White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1196: conspiracy

Chu Li smiled, "And I can help you sit in that seat."

Lu Yurong frowned at him: "How can you help me?"

"If I have recommended myself at this time, how about being the leader?" Chu Li smiled.

Lu Yurong said: "How can the emperor agree!"

Chu Lidao said: "In fact, I am also very suitable. I do n’t say anything else. Just talking about the ability to solve cases is enough to be in command. If I take charge of the Secret Mansion, no one can escape the Secret Mansion and take control! "

"That's true, too." Lu Yurong jaw gently.

Lu Yurong knows that he is good at layout and planning, Chu Li is not only good at planning, but also brilliant. No case can escape his ruin. If he really controls the secret guard house, the secret guard house will be amazing. development of.

"You are biased towards King Ping," Lu Yurong shook her head, "the emperor would not agree."

"Then I can use the power of the court." Chu Li smiled. "Presumably many court officials want me to be in this position."

Chu Li has always been famous, especially the last time he resisted the emperor and was degraded to the emperor's mausoleum. It was amazingly admired and made his reputation soaring. If he was in charge of the secret guard house, the courtiers would not worry about being wronged and being stolen .

Lu Yurong was silent.

Chu Li smiled: "How?"

Lu Yurong hummed, "No matter how loud the courtier's voice is, it depends on whether the emperor listens or you don't want to get in that seat."

Chu Lidao said: "That may not necessarily be the case, the times make heroes."

"... Well, if I take the position of leader, I can cooperate." Lu Yurong hummed.

Chu Li smiled with satisfaction: "If you are in the position of commander, you must not turn against my people, and the news must not be concealed from each other."

"You are greedy," Lu Yurong hummed. "How is that possible!"

Chu Li Road said: "The Second House of Mei will listen to you."

Lu Yurong frowned, "If I am the leader, they should listen to me."

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

Lu Yurong hummed, "Well, what else?"

Chu Lidao said: "No, but it's just to get some news, but we can say it in advance. If you intentionally hide from me once, our cooperation will be over."

"No problem." Lu Yurong nodded. "I'm not going to do this kind of thing yet."

"Well then, wait to sit on the throne of command." Chu Li smiled.

Lu Yurong pouted and chuckled and said, "You're not bad, don't end up having a happy time, then you have to pay me!"

"Relax." Chu Li said.

Lu Yurong crooked his head: "I am more and more certain now that he killed you."

Chu Lidao said: "Whimsy, yes, what happened to Zhu Lieyang?"

Lu Yurong narrowed his smile and said positively, "He's not famous, it's difficult to check, but I found some clues, as if he was finally hidden in Da Zheng."

"Where is Da Zheng?" Chu Li asked in a hurry.

Lu Yurong thought for a moment: "I don't know if it is right or not, it seems to be climbing Longshan."

Chu Li raised a brow, secretly surprised, wouldn't it be so coincident, the king's palm is hidden in Denglongshan, and this Zhu Lieyang is also hidden in Denglongshan?

If this is the case, it is likely that there is something unknown about Denglongshan that seems to be another trip to Denglongshan.

"What do you do with Zhu Lieyang?" Lu Yurong said inexplicably: "He is a character more than a thousand years ago. Although he is a god, he should have been in heaven and sky for a long time. What can you do with him?"

Chu Lidao said: "I found a message that Zhu Lieyang was a disciple of Qingluya and later defected."

"Uh-?" Lu Yurong was surprised.

She really didn't know this.

It took her a lot of effort to read the collection of Prince Edward ’s House, and even entered the Royal Palace through the Prince ’s relationship. It took her a long time to find the news of Zhu Lieyang, which was obtained from an anecdote.

There is no record that he turned out to be a traitor to Qingluya.

It seems that at that time, he knew very little about his identity, and it is reasonable to think about it. Qingluya would not speak up, and Zhu Lieyang himself would not speak up, so the two phases were hidden, and it was difficult for others to know. Qingluya disciples were very secretive.

"How do you know?" Lu Yurong said.

"Fa Yuan helped investigate." Chu Li smiled.

Lu Yurong said: "What do you spend a lot of time investigating this person to do? Want to get Qingluya martial arts?"

"A little bit interested," Chu left.

Lu Yurong shook his head and said, "I urge you to give up. It is impossible for him to leave the Qingluya martial arts. Moreover, even if he stays, it has already decayed for a thousand years!"

Chu Li smiled: "Also curious, okay, let's go our separate ways."

He got up and hugged his fists, turned and left.

Lu Yurong hummed, "What's the best, don't leave without eating?"

Chu Li said, "Go back and eat."

"Xiao Qi is really a tamer." Lu Yurong smiled.

Chu Li glanced at her and turned to leave.


When Lu Yurong returned to Prince's House, it was already the next morning, and she went directly to the back garden to practice. When Leng Jinghua entered the back garden with a slow pace, Lu Yurong knew that things were not going well.

"Yu Rong, I'm afraid it won't be as good as I hope." Leng Jinghua, dressed in a Chinese suit, sat in the kiosk with a sigh and shook his head at Lu Yurong, who raised his sword into the pavilion, "The emperor is very annoyed, and I doubt you a little."

Lu Yurong said: "No matter how doubtful, it shouldn't be me."

"If it is not the case, I am afraid the father will directly identify you." Leng Jinghua shook his head and said, "Fortunately, you are the state government."

No matter how noisy the government office is ~ www.readwn.com ~ loyalty is guaranteed, so the emperor will not be annoyed if he is upset, he will just ignore it and leave him alone.

Lu Yurong said: "Who is to lead?"

"Father Emperor is still hesitating." Leng Jinghua said.

Lu Yurong nodded thoughtfully.

Leng Jinghua said: "Yu Rong, forget about this time, the next time, there is always a chance, ... it is impossible, ten years later, your uncle promises you that once I take office, you will be appointed as the leader of the Secret House! "

"Thank you aunt," Lu Yurong said with a smile, "but I don't need to be the leader after my aunt is appointed."

Leng Jinghua knew what she meant.

She wanted to be the leader, so she was not assured that they were afraid that King Ping would try to pull themselves down and clear the obstacles. Once she was in office, she would retire and return to the state government.

Lu Yurong said: "Did you find the killer?"

"Where to find it!" Leng Jinghua shook his head: "The Holy Religion of the Light is the most annoying. Hiding in the crowd, there is no way to find it!"

Lu Yurong groaned: "Don't the two guards recognize it?"

"With them both, how many people can watch even if they watch all day?" Leng Jinghua sighed. "So the key is to be prepared."

"This is too morale-damaging." Lu Yurong said: "Who else dares to be the leader, it is estimated that the Holy Religion will assassinate."

"Some people are fighting." Leng Jinghua shook his head.

Lu Yurong smiled.

This man is indeed very tempting. It is the emperor's confidant. Once he sits on this man, he only needs to be responsible to the emperor. There is no pressure on his head. It is only under one person.

The two were talking, and suddenly hurried footsteps sounded.

A blue shirt guard came over quickly, came to the kiosk with a low eyebrow, hugged his fists, and whispered: "The news from the forbidden palace, the emperor intends to let the general manager Chu Li take over as the leader of the secret guard house!" (To be continued) .)

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