White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1250: borrow

Time goes by without seeing Chu Li.

Chu Li paddling around in the cave, his face was as calm as water.

He had already guessed that Sun Mingyue was waiting for Li Hanyan to appear by herself. If she could not appear, she would really doubt Zhu Hua's words.

That will be the beginning of trouble. Once you really investigate thoroughly, with Sun Mingyue's ability, you will be able to find out what happened, and you will be hunted down by the Holy Religion, making it difficult for you to survive.

Not to mention others, it is more than enough for Sun Mingyue to kill himself alone, not to mention that the bright religious masters such as clouds, not only themselves, the state government and the royal palace must also be unlucky, even Xueyuexuan is unfortunately not immune


The consequences were like crushing stones on his shoulders, trying to crush him.

His thinking became more and more agile, and the formations he saw and heard were fused in his mind, and Dayuan Jingzhi desperately urged him to break through the shackles of the formations to see them roughly, so as to understand which formation is this.

Dayuan Jingzhi seems to be covered with a layer of veil, which is hazy and unclear. Now he can only guess based on the hazy outline, then verify it through some details, and then desperately wants to crack it.

He is racing against time, one hour is limited, and he will not appear in front of Sun Mingyue within an hour. Sun Mingyue will definitely doubt and will start an investigation.

He wants to crack the formation within an hour.

At this time he desperately wanted the secret technique of Tianji Pavilion.

If there is that mystery, even if he bears the cost, he is also unwilling to bear such a large risk and pressure. He can directly cast his mystery out of the battlefield and appear in front of Sun Mingyue to relieve his doubts.

This idea was fleeting, and the whole spirit was quickly focused on cracking the formation.

Time kept moving forward, but he never made progress.

Dayuan Jingzhi is still covered by a layer of gauze, and cannot see the full picture of the formation. He can only break through the formation by guessing, and guess the origin of the formation.

Sun Mingyue opened his eyes and looked at Li Hanyan: "It seems Chu Li will not appear."

"Brother Chu will come back." Li Hanyan pressed her red lips tightly. "I don't know what happened, but I will come back sooner or later."

"A hour, right?"

"It's almost an hour," Li Hanyan frowned, "what the **** are you looking for, Brother Chu? Wouldn't you just like to meet up, you have a lot of time, and time is very expensive."

"I just want to see it." Sun Mingyue glanced around him: "It wouldn't be to see me here, would he hide aside?"

Li Hanyan said: "Why does Brother Chu hide from the Virgin?"

Sun Mingyue hummed: "He killed a lot of Holy Disciples in the season!"

"This way ..." Li Hanyan frowned. "Is the maiden revenge?"

Sun Mingyue said: "I have the opportunity to teach him a meal, of course I can't let it go."

"Brother Chu may have avoided it," Li Hanyan nodded. "He won't lose money."

Sun Mingyue seemed to laugh.

She felt keen. Once Chu Li appeared, she would definitely notice that Chu Li has n’t appeared yet. It remains to be seen where they went. Can Chu Li and Zhao Dahe be alone tonight?

Zhao Dahe's formation can no longer break through the formation in a short period of time. If Chu Li hasn't shown up, Zhu Hua's words can't be completely ignored, and he needs to check it carefully.


Chu Li's hands kept splattering, there were traces on the ground, dense, but he frowned and his face was gloomy.

As time passed and the pressure became heavier, he still had no clue.

He felt that his brain was not enough and fast enough. If he could move a few minutes faster, he might be able to clear the fog. He does not need to rely entirely on Dayuan Jingzhi, and he can crack the formation by deduction.

Unfortunately, his thinking works like electricity, but it can't really be as fast as electricity. The time left is getting less and less, but he still hasn't made progress. If he goes on like this, he will soon surpass a latent rule of God.


He kept thinking about the method of self-help, and suddenly a flash of light came.

The four Buddhas and one demon in the void suddenly stopped recitation, and at the same time began to think about the array.

He used to want to control the four Buddhas and one demon with almost no response. He didn't listen to him, but just chanted the Scriptures, and didn't do the rest.

He had no hope at all, but just tried it, but this time the four Buddhas and one demon seemed to know that it was the key time. No longer disobeying, obedient thoughts started the formation.

He was instantly clear-headed and thought-smart.

This time, he finally felt what it was like to think of electricity. When it really passed lightning, his thoughts reached the end, and it usually took a while to figure it out, but now he can think through it. , Reached the end instantly.

This feeling made him really understand what wisdom is. If he really has insight into the world, he feels that everything is between his thoughts.

He didn't dare to be distracted and focused only on the formation.

A matrix method gradually appeared in the void of the mind, from a local part to a whole, from a contour to a specific and clear matrix method, and the outer matrix method was reproduced through deduction.

This was done in just a moment.

When such derivation was replaced with the previous one, I was afraid that it would not be completed in a day.

He immediately depressed the joy ~ www.readwn.com ~ to figure out what kind of formation method is, we will start to crack.

Just then, exhausted and rushing, his eyes turned black for a while, and seemed to faint at any time. The four Buddhas and one demon in the void had lost their soft light and became dim, and their vitality seemed to disappear.

He screamed badly.

The power of the four Buddhas and one demon can only support it for a moment, and it can't hold it. The four Buddhas and one demon call his own spirit, but he can only persist in this moment.

There was a burst of blackness in front of him, and he couldn't see how the formation was, but he was powerless to crack it.

He knew that if he persisted, the void in his mind would collapse, and the four Buddhas and one demon would disappear, and he would be beaten back to the prototype, which was more terrible than the waste of martial arts, and he really lost hope.

He roared under his heart, full of unwillingness.

God actually teased himself like this, seeing hope, but immediately sent despair again, should he really be so desperate, will soon die in the hands of the Holy Ghost?


Sun Mingyue looked up at the night sky, shook his head, and stood up.

Li Hanyan also got up: "Are you going to leave?"

"Well, since he was hiding from me, he wouldn't be forced to meet." Sun Mingyue said faintly: "Tell him, I will find him again."

"Yes." Li Hanyan hugged his fists.

Under her heart, she felt bad, and felt Sun Mingyue's aggressive murderousness, and it was stronger than before.

Sun Mingyue shook his head and sighed secretly. It seemed that he was wrong. This Zhao Dahe really had a problem!

Thinking of her miscellaneous taste here, she could not speak.

Turning around, she waved her hand at Li Hanyan and left, but she did not want to leave. She felt that Chu Li could be seen at the next moment, so that she did not need to investigate Zhao Dahe, and would not make the Holy Light a joke.

But soon she relented, cut off the idea of ​​escape, and left. (To be continued.)

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