White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1383: Absorb

They assigned dozens of people to help the masters sitting on the ground to heal their injuries.

"Why don't you see the people in Yiguo Mansion?" The round-faced old man hummed. "Don't they hide behind and let us work hard?"

Lu Yurong sighed quietly: "They are more aware of current affairs, and if they don't look good, they will hide back to the state government."

"Abominable!" The round-faced old man gloomed down.

Fa Yuan shook his head secretly, a little displeased with Lu Yurong's such means, and slowly said: "Amitabha, Lu Donor, the people of Yiguo Government returned to defend the government, but they were afraid that Wei Wuwei would break into the government. Brother. "

"Wu Weiwei is going to kill Chuli?" Lu Qi, an old man with a round face, was surprised.

"Exactly," said Fa Yuan.

"Haha ..." Wei fearless suddenly laughed loudly and snorted coldly: "I did come to kill Chu Li. You have to stop and suffer for him. He is seriously injured now and his life is about to be lost. Why are you suffering? strength!"

He was very dissatisfied with the neglect he had suffered. He originally maintained the deadlock in order to wait for the secret of the two to dissipate. At that time, he was allowed to be his own flesh, but he couldn't help their contempt.

"Amitabha ..." Fa Yuan suddenly realized, and Shen said, "Then we have to stop you, Wei Wei!"

"Funny!" Wei fearless shook his head.

"Wei Weiwei, this is not a grandfather, this is not a place where you can do well!" Lu Qi cried.

Wei Wuwei still attacked the two hands with his hands, turned his head to look at Lu Qi, shook his head and said, "It's a big tone, I say this is the big season, that is, the grandfather, who can stop me ?!"

"That may not be so!" Lu Qi hummed.

Wei Wuwei disappeared in situ, the next moment appeared behind Lu Qi, and flew him with one palm.

"Bang bang bang ..." He moved like a wolf into the flock, moving extremely fast, and flew four people in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yurong and Fa Yuan rushed forward to block him. The crowd was startled, and they could not help but step back. Everyone who saw the flying out sprayed a bleeding arrow.

Lu Yurong yelled, "Everyone goes to Yiguo Mansion!"

Lu Qi sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a bottle of elixir from his arms, and said hoarsely: "Girl, Lu, let's kill him if we die, we can't tolerate him on the site of our state government! "

"Lu Lao!" Lu Yurong said angrily: "This is not the time to take things for granted. It is better to learn from each other and keep your strength up!"

These masters outside these days can't stop Wei Wuwei, and Wei Wuwei is killing them. She doesn't want them to die in vain. Once the strength of the state government is greatly damaged, the consequences will be unpredictable. There will be chaos throughout the season.

"Girl Lu." Fa Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Chu is also compelled, he needs someone to protect the law to heal. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Huh!" Lu Yurong gave him a white look and sang: "Lu Lao, you step back!"

Lu Qi shook his head.

He looked at the amiable, easy-going appearance, but he never wavered in what he had identified, and today he would kill Wei Wuwei even if he died.

It is a pity that Wei fearlessly lives up to his reputation and is truly terrible. It is these people who want to kill him today.

Even so, he has no need to look back, because he has too much hatred for Fu.

"Okay, this seat is for you!" Wei Wuwei laughed loudly, disappeared in stature, and once again flew six masters of heaven and sky. After Lu Yurong and Fa Yuan chased after him, he entangled a dozen palms, and he again Acting in accordance with the law, once again knocked off the remaining masters.

For a while, all the masters were not standing.

People watching from a distance showed anger and fright. Wei Weiwei is too scary, and there is no one to stop!


Chu Li slightly squinted his eyes, looked up at the bead above the head, obliquely, a force penetrated into the void of his mind, and an old Buddha muttered the sutras in his ears. The sound was calm and peaceful, as if to let him convert to the Buddha's door .

Da Ri Ru Lai Jing keeps turning, and his mouth reads Da Ri Ru La Fei Jing, resisting the tempestuous influence of Penghu. The Buddha's power contained in this bead is really strange. At the same time he absorbed, It shakes the mind and reverses the idea, and wants to become a disciple of the Buddha from now on, and converts to the Dharma and ignores the world. Everything in the world is like a cloud and a dew, it is all a vain and a dream.

After listening to the chanting sound of this rosary, it seemed as if I woke up from a dream that I had been dreaming all day long, and finally I could see everything in this world, such as seeing the clouds and seeing the sky, and then gave birth to a heart of renunciation. Will abandon family and friends.

Chu Li resisted with the help of Da Riru. He was not willing to live in this prosperous world. He hadn't enjoyed it once. How could he enter the empty gate to specialize in Dharma and not want to completely cut off the dust.

In the void, the four Buddhas and one demon are all chanting, and at the same time a bright moon in the sky is getting brighter and flawless.

The moon is getting brighter and brighter, and it dazzles through the entire void. It can't be seen directly. In the end, it seems that the moon has become the sun, and the mind is full of light.

"Amitabha ..." Chu Li suddenly proclaimed a Buddhist horn, such as the bronze bell Daluo spreading out.

The bead floating above his head suddenly brightened, and then darkened. The bead turned into powder and fell down, and it was difficult to distinguish into the spiritual soil.

Chu Li slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were soft, her eyes were as bright as jade, and there was no aggressiveness at all. Only softness and restraint, calmness and deepness, made Xiao Qi's three daughters unable to extricate themselves ~ www.readwn.com ~ Deep in his eyes.

"Cough." Chu Li coughed slowly, and slowly got up.

"My son!" Xueling exclaimed, "Are you all right?"

Chu Li smiled and nodded, looking at Xiao Qi and Xiao Shi: "Healed!"

"I know you can't die." Xiao Shiyan smiled, Chan Ruoming.

Xiao Qi stared at him tightly, pursing his lips.

Chu Li stepped forward and took Xiao Qi's hand, feeling her hand trembling slightly, and smiled: "Relax, I have a very hard life, not so easy to die. What's going on outside?"

He checked himself while talking, secretly wondering.

Absorbed the power of the bead himself, except that it feels a little clearer and closer to the heavens and the earth, there is no change at all, the cultivation is unchanged, the Kura Sutra seems to have not entered the country, the Jizo Scriptures and other sutras Without enhancement, this power is really strange.

Looking at Dayuan Jingzhi again, he still observes Baili and has not expanded the scope. According to the emptiness in his mind just now, Dayuan Jingzhi should be strengthened. He guessed that the scope of observation should be increased again, maybe it should be expanded to two hundred miles.

The fact is not the case, it has not expanded, it is still a hundred miles, which is really strange.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Qi saw his absent-mindedness.

Chu Li smiled and shook his head.

He looked at Xiao Qi, and Dayuan Jingzhi hadn't stopped functioning. When he looked at her, he suddenly realized.

He couldn't help but smile: "Let's go and see outside the city!"

"Do you really matter?" Xiao Qi grabbed his wrist and plopped his fingers. The surging internal force was endless and could not be seen.

She chuckled with a chuckle and said, "It looks like it's okay."

Chu Li laughed and said, "Have a good time with this fearless Wei!".


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