White-Robed Chief

Chapter 1254: Meet

Chu Li stared closely at the iron plate, but unfortunately the iron plate eventually broke out of the scope of the Dayuan Mirror and went to an unknown place. After a while, a clear voice came from the sky, and two white cranes fell down. Q1

The huge wings fluttered the strong wind, Chu Li stood in the strong wind, the white robe hunted and hunted, and looked at the handsome young man on the crane.

The two white cranes are huge, four times the size of an ordinary white crane, standing one point higher than him on the ground, and even larger than a spirit crane.

It is a pity that they only have their shapes. Looking at the Great Circle Mirror, their power and speed are far inferior to that of the crane, but they are several times stronger than ordinary cranes, and they are between ordinary cranes and cranes.

A huge white crane sits on a handsome young man in a yellow shirt, looking at Chu Li with a smile.

Chu Li hugs his fist: "Xiu Chu Li."

"Under the big Zheng Zhuyuan." Huang Shanqing fluttered down, standing in front of Chu Li and smiling with a fist: "You are the person chosen by Da Li?"

Chu Li nodded.

He already knew that every year the royal family would come to attract Xianshan and become a disciple outside the mountain. Although Yinxianshan ignored the mundane affairs, it would be of great benefit if it could enter Yinxianshan's eyes, so this quota was very sought after.

"I'm familiar with the name Chu Li, as if there is a Chu Li in the big season?" Zhu Yuan laughed.

Chu Li smiled and said, "It's right down."

"Oh-?" Zhu Yuan smiled with surprise: "Da Ji seems to be the opposite of Da Li, why ...?"

Chu Li smiled and shook her head without saying a word.

Zhu Yuan laughed: "Well, I don't ask much. Come with me."

He floated on a giant crane and pointed to another white crane.

Chu Li floated down and fell on Baihe. Baihe shook slightly and stood firmly, which is more stable than riding a horse.

"There are already seasoned royal disciples on the mountain." Zhu Yuan laughed. "You may know each other."

Chu Lidao said, "Which one?"

"Leng Tao," Zhu Yuan laughed, "recognize it?"

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

"That's good, let's go." Zhu Yuan laughed, patted Bai He's neck, and suddenly the huge wings spread out. After fanning twice, the wind surged, and he flew into the sky with a single leg.

The white crane behind Chu Li also rose up, with a huge figure but light movement, looking a little fairy.

The two cranes swayed up through the cold clouds of Sen Leng, and finally fell to a palace on the mountainside.

Chu Liji looked far away and saw a palace on the top of the mountain. The palace is not as big as this one, but the golden dome is brilliant. It seems that all the sunlight is absorbed into the palace.

When Chu Liyi stepped into the Yinxian Mountain, he suddenly felt aura. Although it was not as good as the one hundred thousand mountains, it was far from being comparable outside.

He gazed and analyzed it carefully. The Ku Rong Jing was the most sensitive to Reiki. He quickly analyzed that Reiki was ten times that of the outside world. If he cultivated here, it would not be ten times as effective, but four or five times as much.

Ten years is worthy of others for fifty years. Such a resort is really attractive.

In front of the huge palace is a piece of grass. Several white cranes are taking a leisurely walk, and they fly up from time to time and disappear into the air.

No one was indifferent in front of the main hall. After the two fell under the white crane, Zhu Yuan laughed: "This is where we live."

Chu Li glanced over: "Only the two of us?"

"There are three more," Zhu Yuan laughed. "Leng Tao, Li Xuanxin, and Tang Zhao!"

Chu Li nodded and looked around.

Zhu Yuandao: "They are busy feeding spirit beasts."

"Spirit beast?" Chu Li said in surprise: "Is there a beast here?"

He looked around, Dayuan Jingzhi had been opened, and there were no spirit beasts in the palace.

Zhu Yuan shook his head and said, "The spirit beast is on the mountain, not us. Our five are disciples outside the mountain, and the task is to feed the spirit beast!"

"He Lingbei?" Chu Li asked.

Zhu Yuandao: "Spirit snake!"

Chu Li frowned.

Zhu Yuantan breathed out: "It is said that the spirit snake is needed to practice Yulong Jue, otherwise it cannot be completed, but the mentors of this generation of Yinxianshan are not very good-tempered, we have to hold back."

Chu Lidao said: "It turned out to be feeding snakes! ... It is said that we can also practice some exercises, is it true?"

"You can practice." Zhu Yuan nodded. "Cultivate the spirit snake tactics first. If you can cultivate successfully, you can practice Yulong tactics."

Chu Lisong breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Yuan shook his head: "However, it is extremely difficult to practice spiritual snakes. I have been practicing for half a month and haven't felt the trick yet!"

The two spoke to the palace, passed through a large hall to a room in the backyard.

"This is your place to live. I live in another one. This place is big. You can choose where you want to live. You can live wherever you want." Zhu Yuan laughed: "Although I am lonely, I am still very laid back. "

"Can we go down the mountain at will?" Chu Li asked.

Zhu Yuan nodded: "Spiritual snakes don't eat every day, sometimes they don't need to be fed, so there is no problem within seven days of going out, and Yinxian Mountain will not care about your whereabouts."

Chu Li smiled: "So free."

"If you want to practice deeper martial arts, you need to practice the Spirit Snake Technique first." Zhu Yuan said: "If you do not practice the Spirit Snake Technique well, it is impossible to practice other martial arts. Do you want to practice Xianshan? It's okay. "

Chu Li suddenly realized.

"And the best way to practice the spirit snake is to observe the spirit snake and figure out the spirit snake." Zhu Yuan said: "So all three of them stayed there and didn't return. I'll meet you."

Chu Li smiled and clenched his fists: "Brother Zhu."

Zhu Yuan waved his hand: "We will be considered the same door in the future, and we need to take care of each other when we go down the mountain. It is not polite."

Chu Li nodded.

While talking, the footsteps came from outside. The three men strode in and saw Chu Li.

Leng Tao was still chubby, but his face was sober, as if he had become a different person. After seeing Chu Li, he widened his eyes and shouted, "Chu Li?"

Chu Li held his fist and smiled: "Saizi is there?"

Leng Tao lost his voice: "How could you be here?"

Zhu Yuan laughed: "Brother Leng, Brother Chu is coming from the royal family."

"Da Li? Impossible!" Leng Tao called.

Chu Lidao said, "Shizi doesn't have to make a fuss, I really snatched this place from the Dali Royal Family!"

"Impossible!" Leng Tao shook his head.

Chu Li ignored him and turned to look at the other two youths.

The two youths are one big and burly, with a thick face, and the other has a handsome appearance ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"Come, let me introduce you." Zhu Yuan laughed: "This is Tang Zhao, the grandfather, and Li Xuanxin of Daqiu."

Chu Li held his fist and smiled: "Fortunately, Chu Li is under."

Their faces changed.

Chu Li's name is not trivial today. The two do not stay on the mountain all the time and often go down, so they are very familiar with the name.

Zhu Yuan laughed: "This is Chu Li from the big season."

"Fortunately." Both fists.

Leng Tao suddenly cried: "Chu Li, you have a collusion with Da Li!"

Chu Li said angrily: "Yes, I have a collusion with Da Li!"

Leng Tao suddenly overjoyed: "You finally admitted!"

Chu Li coldly said: "Are you going to exclude me?" (To be continued.)

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