White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1405: Improve

Chu Li shook his head helplessly and sighed, "Useless."

"Don't say anything!" Sun Mingyue hissed.

She felt that Chu Li's voice was endless, and she wished to rush to him and climb to his side. If she did not stab her leg, she could not control herself at all, and her body was out of her control, which would be a failure for her.

She has a strong self-control, and she has developed a concept of controlling herself before she can control others. If she can't control herself, she will only control other people's buildings and buildings on the sand.

Chu Li thought her voice was hoarse and amazingly magnetic, and she could not wait to touch her beautiful neck and kiss her attractive red lips.

He was busy chanting and holding the big sun rulai immortal sutra, his hands and the imaginary big sun rulai buddha held the same handprint. The speed of chanting was almost the same as that of the big sun rulai buddha, but his tone was slightly different due to his own pronunciation It is difficult to be completely consistent.

But as he desperately chanted and held the Big Sun Rugao Jingjing, he has been concentrating on the big day Sun Rugao Buddha in the emptiness of his mind. Unconsciously, the more he learned, the more he looked like him, and with time, he became more similar.

Sun Mingyue shook her head. Now Chu Li's voice is indescribable to her. Even if there is a big day, he will be moved by his voice first, and he cannot achieve the effect of meditation at all.

She exclaimed, "Don't recite the scriptures, it's useless!"

Chu Li recites the scriptures constantly, feeling that he has reached a wonderful state, seems to be getting closer and closer to Da Ri Rudai Buddhism, slowly merging, as if he is himself, he is himself, and he is one with Da Ri Rudai Buddhism .

"Ahhh ..." a Brahma sang suddenly in my ear.

His hair rose sharply, all thoughts were wiped away by the Brahma, disappeared, his mind was empty, clean, and the raging desire was burning the body, but it could not affect the brain, as if watching from the cold eyes, he was detached from the body.

Sun Mingyue's blurred eyes suddenly cleared, and Chu Li's voice suddenly changed strangely, instead of his voice, it turned into another voice, the majestic voice was magnificent, the compassion was soft, and the majesticness was as magnificent.

The voice of Dairi came, and her mind was clear. Although her body was still shaking, she still wanted to burn her body, but her mind was calm and no longer affected by desire.

"Amitabha ..." Chu Lixuan uttered a Buddhist horn, hands clasped together, and smiled, "Sir, how are you?"

Dayuan Jingzhi was put out, and he had seen what was inside.

Sun Mingyue was wet with sweat all over his body, like water dripping out of the water, and his white clothes were clinging to his graceful body. Two towering jade peaks trembled. Each tremor caused his body to become a little hotter. The thigh was pierced by a long sword, and the blood was dazzling against the white snow.

But her eyes were clear and no longer blurred, and she had apparently escaped the desire to drive.

Sun Mingyue breathed a long breath, and finally got out of faintness, and whispered, "What are you ...?"

Chu Lidao said: "Darri will come one step further, this is also our luck!"

Dairi's impassioned advancement is based on such despair, and it is necessary to plant a lotus in the fire. Without such despair, in a normal temperature and comfortable and comfortable environment, Dajilun Compassion can never be refined.

"Okay! Good!"

Thinking back to the previous move, Jade's face turned red, it was so shameless to see him.

Chu Li said, "Let's talk in."

The low howling of the Ninyou Dragon still sounds, seems to never stop, the patience is amazing.

Chu Li pushed the stone, Sun Mingyue's heart tightened, she reached out to hold it, but she was far less powerful than Chu Li and was shaken away.

She lifted her sword to hide away, and stared at Chu Li vigilantly.

She wants to stay away from Chu as far as possible. Although her body has infinite desires, she has now been able to overcome her body's instinct and restore her original appearance.

Chu Li drilled into the inner hole, and then blocked it with stones. He glanced at Sun Mingyue, who was wary of the sword, and shook his head and sighed, "I was afraid that I couldn't help offending you, now it doesn't matter, Santa, rest assured!"

The poisonous gas in the outer hole is beyond the imagination. The Ninyou Dragon is not only so light. Even if it is strong, it will not last long. In comparison, the poisonous gas in the inner hole is extremely thin, which reduces the damage to the body several times.

Sun Mingyue head lightly, still holding the sword.

Chu Li sighed: "We're afraid we can't escape again. We can't hold back the poison of the evil dragon. We can't live for a few days, let alone we don't have food and drink, and we can't hold it for long."

Sun Mingyue said, "Master will save me out."

Chu Li shook his head.

Sun Mingyue frowned: "I will rescue you together, don't kill you!"

"Thank you for your grace for not killing." Chu Li slowly walked to the original Yin Yang fruit, and the fruit tree had disappeared into dust and disappeared.

Sun Mingyue said: "Shaoyin and Yang are weird, I will remember your life-saving grace!"

Chu Li stared at that position, and said lightly, "Tian Shen master can sense this, then the old monk will let us go? Will this cave still exist? Nie Yulong will still be here?"

Sun Mingyue's face changed slightly.

She also had a little doubt before, that these ten must-have elements are too evil, and she was afraid that Master could not find herself unless she knew that something had happened ~ www.readwn.com ~ This method could hide Master's perception.

Chu Li's words slightly changed her face and slowly said, "Master will find a way."

Chu Li sighed: "Such powerful formations cannot be sensed by the masters of the gods, so there is really a way for the teacher. He should have come!"

Unconsciously, groggy, three days have passed.

Sun Mingyue bit her red lips silently, despairing in her heart.

She also knew about the poisonous gas of Nie Youlong. She was too vicious and had no medicine to solve. After ten days, she was afraid that she would rot and die. There was no reason to survive.

The only hope lies in Master. If Master can come to save himself, and use the power of God to drive drugs, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Chu Li squatted down, stretched out her hand to hold the position where the yin and yang fruit trees were growing, and suddenly smiled.

Leng Qinqin's coolness, like spring water gushing, he sensed the existence of aura!

Earlier, it was inferred that the growth of yin and yang fruit requires a deep aura, so its roots must be maintained by aura. Now it seems that its inference is correct, and it has indeed found aura. This is a different number in the ten absolute lock element array.

With Reiki, he can use it to drive away poisonous gas, thereby avoiding poisoning and dying.

The smile on his face suddenly appeared, then disappeared again, and he sighed helplessly, rejoicing!

Reiki exists in the ground, and once it enters his body, it disappears without trace, as if the shadow was hit by the sun.

Even though he has all kinds of ability and ability, the concentrated aura is useless. As soon as he enters his body, he disappears immediately.

"What's going on?" Sun Mingyue frowned.

Chu Li shook his head and sighed, "It could have been repelled by the aura here, but it was a joy!"

Sun Mingyue glanced at the position of his hand, and said lightly, "It seems you can borrow Reiki."

Chu turned his head. (To be continued.)


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