White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1185: Refuse

But now that things can't be reversed, he took a slow breath, spit it out slowly, and then sat on the futon.

"Close your eyes." Uncle Hua said in a deep voice.

Chu Li closed her eyes.

Uncle Hua took out a stone from his arms. The blackness was like a cricket, but there was a faint glimmer of brilliance.

He squeezed the stone and closed his eyes slowly.

The crowd widened their eyes, staring at him without blinking.

They have all gone through this stage, knowing that the next step is to fall into the illusion, and they will remember their most profound scene, and then wake up again, and then they have completed the step of asking, like a dream, what they asked themselves but do not remember .

They saw that the black stone was getting brighter and brighter, and the bright light was slowly spreading, and surrounded them, and then slowly fell into the dream, and gradually did not know where they were, and then entered their deepest and deepest. In a scene.

I don't know how long, when they woke up, Chu Li was standing in front of Uncle Hua, holding his fists and saluting.

Uncle Hua frowned and looked at Chu Li, thoughtfully.

He had previously run the questioning heart. Within a mile of the questioning heart, he would enter a dream, and then let go of his atrium and accept his torture.

He was able to enter each other's dream territory and see clearly, scene by scene, like personal experience.

This is exactly the beauty of the questioning heart stone, mysterious and unpredictable. It is said that it is not a thing in this world, but it comes from heaven outside the sky.

The dream that Lu Guangdi entered was the scene of his mother's death, and the appearance of his father, which showed his hatred and entanglement with his father Lu Zhengjun. He was somewhat grateful for his compensation, and had eaten a Tianyuan Dan, and hated it. He was ruthless to his mother and unworthy of himself. He wanted to practice his martial arts and defeat him fiercely. Then he raised his eyebrows and lived a life full of life, fighting for his mother.

Such a scene is very ordinary. He doesn't think there is any problem, but he feels that there is something wrong with it. It seems that the state of Lu Guangdi is a little bit wrong.

But this was not the right thing to make him very vigilant, this was the first time in hundreds of years.

He believes in the mystery of Qin Xinshi, and no one can resist wherever he goes. Even if the suzerain faced Qin Xinshi, there is no resistance. Therefore, he in charge of Qin Xin will make a strong oath and never leave this cliff in his life. .

He has been on the cliff, in the hut, with pure peace of mind, extreme subtlety, extreme keenness, and even the slightest strangeness cannot escape his capture. He felt the slightest fault in Chu Li's body, although he could not find it, but Believe in your instincts.

"You all go down." Ning Caiyi waved his hands and said, "I have something to say to Uncle Hua."

"Yes." Everyone left the hut with their fists, fluttering down the cliff.

Chu Li frowned.

He saw that the uncle Hua was inappropriate, apparently he found that he had a problem.

Asking Xinshi is mysterious and unpredictable. A strange power is going to comatose him, but at a critical time, when the big day comes, the Jizo Scroll is also operating, so all the abnormalities dissipate.

He is learning the appearance of the people around him, pretending to be in a dream, and then asking and answering with Uncle Hua, and trying his best to imitate it. Ordinary people can't see the difference, but he can't say that he can't hide it.

He found that this Chinese uncle specializes in the cultivation of spiritual power. He is keen and feels smart. For the first time, he has encountered such an intractable figure. If there is not a day in the sun and a prayer wheel, this time Inescapable.

But I try my best to imitate it, but imitating is imitating. I can hide it from ordinary people, but not from Uncle Hua.

"Brother Lu, congratulations!" Zhao Tianxing patted Chu off his shoulder and said with a smile: "You are the first one to break into the inner cliff from the outer cliff in a century. Although everyone is punished, you are still very happy."

Chu Li glanced at him and said, "I can't help you brothers, but I can go to the inner cliff? I don't know what the result of asking Xintang."

"Relax, if you have a problem, you have been restrained long ago, you don't have to wait for you to wake up." Zhao Tianxing said with a smile: "Besides, you are still Uncle Lu's son, originally a family."

"He--?" Chu Li cold faced, turned and left.

Zhao Tianxing looked at him helplessly, his face turned too fast, apparently a spoiled guy, heaven's pride, this bad temper!

Lu Zhengjun greeted him, glanced away and smiled.

Chu Li said, "I want to go back."

"where to?"

"Outer cliff."

"Now you are a disciple on the inner cliff, what are you going to the outer cliff?" Lu Zhengjun frowned.

Chu Lidao said, "I want to go back and see."

"Well, go." Lu Zhengjun waved his hand: "Do you know the way?"

Chu Li nodded.

It seems that the outer cliff enters the inner cliff, and there is a matrix formation resistance, but the inner cliff goes to the outer cliff but there is no matrix formation, and you can pass directly.

Lu Zhengjun watched Chu Li's back disappear and turned his head to meet Ning Caiyi.

Ning Caiyi glanced at him and shook his head: "No."

Lu Zhengjun's face changed greatly: "Uncle Ning, what does this mean?"

"Xiaolu didn't ask Xintang about the level and couldn't enter the inner cliff." Ning Caiyi said.

"What? Haven't you asked Xintang?" Lu Zhengjun said incredulously: "How is this possible!"

"What's impossible?" Ning Caiyi said lightly: "I ask you ~ www.readwn.com ~ How often do you see him?"

"Once a year." Lu Zhengjun said.

Ning Caiyi said: "I didn't find anything unusual about him?"

"Strange?" Lu Zhengjun frowned. "He has been staying at the Tingchao Pavilion, often in retreat. He has been working so hard to this day. Of these children, he is the most hardworking."

"But he's a little bit wrong." Ning Caiyi shook his head. "Uncle Hua said he was a bit inappropriate and shouldn't go into the inner cliff, so be a disciple of the outer cliff!"

Lu Zhengjun was busy: "What's wrong with it?"

Ning Caiyi said: "Uncle Hua couldn't say clearly, just pure intuition, and Uncle Hua's intuition is very precise."

"No, I don't want to ask clearly. I am unwilling." Lu Zhengjun shook his head and said, "How much hard did he have to go to the inner cliff, and finally he was going to go in, and suddenly told him that he could not go in? This is too tortured!"

Ning Caiyi said: "Can you change Uncle Hua's decision?"

"But even the ancestor can't do this, always have to figure it out." Lu Zhengjun said: "No, I'm going to find the Chinese ancestor."

"You don't give up." Ning Caiyi shook his head. "You can't change Uncle Hua's decision!"

"I want to try!" Lu Zhengjun hummed.

He clenched his fists, shook up, and went directly to the hut at the top of the stone wall, knocking on the door.

Uncle Hua was sitting on a wooden board with his eyes closed and seemed to fall asleep. It was very mentally motivating to ask the heart stone, and he also experienced their twelve dreams, which consumed even more spirit and almost went to sleep.

Lu Zhengjun sat opposite Uncle Hua and saluted with his fist: "Hua Shizu, I want to ask my son what is wrong?"

"That's it, let him come over again tomorrow." Uncle Hua said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Lu Zhengjun didn't bother, and left with his fists. (To be continued.)

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