White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1344: Exit

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"Holy Lady. = ≤≤≤" Chu Li stood with his fists.

Sun Mingyue put away the power frame, took the towel next to him, wiped the sweat, and came to the small pavilion in front of the bamboo forest to sit down and motioned him to sit down and talk.

Chu Li sat opposite her.

Her face just finished practicing has a layer of blush, bright and beautiful, a little more charming and colorful than usual, no longer so cold and majestic, more feminine and more touching.

Chu Li was busy with Xiao Qi's face in his mind, driving away the strange thoughts, and saying things again, and finally said, "I want to enter Daqiu, and stir up the muddy water of Daqiu."

"It's too dangerous." Sun Mingyue shook his head and said, "You are now the Dharma King, and you are more considerate."

Chu Lidao said, "What should the maiden do? War or peace?"

"What do you think?" Sun Mingyue asked.

Chu Li frowned: "Theoretically, you should not start the war again. After all, you just had a fight with Tianjige, and you lost a lot of masters. If you start the war again, you will have disciples' minds, and it will be difficult to set your heart and practice strength.

Sun Mingyue nodded.

Chu Lidao said: "But if you retreat, the Great Autumn Martial Arts will definitely become more profitable. The battle of martial arts is a battle of flesh and blood. Unlike the war of soldiers, you cannot weigh the gains and losses. There is no deterrent. "

He was desperate to fight. Only by fighting can he show his ability, and by having enough merits, he can have prestige and conquer the crowd, and the invisible power will increase.

If he didn't fight, he would be so peaceful and peaceful. He didn't show his time. He just had a seniority and was anxious, and he was anxious. He could not wait for that long to master the Holy Religion immediately.

Sun Mingyue nodded slowly: "Once they fight with Daqiu Wulin, it will have a huge impact. Not only should they consider Bai Huzong, they also need to think about Tianji Pavilion, Blood Gods, and even Da Lei Yin Temple."

Chu Li looked at her: "Don't you want to fight?"

He understood Sun Mingyue's mind.

She wanted to deal with the grandfather, so she wanted to focus on the grandfather, and didn't want to be entangled with the rest of the country. Even if she wins, there is nothing to be pleased with, and there will be no gains. It may even cause the grandfather Wulin to be alert and suppressed.

But the current situation is very pressing. If we do n’t go to war, the disciples in the teaching will be dissatisfied, not to mention that the three cases such as Bai Huzong will also look down, and feel that they can be deceived.

Sun Mingyue shook his head and said, "I have to fight, I have no choice."

Chu Lishen said: "Zunlun Temple said that the previous sneak attack was done by the monk who was the best. We can use the other way to give back to others. I am enough, even if the wind and rain do not affect the overall situation."

"Zunlun Temple ..." Sun Mingyue hummed. "As arrogant as Daleiyin Temple, he never speaks soft words. You must be careful of them. The martial arts of Zunlun Temple are unique."

Chu Li smiled and said, "I have learned the Tibetan Scriptures, and I want to learn something."

"Yeah, too." Sun Mingyue smiled: "Well, just do what you say, be careful, Void Brightness is not without restraint, especially if you consume your internal force first, you will be in trouble Now. "

Chu Lidao said: "I'm not afraid. I must escape before the internal power is exhausted."

Sun Mingyue nodded gently: "Also be careful of treasures, there must be such treasures in Zhuanlun Temple, as far as I know, there are still a lot of them, especially their rosary and buddha. As long as the monk Gaode holds it, there is a technique to suppress the void and bright light. Wonderful. "

She was assured of Chu Li, and she could not run without the great light. Even with the suppression of treasures, the ordinary treasures were useless, because he was immovable in the day and could eliminate the influence of the treasures, unless that was the case. This kind of Qibao can be completely suppressed.

Chu Li Road said: "Then I will go back and act."

"Wait for people from Zhunlun Temple to come and explain?" Sun Mingyue said.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "They may not have someone coming, maybe it is a way to slow down the soldiers. Moreover, even if reparations come, let us go back to revenge and talk about the others. I really let them go and think they are weak!

"Well, go." Sun Mingyue nodded slowly.


Chu Li didn't rush to start, and returned to An Wangfu first.

In Tianshu's courtyard, Xiao Qi was practicing swords. Once in white clothes, the sword was fluttering, graceful and graceful, and her mind was relaxed and happy.

Seeing him appear, Xiao Qi slanted a glance without saying a word, and continued to practice his sword.

Chu Li stepped forward and said with a smile: "Finally rest, hasn't anything happened recently?"

Xiao Qi ignored him and continued to practice his sword.

Xiao Shi, sitting in a white shirt and reading at the stone table, put down the scroll and smiled: "It is a great honour for the Fa King to come here!"

Chu Li said angrily: "What kind of lord!"

"You're having fun there!" Xiao Shiheng whispered, "Let's be frightened at home. Do you think the grandfather is a fun place? You are so brave!"

Chu Li Road said: "Always go for a break, touch their bottom line!"

"What's the result?" Xiao Shibai said at a glance: "What can be gained?"

Chu Li nodded slowly.

Xiao Shiheng said, "You are sinking too far there, no matter what you are doing here? 6 Yu Rong is getting more and more powerful and controls the whole god. If you go on like this, you do n’t want to have any other ideas!"

Xiao Qi said: "He just wants it."

Chu Li froze, and then laughed, looking at Xiao Qi with amusement: "My wife is also jealous!"

He could hear Xiao Qi being jealous of 6 Yurong ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was really an unexpected joy. The deeper she was trained, the more indifferent her feelings were, and she did not care so much about the feelings of men and women. .

Fortunately, she became weak not only to her own feelings, but also to others, so she didn't care much about it, as long as she stayed with her, it was impossible for her to achieve God anyway.

Xiao Shi said: "Xuan has already passed the customs."

Chu Li stunned, and said in surprise: "Exit early? So it is magical?"

"Yes, it became Tianertong." Xiao Shi nodded. "His understanding is really good, only inferior to you. He is also a wizard at the King Kong Temple. It seems that the King Kong Temple does not want to let people go."

Chu Li smiled and said, "It's all in Xu'an."

Xiao Shibai said at a glance: "Don't care, you think Xuan likes going out of the temple?"

Chu Li fell silent and frowned.

He understands Xu An's mind, and indeed likes a quiet life. Even if he has played out of the Vajrayana temple because of the novelty, he has become tired of the hustle and bustle of the world and the sinisterity of the human heart.

"I want to pick up Xu'an and return to my house now," Xiao Shi said. "Because I don't want to be affected by the monks at the King Kong Temple anymore, I don't want to go out."

Chu Lidao said: "Let's wait for Xu'an to be bigger."

He didn't want to barely be safe, and when he grew up, he thought that he could be responsible for himself, and then chose not to be late to the temple.

The contention for the throne is too great and needs to be carefully considered. It represents a completely different life. Once you set foot on this road, it is difficult and dangerous. It is extremely stressful and exhausting that one can imagine, and you cannot even live too long.

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