White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1174: Visit

Lu Yurong apparently wanted to get him into a dispute with Secret Guard House, fight for your life, and then she took advantage of Gu Yi's position to make Gu Yi unable to stay.

However, this process will inevitably make Chu Li be damaged and make an ugly appearance. She looks at the joke.

He didn't want to take a step back before, but to frustrate Gu's prestige. Gu's became more and more excessive. After the last time, he got worse and became more mad.

Now that the situation is different, he has more important things to do, so he changed his mind and left Anwang Mansion to take advantage of it.

He and Lu Yurong are both promise keepers. Lu Yurong will never break his word and will definitely overwhelm Gu Ji, but without him fighting with Gu Ji, Lu Yurong's difficulty in overcoming Gu Ji will increase. He can also see lively.

All day you count me and I count you, there is more than a secret fight.

Xiao Qi said: "Why do you value that Lu Guangdi so much?"

"Guess." Chu Li clenched her flexible waist.

"Shouldn't be jealous of that Lu Zhengjun." Xiao Qidai frowned lightly and said in a frown, "Others are afraid of him, you may not be afraid of him, ... that is, don't have a picture, what is lucrative on Lu Guangdi? Is it Lu Zhengjun? "

She looked up at Chu Li.

The two were close at hand, exhaling as blue as each other's breath could blow into each other's face.

Chu Li laughed: "Who knows me, wife too."

"You have to think about it," Xiao Qi frowned. "Qingluya is not an ordinary ancestral gate. Once offended, the trouble is endless."

"Of course, the four denominations." Chu Li nodded with a smile.

Xiao Qi stared at Chu Li uneasily.

Whenever this look was about to do something strange, she couldn't guess what to do.

Chu Li smiled: "Relax."

Xiao Qi shook his head slightly, but he couldn't stop him from doing anyway.

Chu Lidao said: "Mrs. is going to Linghe Peak or to the Government House?"

"Go back to your house," Xiao Qi said, "I heard that my brother and sister-in-law are in trouble again, and the sister-in-law ran back to her mother's house."

Chu Li smiled: "They are really ..."

Xiao Tieying's personality is calm and generous. He usually treats others generously and has a good atmosphere. He rarely quarrels with his wife. His wife is also dignified and gentle and kind, but they always fight together when they get together. noisy.

After the quarrel, I will go back to my mother's home, and then Xiao Tieying will pick it up again soon. I have been married for less than a year, and come back and forth more than ten times.

At first, everyone was very nervous. Later, they have become accustomed to it. They like to make trouble, and they will make up soon anyway.

Xiao Qi said: "This time it is said that it was a lot of trouble, and my brother was too angry to answer it."

"The granddaughter talked hard, to see how long he can persist." Chu Li shook his head and smiled: "I guess you go back, the grandfather has left."

Xiao Qi frowned at him.

Chu Li smiled: "Let's go back and see."

"Let's go," Xiao Qi said.

The flash of light between the two disappeared, appeared in the palace of Yiguo, and went directly to Tieying Island.

As a result, I did not see Xiao Tieying and asked someone, and sure enough, he had already left.

Xiao Qi frowned and shook his head, sighing: "Brother has changed."

Chu Li smiled: "The eldest son is still deeply in love with the Internet now, just a while later."

"Well ..." Xiao Qi said, "It's a prank."

"It's fun to make a noise," Chu Li laughed. "Brother needs to relax this way. It was too tight before. Now they have two fun days."

"That's the same." Xiao Qi nodded.

Chu Li said: "Mrs. really want to stay here?"

"Well, there can't be no one in the house." Xiao Qi said with his jaw, "In case something really happens, I can do it."

Chu Li left the government office and continued to return to Lu Guangdi to guard.

Ten miles apart, no one was able to find his presence. Lu Guangdi was escorted by eight people and went smoothly and quickly returned to Tingchao Pavilion.

Chu Li then knew where Tingchao Ge was.

It turned out to be on a peninsula facing the sea, with a continuous palace on the island.

This palace is called the Dragon King Palace. It is the main hall where the fishermen worship the Dragon King. There are more than a dozen main halls, forming a continuous building group, which stretches out for five miles along the seashore.

After Elder Xu Hu and six guards left, Chu Li rented a house not far from Tingchao Pavilion, where he worked and adjusted his interest every day.

Dayuan Jingzhi observes the landing ground, from the inside to the outside, from the martial arts such as Nu Taoji he cultivates, to the deep thoughts in his heart, from his behavior to words and deeds, all observe and remember.

The disciples at Tingchao are the servants of the Dragon Palace. They usually hide their martial arts, but outsiders don't know.

A total of twelve halls, four of which are open for people to burn incense and pray, and the remaining eight are not open. This is where the Chaochao Pavilion is located.

They practiced martial arts in the hall, read and write, and lived in peace and quiet, without any dispute with the world.

At sunset that evening, all the halls were stained with red. The light inside the hall was dim, and people ran out of the hall to practice outside.

A middle-aged man in a blue shirt walked slowly into a hall and spoke to an old man with a beard. Then the old man took the middle-aged man into the third floor of a hall.

This is a three-storey pavilion, which is the tallest building in this dragon palace building complex.

When he came to a quiet room on the third floor, the old man knocked on the door: "Ground."

Lu Guang went down on the couch, came to open the door, and smiled when he saw the old man: "Master."

He immediately saw the middle-aged man in a young man with a blue shirt ~ www.readwn.com ~. The smile on his face froze instantly, and then became gloomy. Turning his head back, he sat on the couch and closed his eyes, motionless.

"Barely, you can talk, father and son have no overnight feud." The old man with a sigh of sigh, said warmly, "I just want to say anything, after all, it is the father and son, don't be too virtuous."

"Master!" Lu Guangchi opened his eyes and sank.

The eyebrows were white and the old man waved his hand, smiled at Chunyi and turned away.

Lu Guangdi closed his eyes tightly again, motionless.

Lu Zhengjun took a chair, put it on the couch, and sat up, facing the landing ground, staring at him motionlessly.

Lu Guangdi closed his eyes tightly for a while, then opened his eyes again to meet the warm eyes, and he froze for a moment, then closed his eyes and remained motionless.

Jun Yi is Lu Zhengjun in his middle age. He calmly said, "You don't want to say something?"

"Nothing to say!" Lu Guangdi said coldly.

Lu Zhengjun said: "I thought you were good enough and practiced a good martial arts. I didn't expect to be abolished as soon as I went out. I was ashamed and shameless!"

Lu Guang suddenly opened his eyes and stared at him fiercely.

Lu Zhengjun's voice was mild, but his words were stern: "Do you think that if you cultivate deeply, you will be able to reach the world without anyone else, and then gain a great reputation, overwhelming my original reputation, right?"

"Huh." Lu Guangdi did not deny.

He didn't want to show weakness in front of Lu Zhengjun. That's the idea, so that's how he got it.

Lu Zhengjun shook his head and said, "You are a disciple of Tingge, I am a disciple of Qingluya. Can this be the same? Listening to Chaogewuxue is very different from Qingluya, just like the difference between a mouse and a cat, you ca n’t fight it anymore. Cat."

"You came to humiliate me?" Lu Guang hummed.

"Do you want revenge?" Lu Zhengjun asked. (To be continued.)

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