White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1313: Show weakness

Chu Li hurriedly yelled, "The method king is not fooled!"

Fang Qingyang knew that they had deliberately provoked themselves, but could not control themselves.

He has always regarded the maiden as heaven, respected the abnormal, and must not allow others to insult like this.

Chu Li shook his head helplessly: "They were just addicted to it, the maiden was really in front of them, and they didn't even dare to put a fart on it, so why would Wang Wang have general knowledge with them, just jump on the clown."

Fang Qingyang snorted, "I dare not indulge in such an insult to the saint!"

As a ghost, he has already made three punches in a word of kung fu. He "slammed" with the other side, his body became more and more fierce, and he used his opponent's strength to urge light work, and he could hardly see the shadow.

Li Xinghe stroked his palm and laughed, "Sure enough, martial arts is indeed the deity of the Holy Ghost!"

Chu Li glanced up at Li Xinghe: "Li Gongzi, you are too much, is it possible that this is the method of assistance of your stargazing pavilion? Look at the lively and rumorous sidelines?"

He has more than two masters of the blood gods, but he does not support Lu Shenyu and Fang Qingyang. Although they are precarious, they have not used their last resort, let alone ordinary mystery, let alone big light mystery.

As the princes, they know more mysteries and endless means, and this will never be the only thing. They may be paralyzing their opponents, or they may be trying to figure out their opponent's means, thus causing a fatal blow.

Li Xinghe laughed: "Sometimes my opponent can't take my turn. The six blood **** masters can't stop it. Then you can simply surrender your bright saints, and you don't have to resist it!"

"If you help the Stargazing Pavilion so much, surrendering the blood gods may not be a way out." Chu Lirong said coldly.

Li Xinghe smiled and shook his head: "Do you think that surrender can survive? Their blood dragon pools are all the blood of the masters outside the sky. They are the masters you like to kill. Compared to your bright religion, they I like your blood more! "

Chu Li Road said: "You don't have a way to live in such a stargazing pavilion. If Li Gongzi does this again, no wonder we're welcome!"

"Hehe ... how are you polite?" Li Xinghe chuckled and said disapprovingly: "Can you do it with me?"

"Even if I can't clean you up, the saint can always do it." Chu Li said, "How about killing you and marrying the blood gods? Li Gongzi thought we couldn't do it ?!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Li Xinghe lightly.

"... You are so hot!" Li Xinghe froze and shook his head with a smile: "Well, then I will come down to help."

He pretended not to care, but his heart was stunned. He felt Chu Li's sensational killing intentions. It was not a child's play. He seemed to be annoyed by himself and was very afraid of Sun Mingyue's martial arts. .

He floated to Lu Shenyu's side, and the situation changed suddenly. Lu Shenyu gasped for breath. Li Xinghe blew his stomach to the master of blood **** teaching. Xiao Tianxing's continuous strength held down the finger of blood god. Step by step.

Chu Li also intensified, pressured by two blood gods masters out of breath.

"Bang!" He suddenly disappeared in a ghostly way, appearing behind another master of blood gods, and the Great Bright God boxed and flew the old man, making a dull sound, shocking.

Chu Li did not hesitate to punch again.

"Bang!" The old man took another punch in the air and backed up even faster.

"Look for death!" The other old man snorted and shrank suddenly, changing from a slightly fat body to a bamboo pole-like thin, martial arts increased sharply, the speed increased by three or four points, and in a moment came to Chu Li, Bai Yumo A layer of rouge-like palms shot Chu off his chest.

"Bang!" Chu Li flew upside down.

He punched two punches in the air, one punch to catch up with the old man who caught up, and another punch to the other old man, blocking them and not being pursued by them. The tiptoe was on a pine tree, and the pine tree snapped and snapped. , He fluttered to welcome the thin old man who rushed over.

The skinny old man performed mystery, and under the great mirror wisdom, his blood was rolling like flames.

Chu Li snorted and punched again, again blocking the footsteps of the skinny old man.

Although the thinned old man is faster and more powerful, Chu Li can always interrupt his actions, as if stuck on the old and new focus points of his actions, making him extremely awkward and annoying.

Li Xinghe cried, "Brother Zhao, it doesn't matter?"

"Can't die," Chu Li hummed.

Li Xinghe laughed: "Don't underestimate their secret technique. The most powerful thing is the disintegration of the blood god. Be careful."

Chu Li said: "I know!"

Ten people were deadlocked. Although Chu Li took a slap and was wounded, the corners of his mouth were already bloody, but he could still barely support it. The same was true of the other three. It was difficult to kill the blood gods, and blood gods also killed Can't them.

"Hum!" The elder elder snorted suddenly: "Use mystery, solve them!"

"Okay!" Everyone answered.

Suddenly, the six old men became thinner, with a body shape like electricity, and their finger strength and palm strength were overwhelmed by 30% to 40%. They were so overwhelmed that they were out of breath, and the situation was in danger again.

Even though Chu Li was out of breath, he still didn't have the idea of ​​performing mystery, and he yelled, "Li Gongzi, you're just so capable, where's the mystery of Xingge Pavilion!"

Li Xinghe hummed: "It doesn't work to cast mysteries, how can they compare with their blood **** disintegration!"

He was jealous. Once the secret technique was performed, forcing these guys to desperately, he would definitely perform the disintegration of the blood god, and it was himself who was unlucky.

"What a waste!" A cooing sound sounded.

Sun Mingyue appeared with the four daughters of Su Nuo Gong.

Seeing this situation, Mei Dong sneered, coquettishly disdainful.

Chu Li glanced at her silently.

"What you see, you are waste!" Mei Dong disdainfully said, "Let ’s go! You all let go!"

Chu Li drifted backwards.

Li Xinghe and Lu Shenyu and Fang Qingyang also retreated and looked ugly.

The six blood **** old men frowned at Mei Chun and their four daughters, and their faces were ugly.

"Why did you come here? Your hands are long enough!" The elder man frowned and said, "Do you want a beam?"

Mei Dongxian pointed at six of them and hummed: "Let's have a relationship with the Bright Holy Religion, you hurry up and get rid of it, otherwise you will chop your head and kick!

The old man with a round face frowned and said, "You really don't want to know the maiden's palace. No wonder we're welcome!"

Chu Li came slowly to Sun Mingyue.

Sun Mingyue glanced at him and shook his head to stop talking.

Chu Li showed a helpless look.

"Okay, see why you're welcome!" Mei Dongjiao snorted and turned his head: "Sister, what to say to them, just cut it off!"

"Hands on!" Mei Chun said coldly with her jade face ~ www.readwn.com ~ The four girls suddenly turned into four white shadows, swords around their waists came out of the sheath, and the sword light was like a horse. The old man stuck.

"Look for death!" The elder elder coldly said, "You don't have to keep your hands, kill them!"

The six old men suddenly pointed out, and the blood god's teaching power formed a net to wrap them in, impervious to air.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..." The endless golden iron and iron symphony sounded like a rain hitting a banana, referring to the force hitting the sword body.

Chu Li turned around and said, "Isn't the maiden going?"

"Wait first." Sun Mingyue said, "Are you injured?"

Chu Li nodded.

Sun Mingyue frowned at him.

It is reasonable to say that these six elderly people are not as good as him and will not be injured. They should be deliberately keeping their hands. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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