White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1311: Plain girl

The two were making up their minds to cooperate, and Du Ying's voice came from outside: "Sir, there is a Li Xinghe and Li Gongzi at the foot of the mountain."

Chu Li frowned, "He's coming fast."

Sun Mingyue said, "Please come in."

"Yes." Du Ying should beep, footsteps left.

"This Li Xinghe is a terrific figure?" After Sun Mingyue sat back gracefully to the long case, she hung a white veil to cover her beautiful face, only revealing the eyes like autumn water, and she was intrigued.

Chu Li nodded: "Should be the top figure in the Stargazing Pavilion, but he is young and deeply cultivated, and has a hand-to-hand star-shifting skill, which is similar to that of the virgin.

"Well, it seems really powerful." Sun Mingyue jaw.

Footsteps sounded, and Li Xinghe entered the hall under the leadership of Du Ying. Once in a blue shirt, he walked lightly and calmly. He hugged his fists in a chic manner: "Li Xinghe has seen the Virgin!"

He rushed out of the boxing again: "Brother Zhao, let's meet again."

Chu Li held his fist and said nothing.

Li Xinghe laughed: "I wonder if the maiden has a decision?"

"If you want to cooperate, I don't know how many experts Starview Pavilion can support?" Sun Mingyue asked lightly.

"I am enough." Li Xinghe smiled.

Sun Mingyue's eyebrows frowned and her eyes were slightly condensed.

Li Xinghe smiled: "Don't think enough?"

Sun Mingyue spit out two words: "Not enough."

Li Xinghe smiled: "I know the weakness of the Blood-Clothing Skills. I can anticipate their movements and figure out their actions. With these, can't we deal with the Blood-Godism?"

"If the weakness of the blood-clothing skill is so deadly, the blood-religion religion would have been destroyed long ago." You know, we are by no means adversaries, even if you add one, it won't help. "

Chu Li said with a cold face, "Li Gongzi, aren't you entertaining us? Are you not going to use other masters in the Starview Pavilion?"

"This is also helpless!" Li Xinghe waved his hand: "Let's also watch the Star Pavilion and cooperate with you."

Sun Mingyue said lightly, "You want to tune the tiger away from the mountain, while they are dealing with us, have you copied their nest?"

"I have this intention." Li Xinghe laughed: "The maiden is indeed a maiden, Bingxue is smart!"

Sun Mingyue said: "Okay, but we will only be responsible for entanglement, entangle them in the territory of the Great Leaving Territory, and to really destroy them will depend on your stargazing pavilion!"

"My wise lady!" Li Xinghe sighed.

"Then let's cooperate to deal with the blood gods, if they really don't spare and endlessly die!" Sun Mingyue said lightly: "You want to live here?"

"There is a place to work and let me stay temporarily." Li Xinghe said: "I calculated their actions, and immediately informed the saint as soon as there was movement."

Chu Li gently coughed: "Sir, give my little Guangming Peak to Li Gongzi temporarily."

Sun Mingyue nodded slowly and exclaimed, "Du Ying, take Li Gongzi to Xiaoguangming Peak."

"Yes." Du Ying responded softly, greeted Li Xinghe, and motioned to follow her.

Li Xinghe held his fist and turned away.

Sun Mingyue looked at his back thoughtfully.

Chu Lidao said, "What could be wrong?"

"It seems that the battle with the blood gods is inevitable." Sun Mingyue slowly said.

Chu Li nodded his head and sighed.

Sun Mingyue glanced at him and said, "We can resist."

Chu Li shook his head: "This battle is very dangerous. Obviously, Starview Pavilion will not do our best to help us. Their goal is blood gods. The harder we fight with blood gods, the happier they will be, and then they will be afraid ...

Sun Mingyue said, "To this day, you should know something."

Chu Li was refreshed.

Sun Mingyue said: "We have the ancestral gates supported by the eight great ancestors."

Chu Li showed a stunned look: "Which one?"

"Su Nu Gong." Sun Mingyue said lightly.

