White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1194: Assassinate

"Is the emperor so ruthless?" Xiao Qi frowned.

Although she was born in the state government, she knows that it is the ruthless emperor's house. The emperor's mind is always cold, and she takes interests as the first priority, and regards human life as nothing. Faithful and loyal, killing kills. It is really unacceptable. Who can be loyal to him?

Chu Lidao said: "Companion is like a companion tiger. Tianzi has always been like this. It's no different."

"Well ..." Xiao Qi sighed.

Yiguo's government can only be loyal to the emperor. This is the ancestral motto. There is no way to change it, but such a cold-blooded emperor deserves no loyalty.

Chu Lidao said: "I am afraid that the lurking Holy Religion will also leak out."

"You want to kill Gu Yan? ... It's too risky!" Xiao Qi shook his head: "Gu Yan is not so easy to kill, and the consequences are too serious."

She knew Chu Li and knew that she would kill Gu Yan.

She can guess that there must be top masters around Gu Yan, no less than Chu Li's top masters, otherwise they will be assassinated long ago. There are many top masters in the forbidden palace. They are almost never seen before. They come from within. Ling, such a master guarding Gu Yan, was afraid that the assassination would not cause trouble.

Chu Li Road said: "He will definitely take this begging, and will definitely spread it out, start with the strong first, there is no other way!"

Xiao Qi looked at him, sighed helplessly, and didn't say more.

Chu Li smiled: "We really can't do it, and Linghe Peak, just hide there."

"Okay." Xiao Qi smiled.

She will not object to Chu Li doing this, but it is indeed dangerous, but which of his things is not dangerous. She has been coming to the fortune, and there is nothing magical, and Linghe Peak.

Chu Lijun disappeared.

Gu Ye looked at the dossier in the morning of the Secret Mansion, and the more and more headache he felt, he lowered the dossier, slowly walked out of Secret Mansion, left the central street, and walked to the next street.

He wanted to take care of his hard work, so he went into a small restaurant, sat at a table, and sighed.

He found himself unsuitable for this command, which was a bit boring.

Others seemed to have a high weight and seemed to be very stimulating. In fact, he rarely felt the thrill of power. Instead, he felt like every secret guard in the house laughed at himself secretly.

The new officer took three fires. His three fires could not be burned at all, and Chu Li fiercely destroyed the prestige, his gray face and the shameless face, coupled with the imperial concubine of the Second Academy of Plum Blossoms. .

His ability to control the Secret Guard House plummeted. Without the help of Chen Donghai, the Secret Guards could not be moved at all. He was inferior to Chen Donghai who had lost his martial arts.

But such a time is long gone, and I have seized Chu Li's life!

He never expected that when Fu Mengshan was removed for the emperor, he had no intention, and Fu Mengshan said a shocking event when he was dying. Chu Li has sneaked into the Holy Religion!

This is a great credit, but there is no report to the emperor. If you can report it, it is your own credit!

But the idea flashed out and he was immediately extinguished.

If you change to someone else, he will report directly to the emperor and take this credit. But Chu Li is different. He feels that this is an opportunity to overwhelm Chu Li. Just talk to Chu Li and Chu Li must listen to himself honestly. of.

At that time, if you want to show him how you want to show him, he will be excited when he thinks about it, and feel that the sun is particularly bright, and the weather today is exceptionally fresh and light.

The small restaurant he patronized looks very ordinary, but he cooks good fish, which suits his taste. He has been here several times. Every time he eats it, he is very satisfied. More importantly, the boss lady here It's a delicate lady who is in the wind. Every time she eats, she admires her light body and has an appetite.

He turned his thoughts in his heart and had already figured out the roots of this restaurant. The owner of the restaurant cooked a good dish, and his ancestor was the chef of the Forbidden Palace. Although he has passed four generations, the skill of burning fish has not been done yet. Passed.

After four generations, the family relationship has been exhausted, so he can only open a small restaurant in such a noisy place. As the leader of the Secret Mansion, he wants to pack this family is a piece of cake.

But what he enjoyed the most was that at this stage, he succeeded but did not succeed. Once he succeeded, it was boring.

The two grey-clad old men sat not far from his seat, which seemed to have nothing to do with him.

He was staring at the little lady who brought the dish, and met her with a smile.

The boss looked at him with a smile.

At this time, an old man in Tsing Yi slowly stepped into the restaurant, sat at the table next to Gu Ye, beckoned, and asked the boss to come over, then ordered two dishes at random, and looked at Gu Ye.

Gu Yi glanced at him and turned his eyes, but an ordinary old man who didn't understand martial arts, was too lazy to talk about it.

The two gray-clad old men behind Gu Yan stared at the old man in Tsing Yi for a while, and finally turned their heads slowly, admiring the enchanting figure of the boss, which was indeed a great pleasure.

"Bang!" Suddenly a muffled sound, the old man in Tsing Yi punched Gu Gu's back with a punch.

Gu Yan flew into the air, the old man in Tsing Yi appeared behind him, and hit him in the back with a punch.

At this moment, the brain in his head was smashed, and even if there was an elixir like Qi Yuandan, he was an idiot and he couldn't wake up.

"No--!" The two gray-clad elders roared and rushed up.

The old man in Tsing Yi struck Gu Yan with another punch, then drilled out of the window, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

One gray-clad old man went to catch Gu Yan, and another gray-clad old man chased away.

When he chased out of the restaurant, the shadow of the old man in Tsing Yi had disappeared. He jumped up to the roof and looked down. People were walking on the street.

The old man in gray clothing shouted from the sky, took something from his arms, and threw it into the air.

There was a bang in the "bang" sky, and then a flame condensed in the sky.

When this signal sounds ~ www.readwn.com ~, the city gate will be closed.

The leader of the Secret Mansion is a heavy minister, how can he assassinate at will, as long as the gate is closed and a slow search is carried out, he can always find it.

The old man in Tsing Yi disappeared into the city suddenly, already appearing on Yuqi Island in the state government. At this time, the true face of Chu Li had been restored.

Xiao Qi was sitting in the garden reading a book and saw him returning, watching him thoughtfully.

Chu Li smiled and said, "You're done!"

"So easy?"

"He thought no one dared to assassinate himself." Chu Li shook his head and said, "Only two guards were taken. Although he is a top master, his caution is not so heavy."

"No one can recognize you?"

"I use the Great Bright God Fist." Chu Li smiled.

Xiao Qi nodded slightly, but still couldn't rest assured. Never underestimate the heroes in the world. No one may recognize him. (To be continued.)

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