have few sword arrays. It seems that the four girls are not small.

"Lao Su, it won't happen in a moment, but we still have to save people!" Sun Yucheng whispered.

"My son ..." Su Lao said helplessly.

Ren Lao lowered his voice: "Each has its own life, let's take care of it."

"No!" Sun Yucheng shook his head resolutely: "Looking at the beauty being killed, I can't do it, my conscience is restless, and I can't forgive myself for life!"

He had figured it out, and he valued human life more than the king's palm, especially the beauty.

"My son, I am entangled by these guys in Xuanjige. It's amazing!" Su Laodao said.

Chu left the mouth and said, "How is Xuanjige better than our bright religion?"

"Of course it can't be compared." Su Lao said.

Chu Li smiled and said, "That's it, if you offend, it won't matter!"

"But this is not our big departure, it's Dazheng!" Su Lao shook his head: "Xuanjige is a ground snake, offending them. We just ran for nothing, and I want to go to Mount Longshan again."

Chu Li looked at Sun Yucheng: "My son chose to save people between the king's palm and the rescuer, then save it, and find the king's palm again next time!"

"Yeah." Sun Yucheng nodded busy.

He glorified Chu Li with appreciation. He felt that Chu Li was ugly, but he was also a fellow in the same field. His blood was not cold. Unlike Su Lao and Ren Lao, his heart was already very hard.

He felt that people like Zhao Dahe were more reliable.

"Hands on!" The middle-aged man snorted.

Ten people jumped from the horse's back into the air, some flicked, and some pulled out swords.

Four of them are Tianwaitian masters, using boxing, and the remaining six are congenital masters, using swordsmanship, and attack four girls at the same time.

"Om ..." The four girls waved their swords to meet, and the sword trembled violently, forming a bright light that trembled like water.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..." In the endless sound of Jin Tie's symphony, four young girls stood firmly in place, and ten Xuanyi men were unable to break their sword formation for a while.

Su Lao whispered: "It really is a famous disciple!"

Only one of these four girls is Tianwaitian Master ~ www.readwn.com ~ The remaining three are congenital masters. The number of strength theory is far less than ten people in Xuanjige, but they can keep the door guard, which is rare.

However, they also fell behind. After all, the masters of Tianwaitian masters were arrogant, destroying them violently, dropping them ten times, the sword array was mysterious, and the martial arts skills were too poor to be reversed.

"Go ahead," Sun Yucheng said busyly.

Su Laodao: "My son, it's not the right time yet, and we'll get into desperation later, and then we'll do it in the snow, it will be precious."

Sun Yucheng shook his head: "There is no need to play with those imaginary ones, and they will run away directly."

Chu Lidao said: "Kill it directly!"

"Kill?" The three looked at him in surprise.

Chu Lidao said: "Slaughter them, let's continue to find the King of Heaven and wait for Xuanjige to find us, we have returned to Dali!"

"This is four masters of the sky!" Sun Yucheng said busyly.

Chu Li smiled: "But it's just four days away, just leave it to me!"

"This is too risky." Su Lao smiled bitterly.

Tian Wai Tian Master is extremely difficult to kill, the intuition is amazing, and the internal force is endless, but he can urge the mystery to escape.

Chu Li said: "Try again!"

His flash of light disappeared, appearing behind a middle-aged man, exactly the leader of the ten.

The middle-aged man was about to throw a fist, and suddenly felt different. The warning signs were busy to avoid, but a cold light had penetrated his heart.

Chu Li shot cold light at the same time with both hands, hitting several others.

Tianwaitian masters have intuition about danger, but they are too close to Chu, and the bright knife is too fast. Even if they have intuition, they can't react. They can only watch the flying knife shoot through the heart.

Chu Li kept his hands and shot ten people in one breath. (To be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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