Chu Li nodded slowly: "It turned out to be the maiden's palace."

"The eight grand masters see us as weeds, how can they support us?" Chu Li frowned.

Sun Mingyue said, "One of my aunts is a disciple of a maiden's palace."

"So it is!" Chu Li was surprised, and smiled: "Will they come to help?"

"It will come." Sun Mingyue nodded.

Chu Lidao said: "Know the Star Pavilion know?"

"I can't conceal it." Sun Mingyue frowned. "Kingxing Pavilion is the best at peeping at people's privacy. Few things can hide them."

"Then the Bai Huzong they also support the Zongmen?" Chu Li frowned.

Sun Mingyue nodded slowly: "The four ancestors and the grandfather all have some ties, more or less, always find a way to get in touch."

"So it is!" Chu Li nodded.

Sun Mingyue said: "The Prime Minister's Palace will send masters to come."

Chu Li smiled.

Sun Mingyue glanced at him, and groaned, "But the master of the maiden's palace has some quirks, and you may get some grievances at that time."

Chu Li looked in doubt.

Sun Mingyue said: "They are particularly annoying to men, so you'd better show up before them, even if they appear, talk less. They say something unpleasant and you think you haven't heard it."

Chu Li frowned, "So extreme?"

"In short, for the sake of the bigger picture, even if you have some anger, you have to bear it." Sun Mingyue said: "The King of Lu Fa and the King of Method both have good tempers. You are so impulsive that you do n’t break our big deal.

"... Okay." Chu Li nodded slowly.

Sun Mingyue waved his hand and said, "That's it. Go to the medicine garden and rest."

Chu Li hugs his fists and turns away.


Chu Li practiced two furnaces in the Lingyao Garden, and three days passed.

He was preparing to make another furnace of Dan, Du Ying fluttered and greeted him to the Temple of Light.

In the Hall of Light, Lu Shenyu and Fang Qingyang both sat in a row of Taishi chairs on the right side of Sun Mingyue, and on the other Taishi chairs sat four green-shirt girls, sitting quietly and elegantly.

Chu Li's eyes drifted uncontrollably, looking at them four.

The four young girls in green shirts looked exactly the same, almost carved in one mold, and they were generally tall, thin and thin.

Chu Li Dayuan Jingzhi's observation is in the slightest, but he can discern some strange things, but it is difficult for ordinary people.

Chu Li's eyes circulated on their faces, and immediately attracted the fierce eyes of the four women.

They are all melon seeds face, curved eyebrows, cherry lips Qiong nose, exquisite and beautiful facial features, beautiful and touching.

But her eyes were stern and abnormal. When looking over, Chu Li felt eight cold swords cutting her face.

"Excessive!" The girl in the green shirt at the very end gave a coquettish slap, suddenly a slap.

Chu Li took a step back and avoided a slap lightly.

"Bold!" The penultimate girl in the green shirt whispered, and another slap came.

Chu Li stepped back again to avoid.

Sun Mingyue coughed softly and said, "Father Zhao, you are rude!"

Chu Li calmly gave a fist: "I have seen the maiden ~ www.readwn.com ~ Are these four girls ...?"

The two girls in green shirts missed their shots and both glared at him angrily, the other two girls looked at him lightly, looking at him as if stabbed by the tip of a sword, trying to test his falsehood.

Chu Li stood there with ease, without a loophole all over his body.

This made the two women frown secretly, but did not expect to meet a master swordsman.

"Sister Qiu and Sister Dong, he is Zhao Dahe Zhao Fawang." Sun Mingyue said.

She then said to Chu: "The four sisters and sisters of the Su Nv Palace come to help, Mei Chunmei Xia Meiqiu Meidong, you must be rude!"

Chu Li hugged his fist: "It was a heroine of the Prime Women's Palace, it was rude."

All four women stared at him without blinking.

"Sir, Li Gongzi is here." Du Ying's voice sounded outside.

"Haha ..." Li Xinghe laughed and said, "I'm so busy!" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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