White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1426: Fengshan

Chu Li appeared in the valley, and only four old purple robes remained around him. The ground had fallen twenty days high.

The surroundings are messy, flowers and grass are scattered, mixed with mountains, stones, and sand, as if they have experienced a tornado and suffered strong damage. The power of attacking by more than twenty days outside the sky is amazing.

The four purple robe elders looked solemnly and indignantly, staring at Chu Li deadly, as Chu Li moved forward step by step and stepped back, keeping a sufficient distance, there was a chance to dodge.

One palm can slap a master of heaven and sky, so they ca n’t be careless because of such arrogant cultivation. Even if they are too senior elders, they ca n’t withstand one palm. If they are injured, they ca n’t escape the second palm.

From stepping into the Blood God Peak, no one walked out three palms in front of him, and died at most two palms.

Chu Li walked slowly and quietly without saying a word.

An old man in purple robe said, "Chu Li, what are you doing?"

Chu Li looked at him calmly: "Together with one another, since you are going to destroy the state government, then I will destroy your blood gods!"

"Good breath!" The old man in the purple shirt Shen said, "You can't destroy our blood gods no matter how strong you are!"

Chu Lidao said: "It doesn't matter if you can't kill it, as long as you kill your vitality and can't revenge the government, this is forced by you. The dog is in a hurry and jumps off the wall!"

The four old purple robes were silent.

Suddenly they regretted it, did they really make a mistake, provoked such a powerful guy, and blindly forced him into a desperate situation, eventually causing him to go crazy killing together.

Even if he was killed in the end, the blood god's loss was huge. He died so many days ago, and the strength is strong and vitally hurt. The future must be difficult, and the remaining seven cases will never let go of oppression.

Chu Lidao said, "Where is Huang Tianhe?"

"The leader is retreating," said an old man in a purple robe. "You're not enough to let the leader go!"

Chu Li shook his head, and the flicker disappeared. The next moment appeared in front of him, and he took a picture.

He seemed to be slow but incredibly fast. He fluttered the palm of the old purple robe old man, and staggered it, hitting his chest accurately.

"Bang!" The old man in the purple robe flew out, sprayed blood, landed, and died.

The remaining three old men in purple robes screamed and rushed up. They had already figured out that the brave men would meet each other on the narrow road, and the only thing would be death.

Chu Li disappeared in a flash, avoiding the three-person attack.

The three old purple robes cooperated with tacit understanding, and even in such a raging flame, they still maintained tacit understanding and sobriety. The three blood jade palms of the three were squeezed toward Chu Li as a whole, forcing him to connect.

Chu Li urged the body with the supreme power of the Supreme Master Sutra, which burst and swiftly, stepped out of the siege, appeared behind a person, and fluttered with a flutter of palms, which had been replaced by the Supreme Master Sutra. Mellow internal force.

"Bang!" The old man in purple robes flew straight out, landed ten meters away, and was dead.



Then the two elders of purple robes were also shot dead.

Chu Li looked up and looked around. It was already empty, and the huge Tibetan scripture hall seemed to be empty.

These four elders are too senior elders, and their martial arts are one level worse than Bao Fang, so they can die with a single palm.

But he has already consumed half of the mellow internal force.

The mellow internal force spurs the palm force and kills it with one palm, but it consumes too much internal force, otherwise it will not kill you, but it will consume more internal force, so the economy also needs to kill with one palm.

He has killed more than thirty people, and still has some internal strength to deal with Huang Tianhe. It seems that it is impossible to destroy the blood gods by himself, but I do n’t know if Jian Yuezong will come in and save. Do something on your own.

He went to the Promise View originally to eliminate the future troubles, so that the Promise view would not deal with the state government. If possible, he also provoked the Promise view to invade the blood gods. Unfortunately, the Promise View did not know their thoughts, so there was no hope.

Let themselves be disciples of the Promise View, they really dare to think.

From their point of view, they really do not have the possibility to refuse.

It seems that outsiders did not pay homage to the teacher's gate. Once they entered the Promise View, they climbed up a tree. They could shelter the state government and the king's palace better than staying in the state government and the king's palace.

At that time, the great Fu Zongmen, such as the Blood Gods, did not dare to deal with the government.

Moreover, the infinitely subtle mystery of Wuji's observation of martial arts is far from the extraordinary martial arts. For those who practice martial arts, the temptation is endless.

Chu Li sighed secretly. He is a disciple of Ziyun Mountain, but he has been away from Ziyun Mountain with little or no contact. If it is not for Vientiane's success in cultivation, I'm afraid I really forgot Ziyun Mountain.

Ziyun Mountain has never contacted him, as if he did not know his disciple.

Ziyun Mountain is not taboo about worshipping other sects, but what he wants to worship most is Yinxian Mountain, not the Promise View. It has no meaning to enter the Promise View, so he can only live up to their beauty.

He slowly walked to the Zangjing Pavilion and patted the door with a light palm.

"Om ..." The entire Tibetan scripture pavilion trembled. This palm was right to the sun, the power was amazing, and the bronze door trembled.

Chu Li took another palm shot.

He can feel that the Scripture Pavilion is protected by the formation method ~ www.readwn.com ~ so he needs to be patient enough to break the formation method, and he can also use the dehumanization technique of heaven and man. Unfortunately, his interest in the Scripture Pavilion is also Not big.

Instead of being beaten up in the dark, he wanted to attract a master of bleeding gods to protect himself with a matrix and make himself powerless.

"Om ..."

"Om ..."

Chu Li shot a dozen palms in a row, the bronze door trembled, but there was no other movement.

"Haha ..." Chu Li suddenly laughed at the sky: "This is the blood god? Are all turtles?"

The voice echoed endlessly in the valley.

"What about the hegemony of your blood gods?" Chu Li continued to drink, stimulating them: "What about the godliness of the past? This is your blood gods? I do n’t call them blood gods, just call the turtle gods right, all of them. Retreat to be a turtle! "

The sound resounded in the valley, but no one agreed, and there seemed to be no one around.

Chu Li knew that there must be a lot of people hiding. There were many masters of the blood gods, especially those who could not live in seclusion. It was absolutely beyond ordinary people's imagination. Unfortunately, these guys were really forbearable.

This is a big trouble for him. When the domineering is overbearing, Cain is forbearing when it is forbearing. Such blood gods are extremely terrible. If this time they can't be convinced and let them gain power again, the state government will definitely be unlucky!

"Huang Tianhe?" Chu Li continued to yell, "As a dignified leader, don't you dare to do anything with me? Do you still have a face as a leader? Suicide!"

Chu Li's voice became louder and louder.

"What a big breath!" The voice of the cricket sent over, as if floating from the sky: "This seat is being closed, and we will learn after the day!"

Chu Lishen said, "Okay, then I'll stay under your mountain, and your blood gods will teach your disciples to come out and kill one!"

"No effort!" Huang Tianhe's voice sounded: "The religion is about to close the mountain, and the disciples will not go down again!"

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