White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1340: activation

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Tianxinjue's internal power flowed endlessly, and his mood was quiet, but he was a little angry.

He had a greater ambition for the Holy Religion, and wanted to master the Holy Religion for his own use. Now he has gained Sun Mingyue's full trust, and he has done a few more things, and his prestige in the religion is even more prosperous.

By that time, his own power was only under Sun Mingyue, and the words of the Holy Light congregation would follow, and with the help of the Holy Light, he could do too much for himself.

Therefore, he has regarded the Holy Religion as his own power, and hastily died of a sub-helm. He is very angry, as if the pets he raised were killed, he hated the killer, and then quickly died.

Anger and tranquility were originally contrary to each other. At this time, under the operation of Tianxinjue, they were strangely compatible and in a strange state.

He suddenly felt that the world was silent, as if the world stopped working, time stopped, everything was still, the soul was exceptionally peaceful, and he could do whatever he liked, all the restraints were removed, and the mind was completely restored to freedom and flexibility. .

He had a flash of light, using the inner force of Tianxinjue to urge the glimpse of heaven.

A cold breath came over my hand, and I got into my mind. A twisted shadow suddenly appeared in front of me. This twisted shadow gradually became clear. I could see who was inside and what was happening.

As this scene appeared, the breath in my mind dissipated, and my eyes returned to clear, and I saw what I had seen before like a dream.

He squinted his eyes slightly. This is the sky-scooping under the stars. It really is different from the sky-scooping he performed.


In the middle of the night sky, a bright moon hung in the midst of the sky, and slowly shed a clear glow, everything around became mysterious, as if there were countless mysteries hidden in the dark, and they would jump out at any time.

Since the autumn truce with Dali, Luoqiu City has suddenly become prosperous.

Trade between the two countries was reopened, and Luoqiu City was the place where the trade between the two countries was located. The retaliatory rebound in trade affected by the war was several times more prosperous than usual, making Luoqiucheng a bustling city in a short time. .

There is a large mansion on the street next to Central Street, which is the Hu Nu Tang where Bai Huzong is located.

Even in the middle of the night, the street was still lively and bustling, the lights were bright, and the location of Hu Nu Tang was quiet, people seemed to have fallen asleep.

Ten shadows, wearing dark grey clothes, landed quietly in the Hu Nu Tang compound.

Their feet were silent, their clothes were silent, and they fluttered to the outside of the house. The four were watching the wind outside, and the two of them pressed together on the door. The door was silently removed and moved away. The remaining four Man got into the room.

There were two murmurings in the room immediately, and then silence was restored, and the four of them floated out.

They each had a division of labor, cooperation and tacit understanding, and the settlement was neat and clear. The two Tiger Nutang disciples had died silently, and they got into another room again, and then two Tiger Nutang disciples died silently.

"Who is it!" Suddenly a sudden drink rang through the entire Tiger Fury Hall.

Suddenly the lights were bright.

The huge and quiet Tiger Fury Hall became brightly lit. All the disciples ran out of the house, and more than 100 people surrounded the yard in a blink of an eye. Ten gray-clad men were exposed to the light and stared at everyone, staring at them all at any time. .

Four white middle-aged middle-aged men came slowly, and everyone was busy giving way. The four middle-aged middle-aged men were divided into two teams and left and right. Gloomy glare stared at the ten gray men in the field.

The ten gray-clad men did not hide their looks, and looked calmly towards Zhang Teng and the others.

"Very good monk!" Zhang Teng's face was so dull that he could drip water.

A tall and burly monk stood in the middle of the ten people. His bald head shone in oil under the light, his eyes were as bright as a torch, and a calm and peaceful gift, suddenly revealed a bright smile: "Zhang Tangzhu, disturb! "

"What are you doing!" Zhang Teng coldly said, "What are you going to do to kill my disciples from Hu Nu Tang for no reason!"

"Oh, Zhang Tangzhu said this question very funny." The good-looking handsome face smiled ironically: "This is not very obvious, we are here to kill people, and give revenge to our soldiers in Daqiu!"

"Are you going to start the war again?" Zhang Tengshen asked in a voice, "Is it provocative just after the truce, is it really endless?"

"We can't control the army." He shook his head perfectly. "But Da Li Wulin thinks so, we will continue to kill until you give up and give in!"

"Good breath!" Zhang Teng sneered: "Okay, let's accompany Bai Huzong to the end!"

"Zhang Tangzhu is a good breath!" Zhishan smiled and said: "Because you Bai Huzong can accompany us, let Zhang Tangzhu know that you know how powerful you are, do it!"

His voice was abrupt, and nine gray-clad men suddenly rushed to the crowd, pre-emptively, the sword lights flickered, the fists screamed, the melee raged into a ball, and from time to time, some disciples of Hu Nu Tang fell.

The perfect smile stood in place and looked at Zhang Teng. Zhang Teng didn't move him. The other nine people were like wolves into a flock. They had no rivals. After a while, ten Kung Fu disciples had fallen.

Zhang Teng gritted his teeth and stared angrily at the monk: "Haicang Mountain, Fudao Palace, you come together!"

"Exactly." The best monk Heshi smiled, "Let's join the three cases, and you will also join them? The Holy Church of Light will not destroy you first?"

"... You did it!" Zhang Teng said in a deep voice, "It is the sacred sect of light that you killed!"

"Finally not stupid enough to be incurable." The good monk shook his head and sighed: "Well ... the world is like a runner, yin and yang live together, life and death go together, don't worry too much. After your tiger anger hall is destroyed, let's get into trouble In the Holy Light, what do you say will happen? Haha! "

He laughed twice, looking very happy.

"What a good way to fight poison!" Zhang Teng gritted his teeth and chilled under his heart: "As a Buddhist disciple, he used such a poisonous method ~ www.readwn.com ~ Isn't he afraid of retribution?"

"Life is death, death is life, and reincarnation is endless. Why do you have to be persistent?" The Supreme Monk shook his head and said, "Relax, you only need to go through the reincarnation of the ninth after death, and you will never be afraid of it again."

Zhang Teng stared at him deadly, secretly performing his exercises.

Once Hu Nu Tang is extinct, and then marry the Holy Religion of Light, the consequences can be expected.

The disciples of Baihu Zong are irritable and eager for the sake of practicing the White Tiger magic. They will not be as stubborn as Zhao Dahe. Once they are found to have been killed by the bright saint martial arts, they will immediately begin Revenge, the Holy Ghosts of Light will never be softened, the two wars will hurt their vitality, but let the real murderers escape and gain the benefit of the fishermen.

Thinking of this, he felt angry and worried, and suddenly shouted.

The howling sounds like a tide, and can be heard in half of the autumn city.

The good monk was at ease, shaking his head and saying, "You want to ask them for help, right?"

"You are so brave, Luo Qiucheng is not the only Hu Nu Tang family!" Zhang Teng Lengheng.

The good monk shook his head and sighed: "I'm sorry, I haven't told you the news yet, in fact, we are not the only one. There are people from Tian Luozong and Chiyang Palm who greet them. They are too busy taking care of themselves. Come here to save you, you still sweep the snow in front of your house! "

Zhang Teng frowned at him.

The disciples of Tiger and Fury Church fell one by one, his heart tightened again and again, his anger was almost impossible to restrain, but he still held a hint of hope, and Zhao Dahe, they did not count Zhao Dahe, as they They didn't know that Zhao Dahe had come, and they must not know the best monks.

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