White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1393: rupture

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Sun Mingyue's gaze suddenly stared at him, and he stared at him suddenly. The air around the living room suddenly solidified. The air seemed to stop flowing and time seemed to stop.

Chu Li is very close to her and feels the deepest. She can't help but admire her secretly. Not only is her cultivation the most powerful, but her soul strength is also very strong.

She grew up because of her reincarnation. With the memory of her previous life, how could she have such a strong soul?

He was extremely curious, but also knew that this was the deepest mystery, and he would never declare it to others.

Like him, although he and Xiao Qi are one and the same, they won't tell the secret.

Chu Li looked at her calmly, and continued, "Chu also has the idea of ​​a saint."

He hugged, "Rong Chumou changed clothes."

Sun Mingyue snorted softly, "You won't run, right?"

Chu Li smiled: "If I want to run, why come again?"

"I used to be lucky," Sun Mingyue said lightly. "No longer lucky, I can only escape."

Chu Li shook his head with a smile: "Chu must clean up and meet the virgin in true colors to show his sincerity."

"... Okay, go." Sun Mingyue looked at him deeply, as if to see what he said was true or false.

Chu Li looked at her calmly, and the two eyes collided in the air. After a few rounds, Chu Li retracted her eyes and got into the side room with her fists.

After he entered the room, his face changed rapidly, and his original appearance was restored in a blink of an eye. Although not handsome and aggressive, he was also extraordinary and brave. He was magnificent and imposing.

He had finished the blink of an eye, but froze for a while, and seemed to spend a lot of time.

After a cup of tea, in the impatient urging of Sun Mingyue, Chu Li slowly returned to her and sat down.

Sun Mingyue looked at his face, and shook his head and sighed, "It's really amazing. The world can lie to me. What a trick?"

Chu Li shook her head and smiled, "I have the heart of the maiden."

If she really guessed that it was Tianmogong, the trouble would be endless. She would definitely associate with Tianmozong and associate him with Tianmozong. Then naturally she would think of the other disciples of Tianmozong.

Although the disciples of Tian Mo Zong are famous for their different behaviors, they will not cooperate with each other, she will also be vigilant, the disciples of Tian Mo Zong are likely to escape her eyes.

The disciples of Tian Mo Zong are not only in the big season, but also in Da Li, scattered around to gather news.

"What heart?" Sun Mingyue hummed.

Chu Lidao said: "Get rid of the master's manipulation."

"The spirit is not small." Sun Mingyue smiled and gave him a sideways glance.

As the Holy Lady of the Light, she has over 10,000 people, and the leader almost ignores the common affairs. All the affairs in the Church are determined by her, and the power prevails, so she has such a mind.

Although Chu Li's martial arts are strong, he is only a general manager, the chief manager of the An Wang Mansion, the general manager of the Yi Guo Mansion, and not even the owner of the Yi Guo Mansion. His power is ten thousand miles away from her. words.

Chu Li saw her mind and said calmly, "This is useless and powerless. Only martial arts can be used."

"Will you be able to defeat the grandfather on your own?" Sun Mingyue hummed. "I don't have that skill."

Chu Lidao said: "The grandfather is not so powerful. The Blood Gods and Jian Yuezong both want to deal with the state government. What about now? I have a little trick, they ca n’t deal with each other, they don't care about the state government. "

"You have some means of turning clouds and rain." Sun Mingyue nodded with a groan.

Regarding the strength of martial arts, she is naturally full of confidence. Although Chu Li is a wizard, she is not at the same level after all, but on conspiracy and trickery, provoking alienation, and even leveraging her strength, Chu Li is better than herself.

She has self-knowledge, her strengths are insights, all conspiracy and tricks cannot hide from her eyes, the human heart and ghost realm, but she can't escape her eyes, and she is not good at scheming, and does not need to be good at it.

As a sage of light, she wants to be upright and magnificent, not to use small means.

You Chuli cooperated with her.

She has a strange skill, but she can see through the heart. Since Chu Li can hide it from others, she can't hide it from others, maybe she can do amazing things.

These thoughts flowed in her mind, and she said lightly, "You know too much about the holy religion and it is too threatening."

Chu Lidao said: "The sage is not confident enough, I'm afraid I will be bad for the religion?"

"Good." Sun Mingyue nodded.

Chu Li smiled: "What good is it for me to deal with the Holy Religion? We should work together in the big season and the big separation. We should not be controlled by the Fu, but weaken each other and take advantage of the Fu's mind."

"You don't think so." Sun Mingyue said lightly, "You can't fight in the big season, you have to fight in the big season, then you can't help us, or you will be the enemy, it's better to save you now, so that there will be endless trouble!"

"Well ..." Chu Li sighed with a sigh of relief and shook his head: "I originally thought that the sage was as brave as the sea, better than men, and everything was for the benefit of the religion. Putting aside personal feelings, it was not expected In this way, I still can't stop the quarrel. The maiden wanted to kill me because she was so angry that she looked away? ... I really disappointed me! "

Sun Mingyue said lightly, "Whatever disappointment, no matter how disappointed, why don't I let you not be disappointed, Chu Li, you decide, I will not move your wife again, otherwise, she needs to be removed if she knows too much."

Chu Liwei narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Don't the maiden feel that she is too cruel?"

Sun Mingyue sank his jade face: "No need to say more, in vain!"

Chu Lidao said, "Is the maiden so decisive than me?"

"Have you beat me?" Sun Mingyue shook her head with a smile. "Why struggle in vain?"

Chu Li smiled and said, "How can I know that I have increased my skills recently? I would like to ask the maiden to teach me one or two ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sun Mingyue frowned coldly:" Do not do it yourself, come on! "

Chu Li suddenly removed the internal force of the body, as if he could not martial arts, Ku Rong Jing conquered all the repairs, and the Tian Mo Gong that was hidden in the depths of the void by Ku Rong Jing reappeared.

When Tian Mo Gong was hidden in the depths of the void, Tian Mo Zhu disappeared as if it had disappeared. No one could feel it. When Tian Mo Gong rushed, Tian Mo Zhu awoke from his sleep.

He knows Sun Mingyue's practice and also knows his own practice. Wei Wuyou is still inferior to her, not to mention that he wants to surpass her alone, just like dealing with Wei Wuyou.

Sun Mingyue looked at him with a frown, a little surprised, and shook his head and smiled: "You have thrown away martial arts?"

Chu Lidao said, "How can we beat the maiden without another path?"

"Your ambition is not small." Sun Mingyue said lightly: "I don't want to escape, but to beat me, courage!"

Chu Li smiled, "Does the maiden think she is the first person in the world?"

"Good!" Sun Mingyue hummed proudly.

She has this self-confidence. Even in the great realm of Wu Fu and Tianwai Tian, ​​she is absolutely number one. Without such confidence, how could she have such ambition!

Chu Li said, "Let's take a stand!"

He slowly pulled out the dust lightsaber.

Normally, he would not bring a dust lightsaber when he came away, but this time he was wearing it directly, and he was not afraid to reveal his identity.

Sun Mingyue suddenly made a big bright **** punch.

"Yeah!" Chu Liyi Jian pierced the Great Bright God Boxing, and the speed of the sword was blocked by the boxing.

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